Consistent income series (part 1): Energy and audience attraction


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Today’s talking point:

This is the first in a three-part series all about generating consistent income so that you can live your most abundant life.

To start things off, we’ll talk about how to tap into alignment, calling in that consistent income in your business with ease. Then, we’ll talk about expanding your community and attracting more people to your audience on a daily basis through content creation, repurposing, and relationship building.

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Tapping into alignment

This is all about embodiment and really embodying the version of us who is achieving the consistent income in our business that we desire.

I really want to start off with this because energy is everything. And we want to make sure that we are really tapping into that alignment. That means we are really addressing the energy first so that we can then build our strategy on top of that.

To call in that money, we need to align with the version who has already achieved so we can match it. There is a version of you who has achieved the consistent income that you desire. And I want you to feel into her now. How does she show up? What does she do? Let's see how we can step into that right now.

visualisation exercise

Take a moment and think about three people that you currently admire. It doesn’t matter if they’re in the same industry or not, but you admire a lot of their qualities, their characteristics, the way they're showing up.

Take a moment to write down some of those things that you really admire about them. What do they do? How do they show up? What is it about them that you actually admire?

And then what I want you to do is realise that we are all human. These people that you admire. There's nothing special about them. That's actually showing you what is possible for you.

The fact that you see these things about them, means there are things that resonate. When we tap into this, what you will realise is that what you admire about them is actually something that you see in yourself because they are a mirror for you.

So the fact that you see something in them, and you admire that, that's something that actually is within yourself that you admire, too. So this is how we are going to tap into that? Trust that you are already doing it.

Describe yourself in the same way that you describe those that you admire. Because when we do that, what we are doing is raising our energy. We’re saying: I am ready, I am here, I am already the version of me that is calling in those consistent income months.

Bring energy to your branding

The next thing we are going to talk about is bringing your energy into your branding. So we are tapping into that version of you that is confident, energetic, connected, courageous, expressive, confident, empowered. We're going to tap into that right now. And we are going to take that energy and infuse it into our branding and the way that we are showing up.

I want to talk about showing up unapologetically: we are going to stop apologising for all that we are. Give yourself full permission to be all that you are. Niching down is great, don’t get me wrong. But don't let it take away from your essence to the point that you feel you just have to be this robot replicating what others are doing.

So you want to ask yourself today: how can you start to bring your energy into your online presence? How can you start to honour all of what you are and who you are and show up from that place?.

Take a moment right now and start to list the ways that you live in alignment. Start to think outside of just the way that you show up, and you serve, and you create value, and start to think of some of the ways that you are living in alignment. So what does abundance mean to you? What is the definition of an abundant life for you? And how can you start to bring that into the way that you actually show up? How can you start to bring all of those beautiful aspects of who you really are into the way that you are showing up and serving?

When we do this, it allows us to resonate with more people, and you will enjoy showing up because you are being you.

Believe it is possible

I know you want to get to these income goals fast. We are going to make that shift, but it first and foremost comes from believing it is possible for you.

So with this, I want you to think about the version of you making that goal, whatever it is. Take action now. I want you to think about: what is she doing within your business? How is she taking action? Start doing it now.

We're almost talking to that future version of ourselves and saying, ‘Hey, what are you doing? How are you showing up in your business?’ then we're going to pull it back to now, pull it back into the present.

We are going to start doing it now, which means we are going to get there so much faster. And I'm actually going to share with you some of the things that you can do right now to start making this shift…

  • Have an application form to work with you. If you want to be working with new clients, if you want to be welcoming new clients, whether it's a high ticket, offer a mastermind group coaching programme, your service, whatever it is that you offer, make sure you've got an application form, or that first step that is ready and waiting for people to apply. You want to have it so that it is front and centre, people can access it at all times. And there are so many different ways you can create an application form

  • Add calls to action on your content. Ask people to take the next step

  • Establish yourself as an expert in your content, connect with people and collaborate with them

  • Have a free download to grow your email list. That’s one of the most important things to do, especially when you're working towards consistent income in your business.

  • Pitch yourself as a guest on a podcast. This is such an amazing way to expand your reach to expand your audience is to build relationships with other people and then pitch yourself to them to get on their podcasts get exposure to their audiences provide value to the people that they serve. That is going to establish you even more as an expert and help you to tap into people again who are out there looking for what it is that you can really help them with.

Attract more people and expand your community

So we've set intentions, and we've tapped into that version of us that has these consistent income months. Now we are going to align our actions with that to expand our community on a daily basis.

Before we continue, I want you to know that content creation can be something that you enjoy, and that works for you. I’ve definitely tried in the past to force things and I hated the feeling. Then I went through and re-framed so much of that to come back to alignment with my values and my vision. That really helped me show up in a way that felt good and easy.

I also want you to enjoy the content creation process. Because, trust me, you audience knows whether you’re energetically aligned with something or not. I know we get so caught up in the algorithm and all these different things. But really, at the end of the day, you just want to make sure that you are in alignment and that it feels good.

So a question I want you to ask yourself is, what do people need to hear from me? I would love for you to write down this prompt and journal on it. I often do this when I'm writing content, whether I'm planning a podcast episode or thinking about what I'm going to write as a caption.

Really lean into that ask that question, see what comes through and allow it to flow through because when we do this, we take off all the pressure. And suddenly, it's not all on our shoulders anymore to come from this place of strategy. Instead, it's instead coming from within first. So really utilise that in your content creation process.

Most importantly, make sure you can collect all these ideas somewhere.

We should be creating a mix of content and using them in different ways. This is because not everyone relates to content the same way. Some people will resonate strongly with something educational, while others will relate to something that’s focused on building relationships.

Let’s continue with content and the five types of content you can be creating for your audience…


The first one is a resource. And this is the type of content that is educational, valuable, giving a tangible result. And I think a lot of us really default to this because we really want to make sure that we are providing a lot of value and coming across as this Encyclopaedia of knowledge.

There is a place for that. This is the type of content people share and save.


Relationship-focused content is where we are building trust and getting vulnerable. This is where you can start to bring that energy we spoke about before into your brand.

Maybe you’re sharing some of your struggles or when you’ve found yourself at rock bottom. What is it that you have moved through what has been difficult for you? And what are your lessons? Start to integrate those stories into your content.

I know that this can be challenging, but remember you get to set the boundaries in terms of what you share. It's something that I've done a lot of work on myself by asking: How can I take off that mask even further, and share even more transparently even more vulnerably, so that people can really resonate and come on this journey with me? Because that's how you're really going to build that trust with your audience.


This is where you are sharing your expertise, you're showing credibility, you're sharing as a leader. This might be where you share somewhere you’ve been featured, like on a podcast. You can also incorporate your clients into this with things like testimonials, screenshots and case studies.

All of that establishes credibility. So start to think about different ways that you can show up and share content that's going to show you as a leader building that credibility.


This is a type of content that is going to be centred around selling something, helping people to take that next step. It doesn't always have to be that you are selling something paid. Maybe you offer something for free. You can talk about it in your podcast episodes, in your posts, in your emails…whatever that looks like for you.

real talk

I love this one, but it can sometimes feel a little bit harder. This is all about challenging beliefs by sharing something that is polarising or controversial. And I don't mean that it has to be the trending controversy of the moment, but maybe you're challenging a belief within the industry you work in.

That's going to start a powerful conversation with your audience, because some people will resonate, and some people won't. And we don't ever want to be afraid of that. Because when you please everyone, you actually serve no one. If you really want to show up and serve, you you have to be okay with not being a match for everyone.

Make your content work for you by repurposing

Now a question I get asked a lot is, do you have to make new content for every platform? How do you keep having content everywhere? Repurposing.

This is all about getting your content to work harder for you. Only 2% of people who follow you on Instagram are going to see your post. Maybe 20% will open an email from you. But there’s a huge percentage of people who won’t see your content.

A lot of the time, we get caught in the limiting belief that if we put something out there, and we say it again, somewhere else, that’s going to be annoying. But you’re not being annoying. Reframe it: posting something in multiple places is not cheating, it’s serving your audience.

So practically, here's how you can do it with a podcast for example.

  • Pick a platform that feels the easiest. Long form is best (podcast, YouTube or blog) because you own it and you can repurpose it into smaller pieces

  • Record the podcast, then get it transcribed.

  • Turn sections of the podcast into Instagram posts

  • Put that transcription up as a blog post with the podcast embedded

  • Add a call to action in the blog for your email list

  • Share the blog to Pinterest

Rather than creating a new piece of content for every single platform, you can create one thing and show up in six different places. And you don't have to have fancy tech either: your phone is an amazing tool.

Build relationships with your audience

Build the relationships and let your audience know that you want to invite them into your world. This is a very long term game. Sometimes we can think it's very fast-paced and that people have overnight success. It is not like that at all.

The relationships you’re building today might create results for you in three months. There are people who have joined The Busy to Boss Academy who tell me they’ve listened to the podcast for months but who I haven’t spoken to before.

So we've just got to remember that it is a long term game to create long term impact. It's also easy to think of it as just social media, but you've got to remember you are speaking to one person on the other end of that content.

When we’re building relationships we want to make sure to always invite the next step. The internet is a noisy place and it is only getting noisier. We can’t just expect people to know what to do: we need to tell them. Because otherwise, they're just gonna keep scrolling, they're gonna move past it.

Here are some ways you can do that:

  • Invite people to send you a DM when posting on your Instagram feed or stories

  • Ask people to vote in polls and initiate a conversation (this is not about selling, but building relationships)

  • Tell people to check the link in your bio

  • Direct people to your email list

Let’s quickly recap

  • For the money and energy side of things, tap into that energy of possibility to show up authentically and take steps that support your vision

  • Always come back to that version of you that's already done it and embody that

  • For audience attraction, make sure you’re creating content using one of the methods outlined above

  • Repurpose that content across your platforms

  • Use that content to build relationships by starting conversations with your people

We’ll be going deeper in Part 2 next week! If you have loved this episode today, and you are loving this series already, please make sure you check out the Abundant Boss Mastermind. This is my brand new six-month mastermind running from the start of June until the start of December.

This is for my passionate value lead online business owner who is ready to build a six-figure business that supports the lifestyle they want to have. They are ready to get off the feast and famine income cycle create consistent and predictable monthly income and truly be present with their family and be able to take time off without stress.

Want to go deeper on this with a group of supportive, like-minded women? Apply for the Abundant Boss Mastermind now.

about the blogger

Hi! I’m Holly Bray

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).