271: Client Case Study: Doubling Her Income in One Year


In this episode, I have another client case study for you, where I’m breaking down how my client doubled her turnover in a year.

You’ll learn more about their results and strategies to make this happen, as well as get lessons to implement in your own business.

I’m going to walk you through how she achieved this using The Focus Method that I mentor and manage my clients through.

What’s so interesting about this is that we worked together to implement this method into her business to generate these results - and we’re about to do the same again for her next level, next iteration, next phase of business.

my client: the background

So, let’s go ahead and start off with the results. As I mentioned, and as the title of this episode says, she doubled her income in 12 months. What’s amazing is that so much of that was profit. This client has a really lean business, and she’s actually in the process of selling her house to go travelling with her partner, who runs the business full-time with her. How incredible is that?

Obviously, the big result is she doubled her income in 12 months. But in terms of other results, she raised her prices, set boundaries, and consistently had weekends off. She mostly works four days or less a week. She doesn’t feel chained to her work anymore and experiences pure joy in her business. Her business works for her, not the other way around. She hired her partner as a full-time team member, creating a flexible lifestyle with huge travel and digital nomad plans. She’s landed her biggest project of all time repeatedly, and her business achieved 30% of 2023’s turnover from January to February 2024. We’re talking about some pretty big results here.

I’m going to break down this client case study using my Focus Method, which is made up of the six M's: Macro, Micro, Map, Method, Meet, and Move. This is a framework that I help you implement in your business to generate more sales and visibility in less time, and that I’ve implemented in my own business multiple times.


So we're gonna go ahead and break down this client's results using the focus method.

Macro: The Big Picture Vision

Starting off with Macro, which is your big picture vision, broken down into different phases. Essentially, it’s all about where you are going and your direction. This client needed to know exactly where she was heading. She had a very clear vision of what she wanted: running her business on the road with her partner, and travelling while they both worked full-time in the business. At first, this vision was scary to her. I remember a call where she told me about it, and she laughed, thinking I would say it was impossible. But as soon as a client tells me their big vision, I'm all in. I’m here to help make it happen.

We had to tear her business apart piece by piece because we couldn't get her to this vision as it was. Sometimes the original business model can only take you so far. We needed to tweak her offers, business structure, client interactions, and implement new processes to support this pivot. Vision is arguably one of the most important parts of this method. We knew nothing else would happen if this wasn’t nailed. So, we worked on various exercises together so the vision could be crystal clear.

Micro: Schedules and Routines

Next, we moved into Micro, part two of the method, where we looked at her schedule. This client, a service provider, was always in constant communication with her clients and team. She felt overwhelmed by her to-do lists and a perpetually full inbox. If a client request came in, she would drop everything immediately, making her feel like she was always chasing a to-do list. She was working in the business, not on it, which was a problem and becoming an even bigger one.

Her schedule was unstructured and reactive. We needed to put boundaries in place. She was the classic case of all or nothing with schedules. Too much structure made her rebel, and too little structure made her unproductive. We structured her week to include necessary tasks and whitespace for other projects. Using her calendar to track and manage her projects was a game changer. This allowed her to book more projects and do more client work without adding extra hours to her workflow.

Map: Marketing and Sales Strategy

Then we moved on to Map, the third part of the Focus Method. This is all about having a marketing and sales strategy. One of our first conversations revealed that she hated launching and Instagram. So, we started by analysing what was already working. We looked at the 20% of efforts that were bringing in 80% of results. Most of her clients came from referrals, word of mouth, or search. So, we maximised these platforms specifically.

We also worked on her sales process and onboarding, implementing new ways to get people in the door. She still enjoyed showing up on Instagram stories, so we used Instagram for soft selling her lower-ticket services and for brand awareness. Customising this marketing and sales strategy based on her business needs was crucial.

Method: Goal Setting

Part four of the Focus Method is Method, is all about goal setting. By now, she had a lot of foundations in place. She needed to work in a 90-day world, setting and working on goals for 90 days at a time. This was new to her, but she found it a game-changer. Before, she was busy but didn’t feel like she was making much progress. Now, she thrives on 90-day planning. We meet every 90 days to plan, to create a clear roadmap and break goals into manageable chunks. These check-ins keep her focused and remind her of what truly matters - her vision!

Meet: Tracking Data and Solving Issues

The fifth part of the method is Meet. This involves ongoing work around tracking data and solving issues. For this client, the biggest focus was boundaries. Sometimes she took on clients who weren’t the right fit, leading to tricky situations. We worked through these issues together and this support allowed her to move forward with confidence.

Move: Ongoing Adjustments and Mindset

The last part of the Focus Method is Move. This involves keeping tabs on the plan and making adjustments as needed. Recently, we moved some of her deadlines because different things came up, and that’s okay. This part is also about mindset. She can spiral when stuck, feeling like everything is going wrong. Before working with me, this would stop her in her tracks. Now, with our partnership and support, she can navigate these moments more effectively. When she goes quiet, I check in to see what's going on. This open, honest communication creates trust and helps her stay on track.

her biggest win

To summarise my client’s case study, here’s one of her biggest wins: employing her partner full-time and purchasing a mobile home they’re building together.

She said:

“It’s incredible to see how far we’ve come in just over a year of working together. If anyone had told me a year ago that I’d be living this dream life, I would have thought it was insane. But here we are, making it happen.”

This client’s journey is a testament to the power of the Focus Method and what can be achieved with a clear vision, structured approach, and supportive partnership.

three lessons this client case study should show you

So three things that I think are the biggest lessons for you off the back of this case study:

1. Stay the Course

There was a period for this client where growth felt stagnant. Despite having an incredible business, inquiries slowed down, and it felt like nothing was moving forward. We knew it was the messy middle—a slingshot preparing to catapult her forward. I supported her in not freaking out and abandoning her plans. She stayed with the sustainable business model we created, focused on foundational systems, and what she knew worked. Now, she’s reaping the rewards because she stuck through it. We tweaked things and course-corrected together.

2. It's Safe to Raise Your Prices

This client raised her rates multiple times and got great results. It took her a while to get there, navigating tricky projects and pricing issues. She had multiple realisations that her prices were not right. She eventually let go, intentionally pulled back, adjusted her prices, and then was able to pivot herself forward. Now, her prices are where she wants them to be. She’s attracting dream clients and booking dream projects one after another. Stretching herself, even when it felt uncomfortable, really paid off.

3. Stay True to Who You Are

This client’s brand is unique. She stands out, goes against the grain, and owns that she doesn’t want to launch on Instagram. She doesn’t fit into a box to please others; she embraces herself. She is an amazing permission slip to stay true to who you are, your values, and what works for you. She practices what she preaches. It would be inauthentic for her to build a business that launches on Instagram when she helps people get sales from search/SEO. She prioritises authenticity, and that’s a big part of staying true to yourself.

These three lessons and the steps we went through to implement the Focus Method into her business specifically are big reasons why she was able to double her income last year. I feel confident she’s on track to do the same this year. What’s incredible is that we are going to implement the Focus Method again for this new iteration of her business. Before, the vision was to get the business ready to buy a motorhome and travel. Now, they’re actually going on the road. The offers, processes, and everything else need to change, which is so exciting. We will revisit everything and figure out the next iteration of the vision because when that changes, all the other pillars have to change as well.

i hope you loved this case study

If you would like to work with me on implementing the Focus Method into your business, I am currently taking on one-on-one private clients. You can also get all the info you need about The FOCUS method Experience below.

Book a free 30-minute Strategy Session here

Here's all the info you need about The FOCUS Experience!

about the blogger

Hi! I’m Holly Bray

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).