113: 4 key components to create consistent income months in your business


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Today’s talking point:

How do you start to increase cash flow, and not only hit these high cash months, but actually sustain them? In this episode, I'm going to be sharing the four key tactical and strategic components of creating consistent income in your business. 

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This episode is all about de-mystifying consistent income months. We’re looking at how to increase cash flow and consistently bring that revenue in.

I just want to say right off the bat, I am not specifying an income amount here. For example, if you want to hit £1000 a month consistently or £5000 a month consistently, you can apply this inner work and strategy.

This is not about me telling you what your goal should be. This is about you getting really clear about the desire that you have, and making sure that you have a real strategy behind you supporting you to get there.

So let’s say you want to hit £5000 a month consistently. Rather than asking: how do I hit that number? Try asking: How do I sustain that?

We need both strategy and mindset work to hit and then sustain the income goals we want.

1: An unshakable mindset

So the first, most important thing, no matter what that number is that you want is that you have an unshakable mindset around that number being available to you.

You are so much more likely to sustain and move into an identity and a level of success that your brain believes is meant for you. If you have a story of ‘this is impossible for me’, if you have an underlying mindset that says, ‘well, wouldn't that be nice, but that doesn't happen for people like me’, you are automatically making the journey to get there so much harder than it needs to be.

Your mindset needs to be unshakable in knowing that you are coming for that goal, even if it feels distant. And I will tell you, I set income goals still. Sometimes I don't hit them. And this is something that I think is such an important distinction.

You need to decide on the outcome, but also be detached from the timeline. So you should know it’s going to happen, but know that it takes time.

In this space especially, it can feel like if you're not a six-figure business owner in five seconds, then you're slow, which is just ridiculous. It takes time to scale. It takes time to grow.

A question I have for you is: if you knew that you were going to be a six-figure business owner, and you knew without a shadow of a doubt that that was happening for you would it matter if it took 10 months? Or if it took 30 months?

I think this is where you need to set your goal in the right place. Try not to be influenced by what's trendy in the industry, or what it seems like everyone is making now. But what is the number that lights you up? Why do you want to hit that number? Can you anchor into that desire so deeply that you are here for it? No matter how long that takes?

The gap between making this decision, anchoring into this unshakable mindset and when it actually happened could be years - it was for me.

We have got to be willing to double down and anchor into what we desire and stick at it until we get there no matter what.

So the first key is developing and cultivating an unshakable mindset. Are you so committed to the result and detached from the timeline? Can you move through the phase and the stage of it feeling like it's not happening, feeling uncertain of how it's going to happen in order to move through the growth required to sustain to a new level?

Because true sustainability in business is not just about hitting your income goal once it's about truly setting up your business model in a way that can sustain that.

2: Monthly recurring revenue

The second key to sustaining consistent income month in your business is monthly recurring revenue

So let's just get real basic right now. How I hit my consistent income months is that I have that amount of money coming into the business every single month, month after month.

Now in order to hit that, we need to have a combination of things. We need to have payment plans that are set up to bring money into the business month after month, year after year. Or we need to be live selling live launching bringing new money into the business.

My business is a combination of both. I launch I sell programmes and products and I also use the evergreen model. The strategic way that I have set my business up for these consistent income months is through monthly recurring revenue. So having offers with payment plan options that stack up month to month so that I do not need to be making new sales every single month.

If I was starting from zero every month to hit my income goal, I would feel so pressured and it would probably feel really stressful.

So if you are someone who is hearing the term monthly recurring revenue or MRR for the first time right now and you're thinking, ‘Holly, I am super overwhelmed’: do not try and hit £10k months straight off the bat.

Focus on building out your office suite so that you have offers that allow you to develop monthly recurring revenue.

I have The Busy to Boss Academy which accounts for a large percentage of my monthly recurring revenue. I have the new six-month rolling mastermind, I have private containers, I have other programmes like the Pre-launch Planning Boot Camp. So you can see that there's a diversity of offerings and a diversity of ways that I am serving at different times at different levels.

But unless somebody pays in full, all of that is going into an MRR bucket. That stacks up to give me a minimum amount of income every single month. So I am already over halfway there towards my goal every single month.

The most important thing that you want to focus on next is looking at what offers you’re selling right now. Do you have offers that have a monthly payment plan options or are all of them one month?

If that's the case, it's going to be really hard for you to stack up monthly recurring revenue because you're constantly going to have to be selling something new.

There’s a huge benefit to you as a business owner, but there’s also tremendous value for your clients who get to work deeper with you and stop flitting from coach to coach.

And that's not to say there's no value in shorter programmes. There definitely is and I actually have some ideas for programmes like that. But my top priorities are The Abundant Boss Mastermind and the Busy to Boss Academy, which are my two long term programmes apart from private one on one coaching.

So for monthly recurring revenue, look at your office suite and ask yourself do you have offers that allow monthly recurring revenue to come into your business? And can you start to really work on building up your monthly recurring revenue because then everything on the top is going to be icing on the cake.

3: Originality

The third key to unlocking consistent income months is having marketing that moves people. Are you speaking something fresh?

There are changes happening in the online industry. In some ways, I feel like a grandma in the online industry because I've been blogging online since 2013. But what was working in 2017/2018 is so far away from what is happening now and what is working now.

It was such a different space, much harsher marketing and honestly a lot less crowded. And a lot of those tactics were based on fear and scarcity.

A lot of that was working until it wasn't. Until people started to think ‘wow, this feels terrible’. There are trends that happen in this online industry but it's not just about branding. It's about what moves and what works in the online space. And we have seen a real shift away from a lot of the bro marketing things to now honestly, just a lot of regurgitation.

I love the coaching industry, I love online business, and I think we have so much potential at our fingertips inside of this space. This is definitely not turning into a rant about the industry, because I think there's such amazingness.

And I want you to think of the online business industry is this big open blue sky. But in a sky, we get clouds, and one of those dark clouds is that I think marketing has gotten quite lazy. And a lot of people expect that if they just copy what they see somebody else doing, or they make their brand look like somebody else's, or they use tactics that a successful coach is using on Instagram, it's all going to explode for them. Then they get frustrated when that doesn't happen.

So what I mean by having marketing that moves, and why it's so critical to be able to unlock consistent income months, is that if you are not leading you're missing people.

You're probably wondering, why are the things that used to work not working for me anymore? I would ask you is there movement? Is there something original? Is there something fresh? Is there something different about your marketing? Or are you just either copying and pasting what you've seen externally, or copying and pasting what you did in your last launch and expecting it to work the same?

The space is changing. People do not want to be squeezed and sold based on fear and scarcity. They want to be connected with people when making purchasing decisions.

It's about giving that level of connection, not just in your marketing, but in the way that you move through your offers.

So if you are expecting to just copy and paste the exact same launch plan, launch after launch, or you're expecting to be able to just replicate what somebody else is doing, I would think again.

(This is something we are going to really dive deep into throughout the mastermind, so if this feels like what you need, send me DM on Instagram and we can have a chat about it.)

4: Don’t be afraid to sell

The final component is having no qualms about selling. This is something that might seem so basic and yet it's something that so many of my clients, so many people in my world, forget.

Are you selling daily? Are you selling weekly?

I feel like it's become trendy to think that we should just manifest and that sounds incredible. But if you're not actively selling, don't get frustrated that you're not making sales. And I think that having the mindset and again, this comes back to execution.

But it also comes back to what is your expectation? In order to make consistent income, we need to be making consistent sales. And to make consistent sales, we need to be consistently selling.

Now, you might hear that and think, ‘Holly, that sounds exhausting, I can't sell every day’. Let me tell you right now, I have a one-year-old, I serve over 60 clients inside of my different programmes right now and I am selling something every single day.

Selling doesn't mean that I'm actively doing this huge pitch every single day. But I am sharing valuable content with my community. I have multiple methods of selling. Again, all of this we’ll be going into inside The Abundant Boss Mastermind, looking at how we can set this up for your business specifically.

The business is always selling and I have no qualms about adding in those powerful calls to action, giving my people a really clear pathway to take the next step in order to work with me and join a programme that’s a good fit for them.

If you're feeling frustrated about the level of income, that is an area that I want you to look at. What is a tweak that you can make there to be more devoted and consistent with your selling? And you are going to notice that there's a direct correlation between your consistency with selling and your consistency with income.

Recap: 4 keys to consistent income months

  • Develop an unshakable mindset. Be committed to the outcome, but detached from the timeline

  • Set up structures for monthly recurring revenue. Look at setting up your office suite with offers that serve people over a longer period of time that have a payment plan option that allow you to receive monthly instalments monthly payments

  • Marketing that moves people. Think about really unlocking your voice and your visuals, your brand and the presence that you convey online in a way that captivates in a way that is truly compelling.

  • Do not be afraid to sell every single day. Do not hold back. The more consistent you are with selling the more consistent your income will be.

Want to go deeper on this with a group of supportive, like-minded women? Apply for the Abundant Boss Mastermind now.

about the blogger

Hi! I’m Holly Bray

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).