
ready to go all in on your business?

Join The Abundant Boss Mastermind

A 6-month mastermind to help you scale to £5k+ months and transition from a busy business owner working 24/7, to a thriving BOSS who truly has an abundant life and takes time off without stress or guilt.

We start in January 2023 with a bonus month in December.

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Ready to start running your business in a way that allows you to have it all?!

The money, the freedom & the joy of your day to day…

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You started your business because you imagined freedom…

You imagined:

  • Taking long walks in the middle of the day or spending guilt-free time with your family

  • Having 3 day weekends knowing your business is working FOR you

  • Money coming in without you being attached to your desk

  • And most of all, the mental freedom of choosing how you spend your day-to-day


Except right now it's not quite the abundant life you imagined it would be....?

🌿 You're in hustle mode working 24/7. One woman show is the name of your game, unfortunately. You're okay putting in the work, but you're also ready to step into your role as a BOSS and build a business that supports your life.

🌿 You would LOVE more clients in your world but you have no idea where your next client is going to come from and your income and lifestyle goals feel so far away right now. You can’t quite keep up and you definitely don't know how your business can run without you being there.

🌿 You're ready to get off the feast and famine income cycle, fed up of the empty money milestones and ready to create abundance, aka the lifestyle you want AND a consistent, sustainable and aligned business.

🌿 You're stressed and anxious about decisions and consistent income, and want a partner to think with you and help you continue to grow (but without burnout).


I immediately felt attracted to Holly’s no nonsense business talk and her supportive nature and I knew I’d found the person I wanted to work with. I definitely felt nervous about taking the plunge to join - it is always scary to invest in yourself. But every step of the way since meeting Holly she has seen me as a full person, and been so supportive both in business and in life. I am so grateful I met Holly.

Working with Holly has helped me achieve results I didn’t believe possible. I’ve reached income goals, I took my business full time, I have built a community that I love and has really positively impacted people’s lives, I’ve found my voice and learnt how to talk about what I am passionate about. My confidence has grown significantly and I feel excited at the thought of stepping out of my comfort zone. Holly has helped me to experiment and be playful, and I have had so much fun working with her and I have created so many wonderful products for launches and subscriptions while working together. I don’t think I knew what mindset was before working with Holly, but she’s taught me how to keep working at it every day to boost my resilience and harness the power of your energy.

Holly has held my hand through such a beautiful journey of self discovery, creativity, bold moves and personal growth. She has given me confidence in myself, my power and the impact we can each have in this world. She has taught me that it is your strength to live through your values and create a life you love. Holly has shown me I can do anything with hard work and perseverance, and that is priceless. Life has been made richer through my relationship with Holly, and life is all about finding the people who light you up. And Holly is a shining light.

thalia caddy, wild books


It's time to get out of feast or famine mode. It's time to have loads of people begging to work with you. And it's time to start building a business that actually allows you to live.


You've dreamed of the day where you are making consistent £5-10k months AND actually feel free day to day.

You're more than ready to stop playing small & start embodying a CEO


Introducing the

Abundant Boss Mastermind

The Abundant Boss Mastermind focuses on 3 core areas: embodiment of the business owner you want to be, strategy to help you get there, and sisterhood to support you along the way.

Building a business that is profitable vs building a business that supports your version of freedom aren't always the same thing.

But I want you to be able to HAVE IT ALL… and you can.

Together, we dive into how to embody your next level self and brand, and how you and your business need to evolve in order to grow in an aligned way (this includes building your abundant lifestyle).

We work through expanding and scaling your product suite, building systems that can truly run things while you’re away, and stepping into your own confidence to shine and focus on what makes you fulfilled - not just hitting the pressure-filled milestones.


What’s the structure?

  • 2 Group Coaching Calls per month

  • 1 Private Coaching Call per month

  • Group Voxer access (checked daily M-F)

  • Private Voxer access

  • Private Monthly Mindset/Life Coaching Check-in per month

  • Monthly Co-Working Session

  • 2 Quarterly Planning Parties (to plan Q3 & Q4)

  • Access to the entire ABOH product suite

  • In-person event in 2023!

What do we focus on?

  • Alignment, Vision & Business Model

  • 6 Figure Support (Teams & Systems)

  • Embodiment of the Business Owner You Want to Be

  • Magnetic Conversion Marketing & Sales

  • Launching & Funnels

  • Product Suite Expansion

  • Diversifying & Stabilising Income

  • Unlocking your potential through mindset work

  • Finding & living out your abundance

  • Building a business that supports your life


This mastermind is all about now building upon the momentum you've built. It's about stabilising consistent income at the 6 figure level. It's about setting up support to go from a one woman show to a true BOSS. And lastly, it's about starting to blend and infuse the freedom you desire back into your life.


What is the investment?

A The investment is 6 monthly payments of £750 or £4,500 to pay in full

Extended payment plans available.


“I went from consistently hitting my initial sales targets, to doubling them in some months! I launched my first course and sold 18 spots and showed up consistently for the launch. I more than doubled my prices for my 1:1 services and am continually fully booked for the spots I have open.”

Joanne griffin, Creative flow collective


The ease & that feeling of enough comes when you redefine & rediscover what you truly want from your life and business.

When you chase after someone else’s version of success or when you don't live out your truth of abundance, it doesn't matter how much money you make... it won't feel "good."

This mastermind is to help you scale your income, yes - because we all want more money, influence, and choice - but this mastermind is to break the endless empty chase for milestones and disillusioned authority in this industry that only creates pressure, and doesn't actually bring fulfilment.

Because what you really want when you say “ABUNDANCE” is… choice and fulfilment.

✨ Scaling your systems gives you space to choose how you spend your time.

✨ Having a sustainable business that brings in consistent income gives you independence to choose where you live and how you spend your time.

✨ But having an aligned business, a balanced schedule, and the choice to choose what you do with your day to day, is where you find fulfilment. Being secure with your inner desires, your deeper self, and your goals, is where you find fulfilment.



Before I met Holly I felt stuck. I kept coming up with new plans and trying new things in my business and when it didn’t take off immediately, I’d throw in the towel and come up with another new plan. I was going around in circles every month reinventing myself and getting nowhere - exhausted and disconnected - and I felt like I was watching others around me do all the things I knew I was capable of but couldn’t quite get there.

I stalked Holly online for at least a year before eventually saying enough is enough and getting in touch to work with her. In the beginning, I wasn’t sure I could afford a monthly investment so I went for a VIP day. That day changed so much for me! We planned out a whole year of my business, just like that. I got so much value, I knew I needed Holly in my life full time so I booked straight onto monthly 1:1 coaching and the rest is history…. Working with Holly has changed everything.

I was sceptical coaching would be all about manifesting and *fixing* your mindset… not that these things don’t work (my mindset is DRASTICALLY different now) but I knew I needed proper business strategy. I needed to analyse each area of my business and figure out an actual ACTIONABLE plan I could stick. Holly didn’t push cookie cutter exercises and plans down my throat - she listened to how I like to learn and helped me to help myself and the Voxer support is so handy to have as a sounding board.

I have never been more sure of my goals, what’s important to me AND how to actually get there. When things don’t feel right, I tweak my plans instead of having a meltdown and chucking everything out of the window. I feel calm, confident and sure of myself… something I’m still getting used to feeling! I reached income goals we set together, had more time off than ever and ultimately I don’t feel super stressed and worn out 24/7. I’m now successfully working towards employing my partner and taking my business travelling….. the thought of which truly blows my mind. I can’t recommend investing in yourself with Holly enough.

Holly you are worth your weight in gold multiplied by, well, infinity.

Gemma Thirsk, that’s her business


Meet Your Mentor

Hi, I’m Holly.

I am a business coach and educator who helps ambitious women build a business model that works for them so they can live a life of abundance, and still make sales while they are away from their desk. Part of my mission is to empower women to break the mould of how life should be and become leaders in their industries and communities.

I built my own business so that I could put my family first. I now work 4-day weeks and spend quality time with my son - and create limitless opportunity and wealth for both my future and those around me.

I have been where you are though - working 24/7 and feeling like the business is running you, wondering where my so called "freedom" disappeared to. That is why I created this mastermind: to help you grow but also to help you create the lifestyle you originally envisioned and lost along the way.


Having a thriving business is about the money AND the abundance you get to live out every day. Ready to have it all?



  • You're tired of feeling like an imposter or not good enough. You're ready to stop playing small and hit consistent £5k months but in a way that feels good to you.

  • You feel like a one woman show and are working non-stop. You need systems and support ASAP but don't know how to make this sustainable.

  • You know that no one makes it to the top alone and you're ready for a mentor who truly cares and gets you; you're ready for a hype woman and strategist in your corner to put some fuel on your fire.

  • You're the kind of person who never wants to be the smartest person in the room. You want to be challenged, inspired, and pushed to grow both yourself personally and your business by a group of boss women.

  • You're over the race and pressure to scale to the money milestones and instead ready to cash in your check for aligned money AND freedom.


Holly is basically my business safety blanket, personal cheerleader and the best business decision I’ve made so far.



How do you want to feel every day?


You have the drive, the passion, the vision, and the work ethic to do this. You know your success is inevitable.

And guess what?
You get to define what that success looks like.

And when you do, that's when the magic happens. That's when momentum picks up and how you magnetise leads flying in the door. When you are aligned with who you are, what your version of abundance looks like, and you have the support to scale your business... that's when you start to feel abundant.

stop chasing after other people’s version of success. It's time to find your version of abundance and scale your business income to provide you with limitless possibilities.

The only thing standing between you and the life of your dreams is making the choice to surround yourself with unstoppable energy, mentorship, and tools inside this mastermind.

So I'll ask you again.. how do you want to feel every day?

Because inside The Abundant Boss Mastermind I want you to feel excited to work on new projects and inspired by boss women taking aligned action beside you. I want you to wake up every day and check your bank account with gratitude.

I want you to wake up every day and feel free.


It’s time to start making money & living out your version of abundance!

Ready to say hell yes?!


 Got some Q’s? I’ve got you, Boss.

+ What is The Abundant Boss Mastermind??

A 6-month mastermind to help you scale to six figures and transition from a busy business owner working 24/7, to a thriving BOSS who truly has an abundant life and takes time off without stress or guilt.

+ When do we start?

The next round starts on 2nd January and the programme runs for 6 consecutive months.

+ Is this mastermind right for me?

This is 100% for you if you are an entrepreneur who is ready to go all in, put your foot on the gas, and desires to scale your mindset, offers, and operations to mconsistent £5k months and beyond. You value the lifestyle you are creating and don't want to do things cookie cutter anymore. You want to live out your abundance and rediscover who you are and what fulfills you. You are open to being challenged, expanded to new heights, working on the inner work, and contributing to the group. This is NOT for those who play small. This is for those are ready to go BIG

+ How much access do I have to Holly?

A ridiculous amount. You have daily access via our group Voxer as well as multiple group calls every month. You also have two private calls with me per month AND we have 1:1 Voxer access as well. You basically have me in your back pocket for 6 whole months.

+ What is the investment?

The investment is £4,500k PIF or 6 monthly payments of £750. You can ask about extended payment plans as well.

+ Can I join next time?

If you want to wait 6+ months to start creating a balanced business and stop feeling like you are just surviving and chasing milestones...


“Last September I was really worried about where my next project might come from, and I set a goal that I’d love to be booking three months ahead. I now have projects well into 2022, and feel so much clearer on my marketing strategies, customer journey and overall business vision.”

Jess Blake, Happy Beams Interiors