Consistent income series (part 2): Income expansion and offer alignment
Catch up on some related episodes:
The only two things that impact profit & time in your business
What it looks like to actually have a business that puts your life first
Today’s talking point:
This is the second in a three-part series all about generating consistent income so that you can live your most abundant life.
We’re going to explore income expansion and offer alignment. I’ll share the three most important things you need to expand your income by breaking down your income goals and understanding your value ladder. We’ll go over making it easy for people to pay you and round off with some strategies for building a signature framework in your business.
Break down your income goal
First, we want to break down your income goal. Let’s say you want to earn £5000 consistently each month.
In the first part of the series, we talked a lot about aligning with the energy of embodying that version of ourselves is making consistent income in our business. That’s a vital foundation. But we need to go deeper, and know the ways that we can welcome this money into the business.
So, what does £5000 actually look like in your business? How can we take that to the next level and really show the universe that we are actually ready, and then take action from that place to allow it to become a part of our new reality?
Do you know how £5000 would flow to you?
So let's do an example breakdown because that £5000 can come to you in a variety of ways. You need to work out what the best fit is for you.
And yes, your business may look different to these examples but I find using examples makes it easier to explain.
Example 1: You have a 1:1 coaching package that costs £2500. If you got two sales a month, you would hit that goal.
Example 2: A group coaching procram that’s £1000. So, five sales will get you to your goal.
Example 3: You’ve got self-paced courses at £500. You’d need 10 sales to hit your £5000 goal.
Example 4: You’ve got 1:1 coaching for £2500 and self-paced courses for £500. Your plan could look like one new 1:1 client and five course sales.
When we start to do it this way, it becomes a lot easier to figure out how we're actually welcoming this money. Rather than seeing it as an ambiguous number. It helps us move from something we’re dreaming about to making it our reality.
This makes it easier to see what it is that we're actually focusing on, and where all of our energy goes.
I know for me personally, when you start out and you're setting these big goals. You think there's 5000 things that you need to do to make £5000. It’s very easy to get distracted, especially in the online world. And we ask ourselves, ‘well, why is this not happening for me?’.
But it really comes down to not having this clarity around what it is that we are actually focusing on. When you have this clarity, that's when it gets really easy to see what action you need to take.
We also need this clarity to know how to simplify things and to add ease in. Now that doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy or that we just sit and cross our fingers. But the clarity means we can calm the noise, find alignment and focus on what we can do to reach those goals.
take action with focus
Now you’ve broken down your goal and gained clarity on what it looks like to reach that goal, you can set areas of focus.
Let’s use the example of your focus on one 1:1 client and five course sales.
You can now focus your energy on inviting people to apply to work with you 1:1. Then your course sales can also flow from that relationship building.
You can send emails inviting people to apply to work with you
You can promote your free download, which also directs people to an automated email sequence which prompts people to book a call with you
You could run a free masterclass that leads into promoting your course
You could pitch to appear on podcasts
This would help your business start working for you. We don’t want to be relying only on the things we do in the moment. That leads to a feeling of push, push, pushing all the time without support.
Can you see how everything we're doing here, there are only four main things that we're focusing on? They’re all driving to the results that we want to attain around our offerings.
I’d love you to think about how you could generate money from your offers over the next 30 days. Maybe if you pick four things, you can focus on one a week. That is all you need to be focusing on to drive towards sales in your business. And that's why it's so much easier doing it this way than trying to spin your wheels doing a million things, and then wondering why you are not getting the results that you actually want.
Understand your value ladder
So you might have been thinking as I went over that last section, ‘well, Holly, I don't have any of those offers’, or ‘Holly, I have a completely different business to that’.
Maybe you're just getting started and I celebrate you for that because it's such an aligned foundation to begin with. Or maybe you've only got one offer right now and you're thinking, ‘how do I expand out?’ or maybe you've got loads of offers and you don't know what to focus on.
That’s where your value ladder, the progression of your offers, comes in. This is how we help people to take steps with you, and it meets people where they are at.
So, let’s say you’ve got one £5000 offer. That’s amazing – you could make one sale a month and hit your target. But there are a lot of people who aren't quite there yet that you could be serving. Maybe they're not in the position where they actually need private coaching yet, maybe they can’t afford that level of investment yet, but are desperate to work with you. And you're not providing anything that makes it easy for them to come into your world.
But you also might be at the other end of the spectrum, where you could only have a £100 offer. Again, that's welcoming people in and helping them to take some of those first few steps with you. But then there's likely a lot of people who would want more intimate support from you, they actually want to make that higher level investment and have a little bit more support. And you’re not catering to that.
If you think of your value ladder as a table with the x-axis and the y-axis. All we need to know is that as the value goes up, and the price goes up the other way. We need to make sure that we then put offers at different levels. So you've got to think about some people are going to come into your world and they are going to download a freebie or something like that. They're going to jump on your mailing list. But then from there, what is that next step they are going to take?
So usually on the ladder, we would have the lower price which would be the lower value. That's where your free and your low-ticket offers would be. Things like your free download or a £27 workshop, a £97 bundle or something simple like that.
We move up the ladder to mid-ticket offers. For service based it could be your self-paced courses. For products, it could be bundles of your best-selling items.
The next level up are your mid to high ticket offers. This is where you're providing that more intimate level of support. Maybe you're providing coaching calls or Voxer support, things like that. And then we can go up even higher, where you have your private coaching offers, retreats, maybe for products this could look like commissions.
We really just want to make sure that we are setting up different ways that we can meet people where they are at. And yes, you might have someone come into your world and opt for something free and then they skip all the way to the top. That's happened with two of the members who have just joined the mastermind.
But you are also going to have some people who are going to come in and they'll do the free course and they'll buy this low ticket. Then maybe they'll jump into a self-paced course. And then they might go away for a while and come back. Or you'll have some people come in and stay in a membership for a while and then jump into a mastermind.
Expanding your value ladder serves you and your audience because you’re creating different ways for people to pay you. If you don’t have a way for people to progressively work with you, you’re saying no to that flow of money.
So we want to make sure that we are building out different offers in alignment with the solution we provide, so that people can stay in our world and continue to take those steps with us. I want you to think about what you could add to your value ladder.
Make it easy for people to pay you
Something that I see a lot is people feeling disappointed in the money that they are making, but not making it easy or possible at all for money to flow to them.
This can look like…
Not having offers clearly outlined on your website
Not making it easy to pay
Not making it clear on your website how people can work with you
Having to send manual invoices or links for payment (this takes up so much energy)
Treat your money how you would a friend. For example, you’d be disappointed if your friend didn't come to see you. But what if you didn't tell them where you lived? They wouldn’t be able to come and see you.
If we're not allowing it to be easy for money to come in, we've got to ask ourselves, why not?
That awareness and honesty with yourself is so powerful because when we're being honest with ourselves, it means that we can see some of the stumbling blocks that are holding us back. We can see where there’s room for improvement.
So you want to ask yourself:
Am I making it hard for people to pay me?
Do I believe that my work isn't worthy of compensation?
If so, why not? Let's dive deep and really have a look at that.
Do I have a fear of success? Everyone talks about fear of failure, but not many people talk about the fear of success and sometimes that can be a big one that holds us back from actually allowing money to come in.
Am I scared of what people will think?
Do I not think it's worth what I'm charging?
Do I not really want to do this? Do I want to be doing something else?
Am I doing this from a place of obligation?
When I speak to clients about raising prices, they can feel a bit uncomfortable and one of the things I ask is: why do you not believe it's worth a higher price? How can you step into alignment with your prices, so that you feel good about putting it out there?
Under-charging will be a huge energy drain. If you keep prices low to get sales instead of charging what you actually want, you may end up resenting fulfilling that obligation.
Take some time to journal on these if you want to. But then once you've addressed these underlying beliefs, you want to take action. Make your options accessible, automate the way that you allow money to flow to you, do not be the block to money coming in, set up ways for people to pay you. Take it one step at a time and commit to moving forward bit by bit.
Create offers that speak to your ideal clients
You are an expert. I want you to write that down right now: I am an expert.
You have been through a unique set of experiences and situations that make you who you are today. You can teach people who are looking to the answers to things you’ve experienced.
But the big question is, how do I know what people will pay for? And the answer is research.
Start by searching for things that are relevant to you and you’ll see people are searching for answers to you. Remember, you have a way of doing it that is unique to you. Different people will resonate with that.
There are going to be people out there who are going to align with you your energy, your vibe, the way that you show up. So you're going to ask yourself: what experience do you have, that you could help someone with?
You do not have to reinvent the wheel, you just have to show someone how to use it, and how to use it in a way that has worked for you can you show them your way of using the wheel.
Your signature framework
Once you know what it is that you want to teach or provide for people, you need to put it together in a way that establishes authority.
People don't want to pay for a bunch of ideas that they can find elsewhere. What they want is a method, a step by step process, a framework, something that really communicates value. And that's really where the value comes in.
You want to build a framework that supports them and the steps that they need to take. Here’s my process:
Brainstorm everything you know about the topic, get it all out of your head in one place. Things about your specific topic, things you want to teach
Group ideas together in similar topics
Play around with naming those sections to build out a framework, a series of words that explains how people will move through what you’re teaching
Packaging your teaching up and giving it a name means it is more tangible, which makes it very valuable. You want your audience to look at you and understand completely what you’re going to teach.
Share your expertise to attract new customers
After you’ve mapped a framework, you need to share what you do. Now, you don’t want to give everything away but you want to take elements of what you teach and share it.
Free value provides credibility. It builds trust in your audience. It helps to establish you as an authority, and it shows people what working with you would be like. Provide real value.
For example, I am here with you over these three episodes, showing up and providing so much free content that I genuinely want you to be able to implement.
And I know that there will be some of you who really, really resonate with this and go, ‘okay, I love this so much and I know I need help implementing this so I'm going to join you in the mastermind’. There will be some of you who will want to go through my value ladder and take your next steps like that.
Think about it like this: if you were looking for a service, would you go to someone who has helped you a lot for free? Or would you go to someone random, that you've never had any experience with? Someone who says ‘I've got really good stuff, but I'm not going to tell you about it unless you pay me’? Who would you choose? I know personally, I want those people that I've got really good, really tangible results from based on the free value content.
You can take any framework, and teach elements of it in a challenge or training series. For example, a lot of what I'm sharing with you today is plucked out of the mastermind in terms of what we're going to be covering in our monthly live training.
If you've done a coaching call with a client or a group perhaps you can take a section of it, say five minutes, and share it on your social media, share it as a video, share it in a podcast episode on YouTube.
Maybe you want to take the process and turn it into a very basic outline available as a free download.
Don't be afraid to provide the value. I don't want you to walk away from this series and think ‘I gave her my time but she didn't give me anything tangible’. I want you to leave and go, ‘Oh my gosh, I've got so much out of this that I can actually implement’.
The most important thing to remember is to include a call to action and signpost ways people can work with you and take those next steps. Show your testimonials and reviews to support everything that you're saying. Now, if you don’t have testimonials yet because you’re just starting out can you ask for some from people you’ve helped for free? Can you do an exchange of services with someone? Everyone starts somewhere.
Let’s quickly recap
Break down your money goal so you can clearly see how that money can reach you
Start building a value ladder of differently priced options so people can work with you in different ways
Research and explore your unique knowledge to know what people will pay for and build your signature framework
Share your expertise to attract new clients
We’ll be going deeper in Part 3 next week! If you have loved this episode today, and you are loving this series already, please make sure you check out the Abundant Boss Mastermind. This is my brand new six-month mastermind running from the start of June until the start of December.
This is for my passionate value lead online business owner who is ready to build a six-figure business that supports the lifestyle they want to have. They are ready to get off the feast and famine income cycle create consistent and predictable monthly income and truly be present with their family and be able to take time off without stress.