178: What it TRULY takes to be consistent (& a mindset pep talk)
Catch up on some related episodes:
Today’s talking points:
As business owners, we spend a lot of our time striving for consistency. I’m breaking down what it truly takes to be consistent and it won’t be what you think.
Welcome to part 4 of our consistency series.
We are wrapping up our month long series on consistency and we’re ending with a deep dive talk around the mindset of consistency moving forward and I’ve got a pep talk for you at the end as well.
I am going to challenge you on the way you think and how you’re viewing your success so far in the year.
There’s going to be tough love, a lot of truth bombs, and Sassy Holly is most definitely putting her shoes on.
That’s all I’m going to leave you with for now - I know you’re going to get so much value out of it, I hope you enjoy it so let’s just dive straight in.
reflect on the stories you tell yourself
What stories do you tell yourself about your recent actions? Your actions always reinforce a story that you hold.
For example, if you're not posting, showing up, or talking about the business, it tells me you likely believe people don't want to buy from you, maybe it's too expensive, or that people don't find value in what you have to say.
Similarly, if you're working on losing weight, every time you see the biscuit tin, you may tell yourself, "just a little won't hurt." But a little starts to become a lot. Another familiar story is "I'll do that tomorrow," assuming you'll feel different or more motivated. But the same feelings you have now will likely be there tomorrow, too.
If you believe something negative about yourself, follow up with why you think that. Usually, there's a story we tell ourselves, and there are supporting stories underneath it. Constantly question your thoughts.
For example, if you think your next launch will flop, ask yourself how you showed up for your last launches. Did you engage meaningfully? Did you make it sincere, effective, and fun?
Learn to pick apart your own stories. Your thoughts about your audience may be projections of your own boredom or disinterest. As a content creator, you may say the same things repeatedly, but new people may hear it from you for the first time. Fitness coaches, for example, always say the same things, knowing someone new may hear it for the first time.
If you think you're doing all the work but making only a few sales, you may need to get better at asking or selling the value of what you offer. It's all about how you phrase and position it.
Often, our thoughts about our audience are really projections of our own feelings. If you think your audience is bored, it may be because you're bored. It's okay to repeat yourself because someone new might hear it for the first time. Think about it, fitness coaches say the same things over and over again.
If you're doing all this work and inviting people to buy, but only making the occasional sale, you need to get better at asking and selling the value of what you offer. It's all about how you phrase and position it. If you ask 100 people and only get one sale, you need to ask 1,000 people to get 10 sales. Don't give up.
Business is so simple. But what makes it complex is you. It's your thoughts, your stories, your mindset.
Move through the resistance
To continue from my last point, you have to learn to outrun your brain and your thoughts.
Your brain will tell you that you don't know how to do it, that it's uncomfortable, and it'll come up with every reason to keep you from doing the uncomfortable thing. You have to learn to move through that resistance in the moment.
I know that some of this will come across as tough love, but if you're too tired to work on your business, have an honest conversation with yourself and admit it. Don't complain about the lack of growth in your bank account when you're choosing not to work your business, even when you feel tired.
80% of the time, you won't feel like working on your business, but 80% of your results come from doing the work during that time. Notice how many times you've told yourself you'll do it tomorrow. Your brain is used to the fact that every time you say that, tomorrow will be a better day to work. The brain will buy it hook, line, and sinker. But scientific studies have proven that you have higher willpower in the morning, and it defuses throughout the day, and it's lowest at night. So if you're too tired to work after your nine to five, ask yourself how important your dream is to you. Are you willing to wake up earlier to work on it?
Motivation isn't what we need. Motivation comes and goes. What we need is discipline and desire.
What is your reason for working today? What's your why today? You need to create an insatiable desire and hunger for your long-term goals and a strong desire for why the work is important for you to do today. It could be to build your relationship with yourself, to build self-trust, to become someone who follows through, or to feel accomplished. The journey is just as important as the destination.
So, I want you to sit and think about why it's important to you to become someone who follows through daily. You need to come up with your own reasons and don't put money as your reason.
Instead, ask yourself why it's important to you today, even if you don't see an immediate change in your bank account. For me, I've had consistent private clients and sales since the summer of 2019. But when I started, I had to be willing to work hard to acquire one client and celebrate that, even when I knew I wanted a program with hundreds of students in it. So the question became, who do I need to be to attract one client? I learned to celebrate getting one client and focused on becoming a great teacher. I realised that it mattered more to me who I was becoming in the process.
Now, when my clients ask me about struggling to see results, I can empathise with them and explain why they need to keep going. The struggle is what qualifies you to help other people who are also struggling.
you need to embody it
Let's talk about embodying your next level. This means being the version of you that has what you want before you actually have it.
Don't get too attached to your current struggles and circumstances; take action and make decisions from where you want to be, not where you are.
Embody that next-level version of you in everything you do, from how you shop online to how you hire mentors to how you approach sales and marketing. Don't wait until you've "made it" to focus on self-care and other important things.
I’ve got two things that will help you with this:
A journal prompt to embody your next level
Who do you think you'll be once you hit your goal? Who is that person? What do they look like? How do they dress? How do they act?
Then, why can't you be that person now?
An exercise to help you level up
Pick a day and on that day you will completely act and make decisions as if you are already that version of yourself.
Get as specific as possible - What would you do? How would you wake up? Would you go to the local coffee shop? Or who would you talk to on your team? How would you hire handle a client situation? How would you show up on social media? How would you plan out a launch?
I want you to show up as if you are that person and then check in with yourself at the end of the day and see how you feel.
I hope you have loved this consistency series as much as I have.
Remember, be grateful for what you have, show up for yourself every day and go out there and become the Boss of your life! I believe in you!
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about the blogger
Hi! I’m Holly Bray
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).