176: 5 shifts you need to make to sustain consistent income in your business
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Today I’m sharing with you the five shifts you need to make if you want to achieve AND sustain a consistent income in your business. It’s a juicy one!
Welcome to part 3 of our consistency series.
I have had fairly consistent income in my business since 2019.
Since then I’ve never looked back, and what I loved about that was it felt like I had hit this whole new level in my business.
Now I know this can sometimes feel like a fluke and your mind tells you it’s “not going to last”.
And sometimes, what I've noticed for a lot of my clients is it feels like it came off the back of a lot of really wonderful circumstances that came together and aligned.
But then you wonder, okay, now I’ve got here how do I sustain that?
Because what I see happen is, people hit their monthly income goal and then feel tired, need to take a break, pull back and rest. Then they’ll go again in a couple of months.
So what ends up happening is this cycle of big months and dips, big months and then dips, big months and dips.
I’m going to be speaking to ALL of that…
But additionally, it's going be very specific about the five shifts that we need to make to hit those consistent income months, but also to sustain them and to really be able to maintain that type of business.
We want your income to be recurring, consistent and grounded in your business and these 5 shifts are going to help you do just that.
Let’s dive in.
shift to selling always
To achieve consistent income months and sustain them, you need to shift your focus from selling your products once to selling them always.
Many business owners have great ideas for a product and sell it once or keep it in the vault, never using the assets created to promote it. However, what you create to promote a programme is an asset that should be used constantly. Sales pages, email sequences, social media posts, live streams, podcasts, or webinars are assets that can sell your programs regularly.
You don't have to sell every product you have all the time, but find a way to sell something regularly.
For example, you could launch a new 12-month programme on a rolling enrollment basis or have promotional periods for courses. The key is to create funnels and webinars to make the programs available all the time. Selling your offers all the time makes it easier to sustain and scale consistent income.
To achieve exponential growth, you can shift your business from a consistent income business to consistent income for each programme. You could also find one offer that you could sell all the time, like a membership site, and promote it whenever you're not launching other courses.
Moving into funnels or evergreen offers will make it easier to sustain income in your business. When you keep getting more sales and adding more clients, your income should keep going up every month. Selling your programs all the time makes it comfortable and natural, and you become invested in their success. Remember, this applies to any type of programme or offer, not just coaching programmes.
shift from being a one-woman show to a well-oiled machine
The second shift you need to make to achieve consistent income and sustain it is to stop seeing yourself as a one-woman show and start viewing yourself as a well-oiled machine.
I was discussing this with a client earlier, and over the last 18 months, I've seen many people and posts on social media bragging about achieving a large cash month without sales pages, Facebook ads, funnels, or a team. Frankly, that sounds exhausting. From my experience, sustaining that kind of work is impossible, and people who work like this are usually tired, stressed, and overwhelmed.
In 2023, we can get rid of the badge of honour that we have given to being a one-woman show and doing everything ourselves. It's time to acknowledge that a woman does not need to do it all. You can take breaks, watch Netflix, have team members, policies, templates, and funnels, and still run your business effectively.
I talk about running my business for four days a week with shorter hours, but that doesn't mean my business works four days a week. It runs seven days a week, 24/7, but I'm not the only one doing that. If you're not yet ready to hire team members, it's okay. My funnels, social media, and automations work for me. You don't need to do it all.
To shift from being a one-woman show to a well-oiled machine, you need to prioritize teamwork and leadership in your business culture. Valuing teamwork and inspiring people to join you and work with you will make it so much easier. Martha someone once said, "If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together." This quote is so true because with the support of other people, I have tackled projects that I could never have done alone. My role has shifted from being a coach and creator to being a CEO. My ultimate job is to be the CEO of my business, communicate my vision, and inspire people to join and work with me. Valuing and prioritizing having a company and team has helped me go further than I ever could have imagined going by myself. It's essential to sustaining consistent income months.
As an industry, we have tied our self-worth to how much we make each month. But the reality is that people have good months and bad months. You can have good and bad months, and your business can still have great months. However, that is only possible if you have practices, policies, plans, team members, support structures, and automation. None of this needs to be hard or complicated. If it's new to you, seek a coach or mentor, or get advice from people who have done it before. Scaling my business has taught me that I don't need to be the smartest person in the room for everything. I don't need to be an audio podcast expert. I want to be the person who shows up and records the episode, and someone else who knows more can edit the episode. I don't want to be the absolute smartest tech wizard genius creating automations.
shift from always making decisions in the moment
The third shift involves moving away from always making decisions in the moment.
When you're constantly making decisions in your business, you'll experience something called decision fatigue. This means you'll become tired and overwhelmed, leading to lower-quality decisions and slower decision-making.
Instead of making decisions on the spot, it's helpful to have policies and best practices in place. For example, when a client asks to cancel their contract, you should have a document outlining how to respond. This not only saves you time and mental energy but also allows your team to make decisions on your behalf.
If you base everything you do in your business on in-the-moment decisions, it'll become exhausting and confusing for others. By creating decision-making guidelines, you can trust that your business is functioning smoothly and efficiently.
It's important to think like a business rather than making decisions based on your emotions or mood that day.
Establishing boundaries is another key aspect of the third shift. For instance, having a structured calendar booking system with specific guidelines helps to manage your time and avoid overbooking.
Boundaries and policies aren't meant to be harsh, but rather a way to interact with others in a clear and consistent manner. By creating these guidelines, you can make your business more sustainable and manageable in the long run.
shift your energy
The fourth thing I want you to do is to make and keep a consistent income is to shift your energy.
When you hit your first income goal, you feel super pumped, right? But then the energy dips and the money with it. To avoid that, you need to shift from the big highs of pushing, excitement, and manifesting to a sustainable and grounded energy that feels normal.
For me, that's been my reality for years now. I hit consistent income in 2019, and it just feels like how life is supposed to be. I'm still excited about my business, clients, offers, husband, son, baby-to-be, dog, and other things, but I'm not frantic, pushed, or forced. I'm just like, yeah, this is how it is.
Creating this normalcy around consistent income will make it easier for you to keep it up. Don't think you can only make money when you're high vibe. That's not true, and it's a letdown when you can't achieve it. I don't feel a high vibe all the time, especially when I'm dealing with things like VAT, pregnancy symptoms, a bad night's sleep, or a rainy walk with my dog. But I can still make money because my feelings don't determine my income.
When you hit consistent income, it's usually because of the positive energy you had at the time. That's great, but don't let it be the only thing that drives your business. Your business runs on more than just energy, excitement, and willpower. You need to make the new level your new normal to keep the momentum going. If you can shift your energy to a grounded and safe feeling of belonging, it'll be easier to maintain a consistent income. I'm not saying don't be excited about your business, but don't rely on excitement alone. During my launches, I feel excited but grounded and peaceful, and that's a good thing.
Shift how you view youself
The fifth and final shift that will help you achieve and maintain consistent income in your business is to stop seeing yourself as a little lamb and start seeing yourself as a lion. When I joined my first mastermind in 2019, I felt like a small fish surrounded by people making big promises and doing big things in their businesses. However, over time, I found my place and started owning it.
Sometimes, we feel small, challenged, insignificant, and unseen. Even if we hit an income goal, we may think it was a fluke or a lie. However, we need to shift our mindset and see ourselves as big lions, CEOs, leaders, and at the top of our game. This needs to become our new normal, and we need to trust that we belong here.
Think about Simba from The Lion King, who was born to be a leader. You are also a lion, made to do great things. You are safe, powerful, and amazing at what you do. Your clients and team love working with you.
Trusting in yourself as a leader will help you doubt yourself less and make it easier to keep going and scaling. Even though you may feel pressure or responsibility, you know that you are a boss and great at what you do. Keep going and growing like a lion.
Believe that you are capable, strong, and powerful. This energy will make it feel better and safer to have the business you desire. It's not just about shifting from frantic energy to feeling like you belong; it's about feeling like you belong and being a boss. These five shifts will help you achieve and sustain consistent income in your business.
let’s recap
Let's recap these five key shifts that you need to make in your business to achieve consistent income and long-term sustainability:
Shift from selling something once to selling it always. Find ways to have your business generate revenue for you continuously and view your products as assets.
Shift from being a one-woman show to a well-oiled machine. Stop thinking that you need to do everything yourself and start leveraging the support that is available to you.
Shift from making decisions in the moment to creating policies, best practices, structures, and boundaries in your business. This empowers your team to take ownership and make decisions on your behalf if you have one.
Shift from relying solely on inspired frantic energy to having sustainable, grounded energy. This will help you to feel more confident and at ease in your business.
Shift from seeing yourself as a little lamb or a one-hit wonder to recognizing yourself as a big, powerful lion, a leader, and a CEO. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and understand that you belong here.
By making these strategic and energetic shifts in your business, you will achieve consistent income and sustainability. You will no longer doubt yourself or think that your success was just a fluke. Your business will keep running, you will keep selling, and you will keep being visible. Remember that your business is more than just vibes and inspired action. You are a company, and there is a lot of support and empowerment available to you. I'm excited to hear about your success in your business in the coming months and beyond.
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about the blogger
Hi! I’m Holly Bray
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).