140: Why it's time to redefine what 'scaling' and 'growth' looks like in business
Catch up on some related episodes:
Today’s talking points:
We are talking about redefining scaling and finding your own unique roadmap to the income that you desire. This is one for you, no matter where you are in your business journey.
This is the fourth episode in the freedom series, all about how to create a business structure that allows you to put your life first.
Everyone's business is different. Everyone's audience is different. Everyone's life and circumstances are different. So why are we collectively only being taught one way to scale or grow?
I want to change that. In this episode, we are talking about scaling your business in a unique, sustainable way for you. We explore having a strategic product suite, why you need to map out your customer journey and creating offers that suit your lifestyle.
Let’s go!
Creating a product suite
This is about creating multiple different offers that serve people at different stages in their journey.
The product suite is made up of everything that you offer your ideal clients, this could look like:
Courses, intensives, e-books, group programmes, masterminds
Imagining the funnel really helps here. You want to bring new, dreamy ideal customers into your world and bring them into your funnel.
Your highest ticket offers tend to be at the bottom of your funnel, as these take up most of your time.
You would see more courses and one-to-many offers at the top of the funnel, the wider part of the funnel so that you can serve more people while working less.
The idea is that clients can come into your world through a freebie or a low-ticket offer and then upgrade and slowly work their way down your entire product suite. That's how you know that you have a strategically optimised product suite because it makes sense for them to continue gaining results and work their way down.
having a clear customer journey
So your product suite needs to serve people at different stages of their journey in a variety of different ways at a variety of different price points. So this means it can’t be random offers in your product suite. So we create a client pathway or customer journey.
An exercise to help with this:
Envision the earliest stage of your ideal client or customer.
Then envision the highest stage (those wanting to invest in your high-ticket offer/bottom-of-the-funnel offer)
You need to think of their entire journey from who they are when they first need your support, to who they are when they’re ready for your high-ticket support option.
You want to work backwards and think of the stepping stones that they need to accomplish along their journey.
We then want to break up their journey into a bunch of smaller offers that lead will take them to their end result.
Your offers should be strategically optimised so it creates a full journey from the beginning of their journey until they've gotten to that end-point.
pricing and recurring revenue
The idea of recurring revenue is money that is continuously coming in over time through instalments or payment plans.
This is amazing if you like to know that you have money coming in to cover your bills or expenses, without the worry of having to launch something new.
However, if you want to focus on clients paying you in full rather than recurring revenue, you can structure it so there's more of an incentive to pay in full, with bonuses and discounts etc.
We can't predict the way that people are going to buy, however, we can put the energy out there and with the incentives for them to pay in full.
A recap so far:
Creating a product suite of multiple different offers serving different people in your audience, at different price points means you’re never leaving money on the table.
There should always be an affordable and higher investment offer so that you have offers across the whole spectrum.
You then create a customer journey so that they have the option to continue buying from you (through upselling).
This then leads to easier launches.
figure out what fits you best
It's very important that you can gain clarity on which structures and offers would fit you best.
The offers that work for a busy mum of three are going to look different to a digital nomad.
For example, if you’re a mum you probably aren't going to be doing all live programmes with your kiddos running around in the background.
If you're a digital nomad, and you want to travel the world whilst working, you probably want to prioritise passive income.
It really depends on you and what you want and need.
Here are some examples from my clients:
I have a client who serves the most people through her one-to-one offer. She loves working with multiple different people at once and she loves having multiple different programmes. At the top of her funnel are mostly live programmes.
I have another client who prioritises masterclasses. She has an offer where people can be part of a membership to receive the masterclass of that month. This is great recurring revenue each month for this client.
One previous client was a digital nomad who travels around the UK in her van. We revamped her product suite to make sure she focused on flexibility and monthly recurring revenue. She focused on Done For You services that she specialised in and didn’t require her to be on loads of calls.
These clients’ product suites and business models may work for you, but the great thing is you can create your model based on your needs and lifestyle.
get reflective
Think about what your dream business model and product suite would look like and then figure out what you need to do in order to get there.
Plot your current offers in your funnel diagram and ask yourself, “Where do I serve the most people?”. Think whether it’s reflective of what you need to scale and if it will get you to where you want to be and consider your availability, too.
It if doesn’t reflect that, then what different types of offers and programmes make sense for you?
Remember that this can evolve or change at any time. If you decide next year that you want something different, that's fine.
key takeaways
Scaling is easier and more effective when we have a product suite based on our customer journey AND our lifestyle.
If you want your business to support your life, you can’t follow anyone else’s strategy.
Your business model and offers can change at any time.
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about the blogger
Hi! I’m Holly Bray
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).