101: Create your money-making to-do list (free course details)


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Today’s talking point:

How you can join me for my FREE live course where you’ll learn how to create YOUR money-making to-do list so you can figure out what tasks to focus on each day for your business WITHOUT working 24/7.⁣


A few years ago, I worked constantly. And I’ve looked at what clients and others starting businesses are doing, and it’s very similar. There are so many different things that contribute to creating a business that works for you, but one of the biggest things I’ve noticed is that people are not clear on what tasks to focus on to move their business forward.

If you’re feeling that, you’re probably also not confident in the direction your business is going in. You love your business, you love what you do. And you know that if people could just get inside your sphere, they would be all about you.

You're confident in your actual skill. But you’re not sure how to build healthy habits and a schedule that supports you so that you can take care of your mental health and relationships as you work towards your goals. Because life isn't just about what you're accomplishing: it's also about who you are becoming.

That is exactly why I created this free course. It's all about creating your personal money-making to-do lists. Business owners who have a continuous flow of orders have a clear vision of what they're working towards. They take time off without feeling guilty, yet they still achieve their goals. They know the activities that make them money and they make them non-negotiable.

This free course is going to simplify your schedule to help you focus on your most important tasks by creating your unique daily to-do list. By the end of our five days together, you're going to know exactly what your goals are and how to prioritise them, you'll have a routine that means you are checking all of your unique boxes. And you'll feel so confident in your business decisions as well as the direction that you are going in.

I’ve created this for product and service-based business owners who want to know what tasks to focus on in their business so they can have the work-life blend that they desire. I will cover everything from what money-making activities to focus on in your business, how to implement and systemise those tasks on the regular as well as how to hold yourself accountable to getting them done every single day.

day one

The first day is all about defining your sales goals. If you have one sales target, then all of your energy is like a laser beam.

  • So three things that I'm going to teach you on this day:

  • Effective methods for goal setting that will help you hit your income goals

  • The step-by-step process to help you set sales targets for your business

  • How to get your head in the right space so you believe that your goals are possible for you

Day two

In this live module, I'm going to be walking you through an exercise that has been a game-changer for so many of my clients and students called the Boss Business Plan. It will cover:

  • How to audit your business as a whole and understand what brings in leads, traffics and sales

  • Getting clear on your areas of focus in your business and actually creating a plan of action for your goals

  • How to organise your business tasks so you know what to focus on, and how to prioritise them, so you get them done on a consistent basis

I want your daily to-do list to bring you joy. I want you to be able to prioritise work, your mental health and your relationships and not work 24/7. A money-making to-do list isn't about having the longest to-do list in the world. It's not about draining all your energy. It's something you are excited to show up for and take action on. Every single day.

day three

This is about defining your daily tasks. Day one and day two are all about mapping out your personalised business model as a whole. Once we get to day three, it's time to really dive into the details.

Now, we will work out what areas and channels you need to direct your energy into, so that your business works as hard for you as you do for it.

A big, big part of creating your money-making to-do list involves spending your best time and energy on those non-negotiable priorities. But you've got to know what those are in the first place. In this module, I'll be dishing out loads and loads of tips to help pinpoint what yours are.

So things we'll be diving into on this day include:

  • What are the Daily Profit activities you need to prioritise so your business can work better for you

  • How can we make sure your daily tasks cover the four big groups of non-negotiables?

  • How to map this out in your weekly schedule and create and implement an implementation plan that works for you.

day four

You've got your to-do list, now what? This is what we cover on day four. So we will go over:

  • How to identify what your processes are and what needs to be maintained on a daily, weekly and monthly basis in your business

  • How can we create your weekly schedule with these tasks and processes in mind to make sure you're covering your bases, and working smarter, not harder

  • Figuring out how to outsource or automate as much as we can

day five

You might be thinking: but Holly, how do I complete my to-do list every single day? In this day, we’ll cover:

  • My favourite tools, processes and daily habits that ensure I get my to-do list checked off by 4pm every single day and how you can too

  • Key accountability systems that I recommend you have set up in your business so you can achieve success

  • How to take control of your business and the exact steps you need to take to keep organised and on top of everything so you can hit your goals

This is for you if you want to build a schedule that not only gets you to where you want to be but also honours your energy and support your sports your priorities.

It’s perfect if you want to say goodbye to overwhelm and protect your mental health and relationships as well as your goals.

I want to help you achieve those consistent income months and get you to that work-life blend you so desire. My goal for you is that you can blend your work and your life and that starts with the unique money-making to-do list that gives you the freedom to do both and be both if you don't know what to focus on in your business.

make sure you join the FREE Create Your Money-Making To-Do List course!

about the blogger

Hi! I’m Holly Bray

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).