102: How to hit your income goals this month


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Today’s talking point:

In today's episode, I'm sharing some simple ways you can hit your income goals this month from practical tips to mindset shifts. This is also what we'll be tackling during the upcoming Make Your Money Making To-Do List course.

Today I want to walk you through some simple ways to hit your income goals this month … and every month. You can truly build a business that supports your life, not one that takes over it. It’s been a year since the start of my maternity leave and the biggest change I made when I returned to work was having Friday off.

My clients are still being supported. My business is growing I'm making sales and so much more, all while I'm not actually at my desk. And there are some Fridays, where I do work, you know, I always check in with my clients. And during busier seasons, I might do a couple of hours here and there. But that is my choice. And that is what is so powerful about this.

So let's get into it.

1: mindset shifts

The first thing I really want to dive into is the mindset shifts that you can start making today to help reach your goals.

In order to reach your goals, you must believe that you can actually reach them. If in the back of your head, you're constantly questioning yourself, you're already telling yourself stories that you're not able to achieve those goals.

So we get to start to shift your mindset right now: start to truly believe that you can.

And I want to share some of my favourite mindset prompts that support me in reaching my goals:

One of the biggest things I want you to ask yourself is, what would the next version of me do? How would she react? What are some of the mindset shifts or mantras she would have? What would she believe when it came to her launch, for example?

Start to think about it never being a question of “if my launch…” Try to think of it as inevitable. Make it about what you do once it is a success. We get to start telling ourselves and truly believing that it's going to fill up and it's going to fill with ideal customers. It's inevitable. It's going to happen. Your success will come as long as you keep going.

How would you be showing up on social media right now if you knew 100% that the spots on your course were going to fill, or your products were going to sell out?

What does that look like? What does that feel like?

So start to get into that feeling and start to shift some of those stories that aren't serving you right now. It's not if it will happen, because it will happen as long as you keep going.

Here are some of my favourite mantras and affirmations…

  • I can handle anything that comes my way

  • People love to pay me and I love to support them

  • It's all working out perfectly for me. Success is happening to me, it's inevitable, it's going to happen.

  • Money comes to me in unexpected ways

You can create your own mantras, and say them out loud to yourself. I like to say mine in the shower or you could set them as alarms on your phone. Whatever you need to get them into your head and the more that you do, the more you will start to truly believe them.

I want you to know right now, you are so worthy of reaching anything and everything that you want and achieving anything that you want to in your business, even those big income goals that you have.

2: consistent activities

What are some of the things that you actually need to reach your goals? Maybe you don't know what these are yet. If you don't, the Create Your Money-Making To-Do List free course will help!

Maybe you do know what they are. Maybe you have a list of things that you do every single day, every single week and every single month in your business to help move the needle forward.

add value

In the big picture, one of the most important things is that you can do is to add value. It's actually a non-negotiable for me and my business. Whether that's sending a tip to someone in the DMS, whether that's me hopping on Instagram Live, whether it's me doing a mini-training on Instagram Stories, recording a new podcast and sharing it with my audience: at the end of the day, your value is going to help somebody.

We are here to create that impact. And I truly do believe the bigger the impact you make, the more value that you add, and the more success is going to come your way.

sell often

You get to sell and sell often. And that includes following up and following up often. It's not necessarily about selling once a week and then being done for the rest of the week, because not everyone's gonna see that.

Let's say you talked about your offer on Instagram Stories one day, and all of your ideal customers were off the grid that day. They're not going to know that you have anything to offer that could help them move from point A to point B.

Selling every day is actually another non-negotiable for me. People cannot buy from you if they don't know about what you sell.

Make a list of things that you can do this week in order to bring another sale into your business, whether it's reaching out to new leads, whether it's reaching out and nurturing some of your old followers. I would recommend doing both of those this week.

3: other activities

Let's say that your sales plan for February was to sell five clients into your group coaching programme at £1000 each. Maybe you’ve filled four out of five spots and you’re looking to fill the final spot, or looking for other ways to bring in that income and bridge the gap.

Don't feel like you have to follow your sales plan line by line. You're allowed to pivot you're allowed to make tweaks you're allowed to adjust. You're allowed to add more. This is your business you get to make the rules.

Let's say you're gearing up for a new product launch, but energetically, maybe you feel drained. If it feels easier, maybe you make a change to your sales plan. You get to set the rules based on what will feel easier for you.

Another thing I want you to keep in mind is ‘secret menu items’. These are basically things that you have in your back pocket that you don't always sell or maybe you don't have them listed publicly.

When it comes to selling secret menu items, I try and recommend selling things that you already have, or things that are easy to recreate.

So for example, I have quite a few courses that I created over the years that aren't publicly available. It's not always about creating something new. There are lots of different things you can pull out for some quick sales. And you can keep it to a limited number of people or a limited amount of stock. A

You could let people know on Instagram Stories or send an email and keep it very limited. Whatever time frame feels good to you.

You can always create more sales. And you can sell more than one thing if you want to.

So you're allowed to sell more than once but secret menu items, things you don't have to recreate. Do you have an old ebook? Do you have old courses or workshops that you've hosted that you can bundle into a mini-course? Do you have old stock? Do you have samples? What can you do with that?

You can also pre-sell into Quarter 2. Maybe you're going to be relaunching your group programme next quarter, you could pre-sell spots.

If you are ready to go deeper with me on money-making business activities, I have so much more to give you. If you're ready to become the boss of your business, and your life make sure to sign up for my free five-day course. We're going to go and take a deeper dive into how to create your own unique money-making to-do list so you can create the life that you desire without working 24/7. Save your spot by clicking the link below.

make sure you join the FREE Create Your Money-Making To-Do List course!

about the blogger

Hi! I’m Holly Bray

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).