198: Why I’ve invested 5 figures into mentorship (that goes beyond the income milestones)
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Today’s talking points:
Investing in my business is non-negotiable. I’m sharing with you six reasons I choose to consistently invest that go far beyond the income milestones.
I am going to take you behind-the-scenes today at some big investment decisions I’ve made inside my business.
But more specifically, I’m going to share why I kept investing in the same mastermind and the same coach… beyond the income milestones.
I hope this inspires you and ignites something within you to play a bigger game.
We cover the six reasons why I’ve invested, including:
Why you should value proximity (& why it’s important to realise you don’t have to do it alone)
The importance of community as you grow in your business
My desire to strive to be a better mentor every single day
A conversation around integrity, embodiment and practising what you preach
How mentorship has a ripple effect on your personal life, not just your business
The importance of valuing long-term commitments to yourself
I know 1000% that through mentorship, I'm going to be a better human, a better mentor, and everything else that it encompasses to have that community, proximity, support and those high-level conversations.
It makes me better in all ways. And when I'm better and I feel better, the income follows, the ideas follow the community, and the impact follows.
So if you've been looking for a sign to join a high-level group programme of some kind, this is it!
why you should value proximity
So beyond the income milestones, the number one reason why I invested in my one-to-one coach, and before that my other coaches, is that I value and desire proximity.
When you become an entrepreneur, don't do it alone. Honestly, please just don't do it alone, I don't know where I would be if I did not have mentors to lean on. I would have crumbled and I'd probably be back in the nine-to-five. I know I would not have the business that I have today without mentorship.
Now, the reason I say proximity and mentorship and not just investing in courses, which is great for information, but who are you going to go to implement that information?
It's so important to remember that you have a unique business and unique offers; you're a unique individual. You cannot grow and scale a business on generic information. You can't and you won't. So I value and desire to have proximity to my mentor.
When I have a question that needs answering for my unique business, when I need a unique response when there is something happening in my life, I need a unique response, I need to be able to openly share. So I want to have that support and the space to ask questions that are unique for me. No two businesses are the same and customised support at every level really does matter. I know that the proximity that I've had with my mentors over the past four years, is the reason why I am where I am today.
The importance of community
The second reason I want to share why I love masterminds specifically is because I value and desire community.
Again, this has nothing to do with scaling the business, this has everything to do with who I want to be as a person and what I want in my life and what I want and desire and value in my life at this moment is high-level conversation and high-level connection, and to surround myself with people that get it. It is so frustrating to try and talk about your work and things going on in your business with people that don't get it or at least people who don't get it in the same way that we need people to get it. I just think that having women in your space that understand you and your vision is such a relief, it's priceless, you cannot even put a number on it.
I think that what most people also don't talk about is that as you grow, and as you scale, it can get really lonely. You're going to be more isolated as you grow in some situations because you're going to trigger people. Sadly, some people are going to wait and want you to fail. So it's important to find people at your level and beyond who you can talk to about business and things in business. I know that I owe it to myself, my clients, my community, my business, and the dream life that I want to create for my family, to be surrounded by people that get it.
Becoming a better mentor every day
The third reason why I invest in mentorship, not income-related, is that I value and desire to be a better mentor every single day.
I'm asking myself, How can I be better today? How can I show up better for my clients, my team, my life, my partner, my son, and my mentor? How can I actually be a better client? I value and desire to be a better mentor always.
That's why I rejoined my mastermind again and again and again, because it helped me experience the way that my mentor run her mastermind, how she handled conversations, how she handled different personalities, how she held space for her clients on the days when one person may be struggling, and one person is celebrating their biggest month. Just the duality of that. I know how I handle it now.
As well, I know that I'm not liked all the time by my clients because I will tell them things that they may not want to hear. My job as your mentor is not to be your best friend all the time or to tell you what you want to hear. I will hold space for you, listen and guide you, wherever I can.
integrity & embodiment
A big piece for me is embodiment and practising what I preach. I can't tell you how many times I have seen people be so dishonest, especially in the coaching space around earnings and the whole conversation around money.
The integrity needs to be there. I value and desire to practice what I preach, and I cannot expect my clients in my world to move and take action and become that higher version of themselves if I'm not doing that. I value integrity so much, I am never going to preach about things that I don't do myself, I am never going to market something that I don't do myself. And people can feel that.
I can tell if somebody is embodied with what they're preaching or not or if they're straight up pretending to believe it. I believe it and I feel it and I embody it. That's what attracts people to me because they can actually feel that I'm embodied in what I do. I think that there needs to be this in the online space, just a little bit more integrity around that.
Now, I'm not saying that you need to have a mentor all day every day. I think it's important but there are also times in my business where I've not had a mentor, and I survived and it was fine. But I would always choose to have one if it's within my capacity and capability. I know that whenever I am in mentorship, I am completely embodied in what I am preaching. My energy's higher, my community can feel that. I also don't feel like a fraud showing up and saying those things that I'm not actually doing on the back end so it's a piece to show my community that I actually value what it is that I sell to you. If not, why would I even be selling it?
mentorship has a ripple effect on your life
I value personal growth and strive to be a better human being, not just a mentor.
Engaging in mentorship has had a profound impact on my personal well-being. It grounds me in my daily life, reduces my anxiety, and provides me with a clear business plan. While I do have meaningful conversations about my business with important individuals such as my spouse and parents, I understand that it's not fair to expect them to always hold space for these discussions. I can't become frustrated if they don't fully comprehend certain aspects of my business. This is a crucial aspect to be mindful of. It's important to acknowledge that you can't solely rely on your partner, friends, team, or industry acquaintances for business advice. That's not what mentorship is about.
Moreover, mentorship enhances my presence in my personal life. It inspires me to hold myself to higher standards and live life to the fullest. I recognize that it is my responsibility to show up and lead a fulfilling life because I want to serve as the best role model for both my clients and my children. By investing in mentorship, I become a better human being for my family and friends. I am more available and attentive to them. When I feel grounded and fulfilled in my business, it positively impacts my overall well-being.
Of course, I'm not perfect, and there have been instances in my life where I've experienced moments of irritability, moodiness, anxiety, or becoming overly consumed by my business. However, with the guidance of a mentor who truly understands and supports me, the ripple effect is transformative, and my personal life improves significantly.
A Long-term commitment to yourself
The sixth and final reason I want to give you is that I value long-term commitments to myself.
I desired to make long-term commitments to myself because, for me, I don't want to be in a container. I mean, six months is a minimum for me for my stage of business.
Why? Number one, you want to think about long-term growth. Number two, I don't want to be constantly thinking, Oh, my gosh, this container is ending, I have to soak up every little bit of it and ask all the questions. I don't want that, I want to be grounded in the container and know that I have the proximity for a full six months, and then I'm going to resign again.
For me, when I find a mentor I gel well with, there's no end to it. I don't believe in coach hopping, and I have no desire to look for another coach. I am here for the long term and I am committed to myself in the business and my clients for the long term. So I'm not going to play a small game when it comes to investing in mentorship. I have always gotten my best results from being in long-term containers.
I do think growing with one mentor long-term is key because you're not starting from scratch every three to six months with a new mentor trying to figure out their strategies and then take on their way of doing things. That's literally the definition of self-sabotage. Nobody has a secret magic pill so get in with a mentor that can actually guide you in the long-term because that's where the results are going to come from.
You need to commit to the long-term and give the strategy a long time to work because instant gratification is going to kill you. It's going to kill your business, it's going to kill your sales, it's going to kill your mindset. Nothing is instant. No result is instant. So nothing is instant, you don't just snap your fingers and get the results that you want. You have to commit for the long term.
Let’s recap
So, those were the six reasons why I wanted to share with you why I've invested so much in mentorship over the years, beyond the income and the milestones it brings. I am absolutely certain that being involved in mentorship will make me a better human being, a better mentor, and encompass everything else that comes with it—community, proximity, support, and high-level conversations. It improves me in various ways, and when I improve and feel better, the income, ideas, community, and impact naturally follow. If you've been searching for a sign to join a high-level group program or something similar, this is it.
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about the blogger
Hi! I’m Holly Bray
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).