When we write social media posts on a consistent basis, writers block becomes a very real problem. This is true for most online business owners at some point in their career.

But what I’ve come to realise is that it’s VERY self-imposed most of the time.

“How can I write content and social media posts that resonate SO much with my ideal client? SO much so, that they immediately DM me asking how I can help them further?”

That’s the dream, right? Well Boss, I’m here to tell you (from experience!) that CAN and WILL happen if you follow the tips I’m laying out in this blog post. I’ll share with you my top tips for content creation that will actually convert into paying clients, specifically using social media marketing in a way that feels AUTHENTIC. Let’s go.

Writing Social Media Posts Tip #1: Meet Them Where They’re At

One of the main pillars of my Busy To Boss Academy Market Research module is helping my students distinguish between a “perceived problem the client has” and the problem YOU think the client has.

BTW - anyone who’s in the Free 5-Day Online Marketing Challenge (register here - we start on 21/10!) will get FIRST DIBS to the Busy To Boss Academy, which opens for enrolment on 25/10.

Okay, back to the topic at hand.

It’s so important to distinguish between these two things and here’s why. You might deep down know what your ideal client REALLY needs. But they will not pay attention to you if you’re not meeting them where they’re at - and speaking to their current perceived needs.

You could have the BEST product or service in the world. But no one will buy it if you’re not using the right words and marketing to get them in your programme in the first place.

You’ve probably heard it many times…

“Get them in with what they SAY they want. Then give them what you KNOW they need.”

A good example for this is with health and fitness. 

  • Let’s say your ideal client SAYS they want to lose 20lbs so they can feel confident again.

  • You KNOW that while maybe they need to lose some weight for health reasons, to gain confidence, they need mindset work.

But if ALL YOU DO is talk about mindset work and don’t address that yes, you will also help them lose the 20lbs - your message will fall flat and they will ignore you. Which would be a real shame, since you WILL give them what they need (and probably help them lose more than 20 pounds).

In Day 3 of The Online Marketing Challenge, we go over market research so that you can really find out what your ideal clients say they want. Don’t worry - you will leave that day with SO much more clarity on what to put in your social media posts.

Writing Social Media Posts Tip #2: Tell A Story

There are many different types of posts you should be using on your social media channels (all of which we go over in depth in the Busy To Boss Academy, launching on 25/10!)

But one of the biggest methods of posting that should be throughout ALL of your social media posts is STORYTELLING. People buy emotionally and justify it logically.

If you’re not telling a story in almost all of your posts, you’re missing the boat (and leaving a LOT of money on the table.)

  • Have a good fitness tip/workout? Amazing. Tell it within a personal story of how you overcame a struggle

  • Have a great sales tactic? Amazing. Tell it through a story of how you first SUCKED at sales.

  • Want to get more life coaching clients? Perfect. Share what sparked you to become a life coach in the first place.

I used to SUCK at storytelling. BIG time. It felt really defeating and hopeless. I’d follow such a strict formula and try to copy other really great storytellers, and it always ended up sounding just like them (but in a really bad way).

But then I took some courses and hired coaches that specifically helped me with this aspect of my business. Over time, by utilising these tactics, my storytelling got so much better.

Of course there’s always room for improvement, but I’ve signed clients over and over again with a few rock solid story posts.

And honestly? It feels amazing. To know I can impact and influence someone with a single story in that way (and add money to the bank).


Some guidelines:

  • Be descriptive

  • Take them through a journey - how did you feel before, during, and after?

  • Speak your post OUT LOUD like you’re speaking to a FRIEND. It should flow and make that person feel like you’re just telling them this story

  • Add your personality. Don’t stress about coming across as “professional”. Use your own language, sprinkle emojis throughout like a boss, and be your authentic self.

You’ll emotionally connect with your ideal client through your social media posts in this way. And they’ll be way more likely to buy from that place.

We dive DEEP into this in the Busy To Boss Academy (in Module 5). Again, register for the 5-Day Online Marketing Challenge here so you can be the first to know when we launch on 25/10!

Writing Social Media Posts Tip #3: Less Is More

When I first started out Instagram, I was posting twice, sometimes 3 times A DAY. WHAT?! Talk about stress.

Now, MAYBE back then it was sort of necessary. But looking back, I highly doubt it.

I used to throw up social media posts (a lot of quotes and memes) willy nilly on Facebook and Instagram because “that’s what I was supposed to do” - and who the heck can put out 3+ QUALITY posts EVERY SINGLE DAY?!

Even if you’re full-time in your business...ain’t nobody got time for that! 

What I realised over time was that it’s not about the quantity of posts you put out, but the QUALITY.

Now I post about 5 times a week. Sometimes 6, sometimes 4. But I don’t stress about a specific number. I DO plan out my posts, but even when planning, it’s coming from an inspired, strategic and value-driven place, so I know I’m NEVER “posting just to post”.

If you have 3 QUALITY posts during the week - that’s amazing.

3 quality posts speaking to your ideal client and making a call to action for your product or service is perfect. If it’s from an inspired place, that’s all that matters.

If you’re on the struggle bus when it comes to writing content because you’re experiencing massive writer’s block, check out this episode of the podcast. I go in depth on how to overcome writer’s block and write content effortlessly.

Writing Social Media Posts Tip #4: Make Clear Calls To Action

So you’re writing quality content that’s:

  • Meeting your ideal client where they’re at

  • Telling a story to emotionally connect with them (because that’s when they buy)

  • Only posting when it’s TRULY quality (because you know sometimes less is more)

But you’re still not getting many click throughs to your website, DMs, or making more sales! 


Take a long hard look at your content. If you’re TRULY doing those three things consistently over time...the only missing link would be that you’re nott actually TALKING about your product or service. You’re not making enough calls to action directing people to what they need to do next.

It happens ALL the time. I’ll talk to my clients and they’ll be rocking their content, forming relationships, doing ALL the things, and frustrated that they aren’t getting a return on that.

Well...are you actually talking about the fact that you HAVE this product or service? This you DO this for a living? That you have something that could help solve their problem?

They pause…






And I mean CONSISTENTLY. Like all the time.

I’m not saying every day or every post has to be “Sign up for my service! Click the link in my bio to buy my product!”

But are you saying things like, “I do this with my private clients” or sharing testimonials saying “AHH! I LOVE helping my clients overcome XYZ or reach XYZ goals”, with screenshots?

I make a point to share a testimonial on my Instagram Story every single day, even if it’s small. If you don’t have a lot of clients or even none, share how you’ve helped family/friends/yourself - that COUNTS!

Make a point to actually tell people to apply for your service or buy your product 2-3 times a week in your posts AND 2-3 times a week in your stories.

You are doing them a disservice if you don’t, because you could be that solution they are desperately needing and by being too shy to share it, you’re ROBBING them of having an incredible transformation.

We dive deep into all of this on Days 3 and 4 of the 5-Day Online Marketing Challenge. DO NOT MISS OUT ON THIS! It’s FREE and I don’t know when I’ll run it again.

Join us here so you can start writing social media posts that convert and helps you turn followers into loyal clients.

Tell me about you! Do you struggle with writing social media posts that make your ideal client DM you about your offers? Which of these tips will you implement?