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Today’s talking point:

Can you believe there are 33 days left in 2019 now? I don't know about you, but I don't like waiting until we ring in the new year to start creating plans and build a stronger brand in 2020.

I don't have a crystal ball, but I can predict how successful your content creation will be. There's one important factor that really differentiates business owners online: how often you show up for your audience.

So in today's episode, I'm going to share five content creation hacks that have been a game changer for me. 


In this episode, you'll not only learn how to create more impactful content in less time, but also how to create content that your ideal client actually cares about, so you can show up consistently and convert more followers into sales. 

#1 | Focus on One Platform

Hack number one is to focus on one platform at a time. I see this with so many business owners, they feel like they have to go all in and grow everywhere, all at once - and that's just not a strategy that's going to work. 

If you look at the big content creators & their journey, you'll see that they started off by focusing on mastering one platform at a time. You don't have to do it all. I am officially giving you permission to select one pillar content channel and one supportive social media platform. That's it. This is so important if you want to stand out or otherwise you'll try and be everywhere and you'll end up doing a really bad job. 

There's no need to put that pressure on yourself. Start with one platform, master it, double down on it and then once that's rocking and rolling and you've got a smart content strategy in place, move on to other platforms. It's about doing less, not more, because doing less is going to allow you to be more impactful because all of your energy is going to be focused in one place. 

#2 | Do Your Research

Doing this work up front is so important. Oftentimes when we create content, it can be all about what we want to write about and what we want to say. But there has to be this balance between getting your message out there and creating content around topics that people actually care about. 

I used to get so carried away with my content topics that I would only create content around things that I cared about. It's so much better to create content around topics that your people actually want and need, because you're going to get so much more out of it from the work that you put into it. 

Essentially this is a simplified version of market research. The work that you put in is going to get you so many more results because you're focusing on creating content around topics that people are actually searching for and that's going to get you more leads, more views and sales

#3 | Plan Ahead

I used to plan a month in advance and now I plan up to a quarter in advance and that's exactly the same process that I take my one-on-one clients through as well. If you plan in advance, have a solid content calendar and you take your business seriously, you will always be ahead of the game. It will save you so much time and energy rather than just posting things on the fly. If you have a solid system to put out your content, then planning is a huge part of that. 

#4 | Batch Your Content

Now hear me out → when I talk about batching, a lot of people think, “Oh my God, Holly, you're going to have me sitting down and write in 20 blog posts or creating in 20 videos. I can't do that.”

Now, of course that could be one type of batching, but I want you to find the strategy that works best for you. That might be putting all your tweets together for the week. Start small. If you can create all of your graphics for social media at one time, get it done. If you come back to write your video creation, then do that. Maybe start off with two videos at a time and then work your way up to four. 

Batching allows you to work on the things that matter in your business. The things that move the needle forward, the things that have to get done. 

Harness the power of batching so you can save yourself time. 

#5 | Repurpose

Repurpose your content, and this isn't the way that a lot of people think about repurposing. We are not just sharing the same content over and over again and dumping our content on every single platform that you're active on. Instead, I want you to give your content more mileage. 

All you have to do is fill in the gaps with some fresh dynamic content because you don't really want all of your content to be repurposed content, but it does shrink the amount of time you have to put into creating new original content  (with an extra benefit is that it gives your audience multiple chances to consume your content). 

Repurposing is going to be a game changer for you, I promise. 

These are my top five content creation hacks to help you save loads of time and energy in your business.

If you don't have a content calendar system in place yet, or you don't feel confident with the content creation system you've got in place, then my live workshop: How to Create More Content in Less Time and Get More Eyes on Your Business is the perfect place to start.

It will walk you through the entire process of planning and organising your content in a strategic way so you're not running around in circles trying to figure out what to post about. This right here is just a little tiny snippet of what you all learn in the workshop and you can get access to that on Black Friday for just £47.

Make sure you grab one of those Black Friday offers, right now! For all the info you need, click here.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode: