244: How to reframe "I'm not ready" to set you up for success
Catch up on some related episodes:
The #1 strategy to ensure you're getting paid each & every month
The one thing holding you back from creating consistent income (Path to Predictable Income Series)
Today’s talking points:
How many times have you left fear hold you back from going for something you desire? No longer, boss. Let me help you reframe feeling “not ready”.
Here we are at our last episode of 2023 - can you believe it?!
The final episode of the year and all I’m going to tell you before you go into this is that this is going to be a classic, Sassy Holly pep talk - she had to make one more appearance, didn’t she?
And I couldn’t think of a better way to end the year.
So this is going to be short, sweet and oh so so sassy, so let’s dive in.
pushing through my comfort zone
You know, lots of women following my stuff and consuming my content each week want to grow their businesses.
I hear a lot of the same reasons why they’re not taking action on the things they need to do in order to take their business to the next level.
Have you ever said I'm not ready to take that step? I'm not ready to sign up to work with a coach. I'm not ready to put my website out there. I'm not ready to do an Instagram Live. I'm not ready to charge that much. I'm not ready to attract that type of client. Have you ever said one or more of those things to yourself? I know I’ve had every single one of those thoughts.
But I need to be honest with you - that whole "I'm not ready" thing is your brain playing it safe, keeping you small. That’s a fear-based response. That is something trying to hold you back to hold you to playing small and not taking these big steps that are going to move you forward.
A little story from my own experience. Starting a family while growing my business was daunting. None of it felt 'ready’ but it didn’t matter because there was a looming deadline on the horizon. I raised that being ready is a myth.
Returning after maternity leave, I had so many doubts. I had to figure out whether I was to commit to my business and take it to the next level, or if I should return to a job. The easy way out tempted me, but I wanted my business life; the big freedom life I desired so badly. So, despite feeling unprepared, I committed.
When I came back, I didn't feel ready. I remember when I launched my first group coaching programme in 2020 with just a free challenge and a landing page - none of the content had been created in the programme. I wasn't ready, but I did it anyway, even though it was the scariest thing I've ever done. I remember ending that free challenge and I was just exhausted. It was this huge sense of ‘I did it.’
I remember the first time I had a client who paid me my new price for my one-on-one coaching programme after my coach had told me to raise my prices. I was terrified and did not feel ready to charge that amount. It felt so scary, there was imposter syndrome around charging that amount and I wasn't ready but I charged it. I got through saying the number the first time and the second time and the third time and a month later I filled my coaching programme with clients who were excited to work with me and pay me.
Another big thing I did in 2019, when I was really ready to make that pivot and take things to the next level with my business to get me ready for my big vision was joining a mastermind. We were just about to get married and I knew I couldn't keep going as I was in my business as I had no idea what to do next.
I wasn't even earning enough to cover the monthly payments at that point. But I made a solid commitment, telling myself, "No, I'm doing this. I've got to get this rolling." It dawned on me that there was a path I could take. So, I applied, had a chat with my mentor, and signed up for the payment plan to join a mastermind. It was scary. I remember discussing it with my then-almost husband. We knew it would be a massive stretch, way out of our comfort zone.
However, I had a lot riding on this—I wanted a family and big things for my business. If I wanted this business to succeed and align with my vision, I knew I had to make it profitable; otherwise, a job might become the only option. I quickly realised there was a steep learning curve ahead. I needed someone to shorten that curve. That's why I invested so much in joining the mastermind and getting the necessary training, and support, emotionally and strategically, from a coach. Sure, I could have kept trying to get new clients on my own, which I did. But having someone guide me, who'd walked that path before, made it much easier.
I share all this because it's a prime example of not feeling ready. It's the main reason I see women holding themselves back from taking those daunting steps in their businesses. Even back in 2018, when I launched my podcast, I felt unprepared. Suddenly, my voice was out there, representing the personal brand of the business—that terrified me.
feel the fear and do it anyway
Each of these situations pushed me out of my comfort zone and propelled my business to the next level. You've got to get past that feeling of not being ready to get where you want in your business, you’ll have to step out of that comfort zone. Because, boss, we're never going to feel fully prepared. But guess what? We’ll do it anyway. We'll do it scared.
We might even feel a little queasy before launching a new offer. We'll have conversations where we're sweating buckets pitching ourselves or announcing new prices to clients. But you know what? They’re just feelings—nothing more. I’ve learned to reframe it; those nerves now signal to me that I'm on the right path, facing the next hurdle to reach my destination.
I remember those days, I still have them, and you're not alone in this, boss. We'll keep doing the tough stuff, making our dreams happen.
merry Christmas - see you in 2024!
This also means that 2023 on the podcast is officially wrapped!
Have a beautiful festive break with your loved ones. Eat, drink, rest, be merry.
I will see you in 2024 when I will be back from maternity leave and let me tell you… I’m coming back with a bang, Boss
about the blogger
Hi! I’m Holly Bray
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).