202: How to have a breakthrough to get to your next income goal
Catch up on some related episodes:
3 questions to help you know where to put your focus for the rest of the year
How to figure out what’s a priority (when everything feels like a priority)
Today’s talking points:
It’s time to ditch the excuses that might be holding you back so you can finally step into your next level and reach your highest income yet.
Does the word stuck resonate with where you feel like you’re at right now?
There's a big reason why so many women entrepreneurs are finding themselves stuck in their businesses.
Despite all of the courses, all of the late nights, all of the Googling for answers, they find themselves unable to get past their current level of success, and they're not exactly sure what it is that's going to help them break through to that elusive next level, where they have more revenue coming in the doors, more time back in their schedule and the dream life and business they've been promised.
Well, I'm diving into why we need to get out of information overload and start getting into implementation mode so that you can truly see the results that you're looking for.
We dive into:
The real-life stats behind what female entrepreneurs are actually earning
The two types of business owners that fall into this trap (+ how to identify which one you are)
3 “excuses” we see from people who are in the top secret entrepreneur lab
How to identify where you are on the business growth spectrum
If you’re ready to implement, you will LOVE this one.
real-life stats of female entrepreneurs
Feeling stuck? Trust me, you're not alone in this struggle. It's a word that pops up so often when I talk to my clients and community.
Let's break it down and take a look at what I've observed with women entrepreneurs who find themselves stuck in their businesses. Time for some stats - I did my research, you know I love sharing data with you and the results show that it’s not uncommon to get stuck at certain levels of success.
Now, this is all in dollars. Around 75% of women entrepreneurs are generating less than $50,000 a year in gross revenue. And wait for it, most of them are earning even less than $30,000 a year. Ouch! Only a mere 12% manage to break that elusive six-figure mark, making $100,000 or more in their business, and we're talking less than 3% who reach the magnificent seven-figure milestone. It's a tough climb.
When you're stuck at the lower revenue levels, it's no surprise that you can't fully create the business and life of your dreams. Hustling 24/7 for every single sale or client is exhausting. And let's be real, you can't hire some much-needed support when the revenue flow isn't cutting it. Marketing your business consistently becomes a struggle because you just don't have the resources. It's a juggling act that's stretching you way too thin.
But here's the good part - breaking through to that next level changes everything. Suddenly, you can get the support you need both in your business and at home. You can invest in the right tools and technology to boost efficiency. You even get to buy back your precious time and focus on what truly ignites your passion, instead of wearing all the hats in your business.
So, yes, feeling stuck is frustrating, but it's not the end of the road. Let's work on getting you to that next level where amazing things await.
the two types of business owners
So, why are so many women entrepreneurs getting stuck in the $30,000 to $50,000 revenue zone for the past decade?
I've worked with countless female business owners, and I've figured out there are two types of entrepreneurs in this zone.
First, we have the business beginners. They're the true starters, just starting out and needing some serious business training to lay the foundation for their venture. Now, they should already have the experience and expertise to offer valuable services to their clients. For example, if they're nutritionists, they should have the right training and certifications. But what they often lack in the startup phase is the essential groundwork for growth. They need a clear offer - the right product, program, or service, at the right price, solving the right problem for the right people. They also need a solid marketing strategy to spread the word and attract potential clients. And, of course, a sales system is a must. Converting potential clients into paying customers requires knowing the exact process. It might sound simple when I list them like that, but in reality, it can be overwhelming. These beginners get stuck because they need the right information and training to set those business foundations.
Now, on to the second group - the struggling, stressed-out solopreneurs. Unlike beginners, they aren't stuck in the startup stage. They're stuck because they're unsure of what to focus on next. Information overload hits them hard - with a million tips, tricks, and tactics flying around, they struggle to see the bigger picture. They lack a clear strategy and often find themselves stuck in what I like to call the "top secret entrepreneur lab."
Fancy name, right? The top secret entrepreneur lab is where we all go when we're trying to figure something out, but here's the catch - it's not public. Business doesn't work in secrecy; you need to put your work out there to validate if people want and will pay for your offers. These solopreneurs get caught up in too many ideas without implementing a strategy to bring those ideas into the world. So, they're left struggling and feeling overwhelmed.
Now, don't get me wrong, I understand they have their reasons, or shall I say "excuses." They might think they need more information or that constant testing and tweaking will solve everything. But what they truly need is to shift gears into implementation mode. It's time to get out of that "top secret entrepreneur lab" and start putting their work out there. That's how real progress happens.
Let’s take a look at some of these '“excuses”.
the “excuses”
Let's address some of those excuses, shall we?
Excuse number one: "But I'm not ready yet."
I hear this all too often from entrepreneurs who get stuck in information mode for far too long. They feel like they lack the qualifications, experience, or certifications to be seen as experts. They struggle with confidence in owning their area of expertise. As a result, they end up pursuing one certification after another, training after training, constantly feeling like they're not ready or good enough. It becomes a major procrastination tactic. But here's the truth: there comes a point where you need to gain real hands-on experience by putting yourself out there and working with real people.
Next up is the infamous excuse: "But it's not perfect yet."
Ah, perfectionism, I see you Enneagram type ones! Many business owners find themselves stuck in the "top secret entrepreneur lab" because they believe everything must be perfect before they can share it with the public. From perfect photos and outfits to flawless branding and logos, they think they need to invest loads of time, energy, and money into all these things before they can start working with paying clients. But here's the reality check: you don't need all that right from the beginning. There are countless successful women entrepreneurs who started getting clients right away without a fancy website or professional photos. They took action, and that's what mattered most.
Then there's the "I need a magic formula to follow" excuse.
So many people get trapped in the top-secret entrepreneur lab because they're petrified of failure. They keep investing in courses and coaches, hoping to find that elusive magic formula that guarantees success. However, when they try a tactic and don't see immediate mind-blowing results, they quickly give up and jump to something else. But here's the thing: true success doesn't come from magic formulas. It comes from understanding the underlying strategy and the numbers behind it.
Let me give you an example of one of my clients who felt like her launch was a failure because she didn't get the same number of sign-ups as another entrepreneur in her niche. However, upon closer analysis, we realised her conversion rate was actually fantastic. The problem was simply a matter of maths - she needed to get her offer in front of more potential clients to hit her numbers. Understanding these crucial numbers and data can help you make more strategic decisions and grow your business successfully.
So, as we delve into the different excuses that often keep people stuck in the top secret entrepreneur lab, ask yourself: Are you stuck there too? If any of these challenges resonate with you, then this series "The Unsexy Secrets to Sustainable Success" is precisely what you need to get unstuck. Understanding where you are on your business growth journey will bring clarity and guide you in moving out of the top-secret entrepreneur lab towards building a predictably profitable business.
business growth spectrum
If you're ready to transition from information overload to full-on implementation mode, let's start by identifying where you are on the business growth spectrum.
There are three key stages to consider.
First up is the startup stage - we all begin here. It's tough because we're trying to validate our offers, and failure and rejection might be part of the process. However, the faster we move through this phase and embrace failure as a learning opportunity, the easier it becomes to get those first few paying clients.
Next, we have the success stage. This is where most people aspire to be - having paying clients and making sales. The challenge here is to keep up with serving clients while avoiding feast or famine cycles. We need consistent business systems that bring in clients and sales, ensuring we don't experience revenue gaps.
Finally, there's the scale stage. Once your business is stable and consistently generating revenue, you can consider scaling it. This means moving beyond one-on-one or small group work and being able to serve a larger number of clients.
Understanding where you are on this spectrum is powerful. It helps you step out of the top-secret entrepreneur lab and see exactly what your right next step should be, given your current stage of business. It's tempting to focus on the sexy aspects of passive income and scaling, but without a solid foundation, jumping ahead can lead to more frustration.
Now, let's address the "I'm not ready yet" excuse. If you genuinely lack experience and expertise in your field, it's essential to go out there and get it. Seek proper training, certification, or shadow someone to gain that valuable experience. However, for many, this excuse is unwarranted. You might already be expert enough, but you don't give yourself credit for your accomplishments. As women, we often downplay our achievements to avoid seeming boastful. So, I challenge you to make a list of your credibility markers - degrees, certifications, work experience, awards, publications, and more. Realise that you are ready to take steps toward growing your business because you've put in the work, gained experience, and have the credibility to back it up.
You've got this! Let's move forward and make it happen without the hustle and burnout.
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about the blogger
Hi! I’m Holly Bray
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).