168: 3 mindset shifts to help you boss Q2
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Today’s talking points:
There’s no better time than a new quarter to level up your mindset and shift the blocks that may be holding you back in your business.
We are going over 3 essential mindset shifts to help you boss Q2 and beyond!
We are so close to a brand new quarter! Q2 is on the horizon and I know this is a time when a lot of us can be feeling a little anxious.
Maybe it’s because we’re fully in the swing of things with the year now - you’ve had 3 months to find your feet and get started with your goals.
You might be feeling fired up and ready to go or maybe Q1 hasn’t gone as you’d hoped or planned or expected.
Whatever camp you fall in, I’m going to share 3 mindset shifts you can make to help you boss Q2.
1) Revisit your why
It’s so important to remember that you can shift your mindset at any time. The first mindset shifts is to really trigger this by revisiting your why.
I really want you to just think to yourself ‘What is this for? What am I building towards? What really motivates me?’
It's about the life that you are building, nothing else. So don't look at the scoreboard all the time; instead, revisit your why and decide how you want to show up, regardless of how it goes.
The scoreboard is there when we need to know how much time is in the game so we can formulate a plan, but the plan is always formulated around you why.
2) the right things, not all the things
The second mindset shift that I want to talk to you about is the right things, not all the things.
Your to-do list at the moment might look like a junk drawer full of all those things in Q1 that you've delayed or moved and then what you want to do in Q2, as well as time off for Easter and half term. It can be very overwhelming when you look at everything you've got to do with a limited amount of time.
As far as a quarter goes, however, it’s important to remember that productivity isn't about getting everything done; it's about getting the right things done.
Being intentional about your work is what's going to move you forward in figuring out what the right stuff to focus on, instead of arbitrarily going down a list of things that need to get done which will only lead to overwhelm.
One exercise I love to do with clients at the start of the year, or at the end of the previous year, is:
Imagine it’s New Year’s Eve, you're with someone really special in your life, you're pouring yourself a glass of your favourite beverage and you feel so proud when you look back on the year.
Why? What things happened this year?
Imagine it's New Year's Eve and on reflection, you’re grateful for ______ [fill in the blanks]
You find that what comes up for you really clarifies the little things.
We don't think “Oh, I’m so glad I showed up to that weekly meeting”, we think about the big things. Let that be a guiding light as you consider it.
3) You are not what you do
This is an important shift for all of us to process.
You are not what you do.
This is where identity work comes in. It’s easy for us to get mixed up with what we can bring to the table or what we produce as a person at work or home. We can work ourselves into the ground trying to be productive and our identities connect to that.
The reason we need to shift this mindset and this identity before we get going in the second quarter of the year is because basing our worth on our productivity is not a recipe for success. When you equate your worth to how much you get done, you create a time hurdle, as well as an emotional and metal hurdle. From this point, whatever we set out to try to accomplish makes it even harder to try.
The easiest way to stop believing that you are what you do is to start believing that you get your identity from something else besides what you do.
I can't prescribe that for you, but I would prescribe searching that for yourself. It might be as simple as saying, I am this person, I am choosing this and this is the energy I'm stepping into today.
It's recognising that you have permission to not be held hostage to what you prescribe as the source of what you are. You get to be an active participant in deciding that.
let’s recap
The good news is you don't have to fall behind or burn out in the second quarter, even if the start of your year hasn't gone to plan.
You can achieve success by resetting your thinking, and reminding yourself that it's not over yet. The goal is to get the right stuff done, and that you are not what you do.
There have been many times when I've tried to go deep and do a big mental shift and found a lot of resistance. Usually, it's because I'm making that attempt with low oxygen in the tank, aka my cup is empty.
So my final thought for you is if you are feeling down, sceptical, critical, cynical about this upcoming quarter, and you want to continue the year really, really strong. My advice is to do what you need to do to get to a place to feel good and to feel inspired before you start to look at the mental shifts. Once you feel that energy in that emotional lift and you feel the energy start to shift, that's the time to try to do the things that fill the oxygen tank so to speak so you can do that deep dive.
An invite to April’s planning party
P.S. I would love to invite you to our first live monthly planning party!
On Thursday the 30th of March we will be coming together to plan out the month of April. I cannot wait to help you stay on track with your big goals, and actually, prioritise what you want to make happen.
If you're ready to see massive momentum in your business, it's time to get laser focused. When you join me for this monthly planning party, you are going to leave with a real game plan to take your business to the next level.
I so look forward to seeing you there! 🎈
join April’s planning party
about the blogger
Hi! I’m Holly Bray
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).