Posts tagged health
Why Doubting Yourself Is A Good Thing

My mum has always told me that there’s no such word as “can’t”. I'll be playing the piano. There'll be a certain point on a piece of music that I just can't get past. I’ll say, “I can’t do this.” And she’ll say, “There’s no such word as can’t.” But then a feeling appears. One that can prevent a lot of our goals and dreams from happening: self-doubt.

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Why It's Okay Not To Be Okay

As bloggers, it’s natural that we share the most positive aspects of our lives. We share our achievements, the good times and everything that makes us happy. It’s easy for us to think that we all have our lives together. But behind the scenes, there’s probably a lot more going on than we realise.

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How To Cope When You Feel Like You're Failing

Do you ever experience days when you don't feel you're doing as well as someone else? Or when the dreaded comparison syndrome takes over and you feel yourself becoming smaller? I'm with you if you've ever thought the words "I feel like I'm failing".

I have high expectations. At times when I feel I'm not achieving what I thought I would be at this stage in my life, the fear of failure creeps up on me. There are times when it can be hard to escape from. But recently, I've found five ways to cope when I feel like I'm failing. Today, I want to share those with you.

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