078: 12 Simple Habits That Will Allow You To Have It All (For REAL)

in this episode, I am going to share with you 12 simple habits that you can do right now to get rich, because if all it took was to wake up early, meditate, and read every day, wouldn't we all be rich? Let's get into some real habits that are actually going to help you.

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Today’s talking point:

I recently went down a time rabbit hole that brought me all the way back to 2013. I lived at my parents, had just started my blog and was working on my Master’s degree from dawn to dusk. I was hustling until 12am to get a blog post out that would get 10 views.

Fast-forward to now, I get over 100,000 page views on my blog every single month, and my business is more sustainable than ever. It puts things into perspective, doesn’t it? 

But here’s the interesting thing: I felt just as happy, rich and successful back in 2013 as I do today.

So, the question is why? It’s because money can buy you things. It can buy you freedom and you might be thinking that money can buy you happiness. Money can allow you to buy things that make you happy, but money itself doesn't make you a happy person. So how did I build a successful sustainable business before I was 30, that made me truly happy?

The Secret To Success

I didn't wake up every day at 5am. I didn't read a book a day. And I definitely did not meditate every day. 

I know “all the successful people meditate.” There are a bunch of videos on this topic, a lot of them say:

  • You need to meditate every day 

  • You need to wake up at 5am 

  • You need to be constantly reading all day every day

But here's the thing. These are great habits of people who are already rich, but if you are trying to get rich and you're trying to make money and build your business, you just need to develop some very simple habits that will help you get there. So today, I still don't meditate. I wake up pretty early, but not 5am early. I do read more because I have created the freedom to be able to do that.

There is so much more to it. So in this episode, I am going to share with you 12 simple habits that you can do right now to get rich, because if all it took was to wake up early, meditate, and read every day, wouldn't we all be rich? Let's get into some real habits that are actually going to help you.  

Before we dive in, I just want to clarify this: I don't just mean rich in terms of how much money you have. To me, rich means so much more than just money, it means having a rich and full life. These habits that I have employed have allowed me to feel rich, successful and happy, no matter how much money I have in the bank, and they will do the same for you.

#1 | Do The Math

You have to do the math. If I were to ask you right now, how much money do you need to feel rich… what would you say?  Take it from someone who has generated multiple 10k months, it hasn't really changed me as a person. Like I said, I am just as happy today as I was before. 

The number that I need to feel rich today, I didn't need back then in 2013, when I started my business. It's whatever amount you know is going to change your life. So do the math and design your life. Let's break it down into categories.

  • Rent or mortgage 

  • Food

  • Household utility bills

  • Transportation

  • Insurance

  • Other payments and any little extras

Let's just throw some numbers in here just for fun. I'm going to be pretty generous with this here, just to illustrate a point. 

  • Rent or mortgage: £10,000/mo

  • Food: £2,000/mo

  • Household utility bills: £1,000/mo

  • Transportation: £1,000/mo

  • Insurance & other payments: £5,000/mo

  • Any little extras: £5,000/mo

  • Savings: £5,000/mo

To live a luxurious life like this, it would cost £340,000 per year, which is less than half of £1 million. £1 million is what most people say they want when they want to be rich. That's the whole point of doing this exercise. Put your total per month of what your dream life would cost you,  because it's probably a lot less than what you think you actually need. 

When you actually know the numbers of what your dream life would cost you, it becomes tangible. It becomes something that you can actually work towards and that is how I have worked my way up to where I am today in my business.

#2 | Have Gratitude

The second simple habit that will make you rich, happy and successful, is gratitude. I'm sure you've heard this before. When you are grateful for what you have, you spend less on what you don't need. When you spend less, you can keep more of your money, and you can invest into things that will actually bring you joy. 

What's also important is finding gratitude in failures and things that don't turn out right, and to see it as a gift and a lesson that allows you to bounce back a lot faster. Gratitude helps your momentum and it allows you to build a lot faster, to get towards these big goals that you want to achieve. 

You just can't be angry, you can't be upset, you can't be mad if you are grateful. So at the same time, gratitude immediately is an adjustment for your brain. Every morning and every night, I write down at least three things I am grateful for. They can be as simple as: 

  • I am grateful to be alive.

  • I am grateful that I am healthy. 

  • I am grateful that I have a roof over my head.

  • I am grateful that I have access to WiFi. 

  • I'm grateful that I have technology at my fingertips. 

  • I'm grateful that I have an amazing community. 

  • I am grateful that I made a sale today.

There is so much to be grateful for that you can usually write down way more than three things. But that is a really great place to start because it rewires your brain for more success.

#3 | Set Aside Time to Learn

When I am not growing or learning something new, I get really bored. Then when I get bored, I get kind of sad, and a bit lonely and anxious. So when you are not confident, you can't really be happy. And when you're not happy, you can't really be successful. All of these things are intertwined together. 

So the thing about learning time is you have to make the time to block it out. I try and set aside at least 20 minutes a day where I can read a couple of pages of a new book or listen to a podcast or check out a new YouTube video that's going to inspire me.

It's about taking information and learning from things and people that make you feel good because when you feel good, you do good. Then you can show up as a much better version of yourself to attract more abundance and attract more success into your life. 

#4 | Social Media Limits

There are 1001 studies out there about why social media is detrimental to your mental health. But let's face it, we all use it. So how do we use it to ensure that it doesn't make us miserable? Well, I make sure that I set time aside to go on social media, because when I have an intention to be there, I create more than I consume. 

I actually set aside time to be on my phone, as opposed to setting aside time to be off my phone. I used to think that I needed to take breaks from my phone, but it's about being more intentional about things. Nobody's perfect, you may still find yourself in the mindless Instagram scroll; but if you can think about it in terms of being intentional with your time when it comes to social media, it will be really helpful. 

Another thing I will say about social media is that anything that doesn't make me feel good, or anything that triggers me, I don't follow it. I don't follow things and people if it's not something that motivates and inspires and educates or just makes me a happier person. I don't want that in my sphere, I don't want that in my brain. 

#5 | Get Moving

Habit number five is all about movement. Now, I'm not saying you need to go bananas and do a full blown workout every single day. But having some sort of physical activity in your day is proven to make you a happier person.

If you don't have your health, you don't really have your wealth. You could be really, really rich and really unhealthy and not even be able to enjoy the freedom and abundance that you have created for yourself. So exercising is really important, whether that is a walk or run or a bike ride, whatever it may be, whatever feels good for you and your body. Try and make some time, even if it's just 20 minutes to half an hour a day to do it. 

It actually reduces the amount of pain, stress and anxiety that you feel in your life. So it makes you overall more joyful and just a happy person. Exercise is actually proven to boost self esteem, and when you feel good about yourself, you can show up as your best self. 

#6 | Focus on Money Making Activities

This may seem obvious, but it's really not. Focus on the things that make you money first. Period, end of story. When you are trying to build sales, you need to be focused on what is actually driving revenue, not the things that are distractions.

I want to walk you through something really quickly. Every single day I have four things on my whiteboard, just four things, and those are the only four things that are my main areas of focus for the day. Yes, everything else is important, but if I'm not focusing on these four things, I'm not actually doing what I need to be doing to build the business I want to build.

My priorities are to… 

  1. Book sales calls and generate leads for my programs. 

  2. Drive traffic to my evergreen funnels.

  3. Get market research and testimonials. 

  4. Product development. 

That's it. That is the only focus that I have on a daily basis. And I know that if I focus on those four things every single day, I know that I am focused on the bottom line of my business.

#7 | Delete Your To-Do List

I know, you think I'm nuts, but let me explain. Productivity is not profitable if it's not focused on the right things. Being productive is not always beneficial. If you're focused on the wrong things, a to-do list can be a really dangerous thing. 

I used to be the queen of this, and I still am sometimes. If I have to-do lists, I need to cross out every single thing on that list or else I am not satisfied. Though, not everything on that list is actually beneficial or helpful, sometimes it's just busy work. 

Delete your to-do list, and only focus on the things that are actually going to be driving that revenue and pushing the business the needle forward. 

#8 | Plan the Night Before

This is so vital, and so simple. Plan your week and your day, the night before. 

How I plan my week and how I plan my day is extremely intentional. I need to see my whole week at a glance, so usually I plan my week on a Friday afternoon to know what I have coming up the next week. If you just take it day by day, it's so easy to get caught up in busy work. Block out time for things like learning a new skill or a new task, things are going to help you make more money or build your business in a bigger way. 

If you're rich just in finances, you're not really rich at all. Make time for friends, block out that time for exercise, for family, friends - everything.

#9 | Work on Your Mindset

Mindset is to business owners what physical strength and capacity is to athletes. You have got to be working on it daily. Going back to gratitude, make sure you are recognising and appreciating the things around you, even the little things.

Make sure that you're not reactive, and that you are being intentional, and proactive about everything, which is why planning your day ahead of time is so important. Some of the things that I will do in terms of mindset are

  • Listen to podcast episodes when I am getting ready in the morning

  • Listen to a motivational playlist when I am exercising

  • Watch motivational videos on YouTube

  • Morning pages and affirmations

There are so many things you can do to feed your mind the right content so that you become the most confident version of yourself. Because if you're not confident on a daily basis, how in the world are you going to make the impact that you want to make or generate the revenue that you want to generate?

#10 | Put Action Behind Words

Habit number 10 is a real biggie: do the things, don't talk about doing the things.

A funny thing happens in social media where people talk and make claims about things they haven't done and may not ever do. So I'm a big believer in doing the work, taking the action, and allowing your success or results to be your noise. Do the work in silence and let success be your noise. Don't talk about doing the things, do the things that will give you abundance and make a real impact. 

#11 | Block Your Time

Block your time and protect the hell out of it. 

I block out my schedule on a weekly basis. I fit things in that give me a rich and full life, including:

  • Time with friends 

  • Time with family 

  • Time to exercise

  • Time to eat healthy 

  • Time for my morning routine 

So I actually know that I need to do them. Otherwise, I would literally work all day every day. 

Another piece of this is to protect your time, it's okay to say no. I know that you have to say yes a lot when you are getting started, but just just be cautious of the things that you say yes to.

Always go back to your main priorities that are actually going to make you money. Your daily priorities are the most important thing. Time is your most valuable resource. You don't get it back, it’s not renewable. You can always make more money, but you can't make more time. Be really mindful about how much you are loving yourself; because the more self love you give, the more your cup is full, and the more you can then give back to other people.

#12 | Monitor Your Money

Habit number 12 brings us back full circle. I don't know one person who has built up a lot of wealth, who thinks, “I don't know what's happening on a daily basis.” I can be really honest with you and say that I used to be that person who was like, “I have no idea what is going on.”

I had to get really smart about managing my finances, and as the business has grown, I wish I had started that a lot earlier. You should start from day one, whether you have a business or not. Just be checking your bank statements on a weekly and monthly basis and be cautious of what you are spending.

Again, the wealthiest people in the world are not always the people who are driving around in fancy cars and bringing in all the cash and making it rain. The people who are ridiculously wealthy are…

  • Generally pretty minimal

  • Very mindful of business stability and sustainability

  • Mindful of their money

  • Don't really change their spending habits based off of their income

Of course you can have your moments where you can be a bit flashy, you definitely deserve it.  But you've got to be mindful if you actually want to create more wealth in your life.

Being rich, happy and successful, all comes down to self awareness. Because if you don't know what makes you feel those things, then you're probably going to end up on somebody else's path. 


Hi! I’m Holly Bray

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).