270: Proven strategies for a fully booked business on repeat


We’re continuing our series around running your business on an operating system so you can generate more sales and visibility in less time.

So far, we’ve talked about where The FOCUS method can take you, and what’s currently holding you back from building the business and life you want, and today - we’re going to dive into proven strategies to create a fully booked business on repeat.

As a mentor, I am BIG on implementation. 

Because being fully booked once is one thing. But sustaining it from there is the biggest difference. Not to mention sustaining a fully booked business while life naturally “lives”.

There’s also a big difference between just running on intuition versus having a plan and a strong foundation.

We want both - the space for creativity and intuition, as well as a sustainable system to grow from.

So let’s dive into 6 proven strategies that can help you build a fully booked business on repeat.

It’s going to be juicy!

what do you desire?

They are things that you can always come back to, so every single year, every single time your season changes, we revisit this six-step process. It's not about being fully booked once; it's about sustaining it and that is the biggest difference.

I know you value your life first and your business second. Whether you're a mum, have a chronic illness, or just want to enjoy your free time, maybe you love travelling. You might live like one of my clients, who has their own home on a bus and travels around the country. You need your business to fit around that. That’s always the priority.

But there's a big difference between just running on intuition, energy, and vibes versus having a plan and a solid foundation. I prioritise both, and I always will. I have space for creativity and intuition, but also a sustainable system that allows me to build out other offers, take time off to be with my children, or launch something new. You’ve got to have the system nailed first and then layer your goals on top of that.

This framework, and the way I approach it with my clients, helps you achieve more of the results you want in your business. Usually, these wants come under four main categories:

  1. More control: It gives you more control over your time, growth, and finances. It means you are firmly and confidently in the driver's seat of your business.

  2. More profit: We see many business coaches talking about their latest launch or recurring revenue, but what does that profit look like? That profit number needs to be healthy, and that’s a big focus for many in my world.

  3. More growth: Business growth is a huge focus. Growing your email list, and Instagram followers, and getting fully booked. Having this system in place allows you to feel confident in knowing what leads to the results you desire.

  4. Compounding results: You get this constant feeling of everything working together and building momentum.

In The Focus Experience, my brand new one-on-one mentorship and management offer, we will work together to implement this focus method into your business. As a result, you will feel in control, happier, less stressed, more profitable, and way more focused.

So now I'm going to run you through the method one more time to drill it into your brain. We’re basing our discussion on how these strategies can lead to a fully booked business on repeat. This is my holistic system for running your business and creating a fully booked business on repeat that addresses six core aspects. If you can master the individual elements of this system, you will be able to integrate them into a powerful framework in your business that will help you gain momentum and realise the vision you've always had for your life and business.

the focus method - a recap

The six core aspects are:

  1. Macro: Big picture vision and annual goals. The process of creating a fully booked business on repeat starts here. Clarify your vision, and you will make better and faster decisions across all other areas of your business.

  2. Micro: This is where we dive deep into creating weeks that work in your business. We explore your schedule and routines. Having a fully booked business on repeat means getting more of the right things done without it taking all your time.

  3. Map: Your marketing and sales strategy. Together, we will map this out, identify your income-producing activities, and create a marketing and sales strategy. You'll know exactly what marketing and sales activities to do every single day to ensure your offers are designed to sell and get results, leading to a fully booked business on repeat.

  4. Method: This is all about your ability to create accountability and discipline and then execute. My triple threat method of quarterly, monthly, and weekly planning comes into play here, bridging the gap between vision and execution.

  5. Meet: We meet together multiple times a week through calls and messaging support to take the pulse of your business and keep the momentum going.

  6. Move: The most successful business owners, the ones with fully booked businesses on repeat, move. They do the mindset work, course correct when needed, and master their craft. This final part of the system cannot be done unless parts one to five are done with authority.

So, those are the six M's that make up this focus method. Let’s dive into these.

part 1) Macro

So, let's kick off with the macro, the first piece: big picture vision and 12-month goals. This is all about getting your vision out of your head and onto paper. By doing this, we hone your focus.

What I really want to emphasise for this section is your two-page game plan. No, we don't call it a business plan; we call it a game plan. And we'll get it down to two pages. Something you can have open on your laptop, seeing it every day. It'll keep you grounded, anchored, and focused, helping you move forward. This is the first tool we'll implement together in your business. And again, it's designed to help you get everything out of your head based on these core areas.

The reason why I mentor and manage this differently for you is that this two-page game plan gives you a clearer picture of not just where the business is going and how it's going to get there, but also who you are becoming in the process. That's the biggest differentiator. We don't talk about SMART goals around here. No, we also focus on who you are becoming in the process of reaching your goals and creating this fully booked business. It allows you to boil down your vision and big-picture game plan to just two pages because there's so much power in simplicity and clarity.

Let's define vision as it can be a buzzword and mean different things, but this is how I explain it: a vision clearly defines who and what your business is, where it's going, and how it's going to get there. It should also be simple for you to articulate because it's probably already in your head, which is the whole point of this exercise. You really want to be on the same page with yourself fully.

So, with this exercise to get you on the same page, there are eight core areas that we go through together to create this two-page game plan: your why, your values, your focus, your 10-year vision, your three-year picture, your one-year plan, your 90-day rocks, and issues. These eight things break down that big-picture game plan, that big vision.

part 2) micro

That brings us to the second part of the method, which is micro, all about schedules and routines specifically your income-producing activities, the skills you need, and systems and processes.

We don't want to keep doing the same things over and over again if they're not working. But when we find something that works, we want to rinse and repeat it because that's what gives us the results we want.

One thing that supports you in taking action to create a fully booked business on repeat is having a weekly outline. It saves you so much time because remember - an hour spent planning saves you ten in implementation. So, think of a weekly outline as the bones of your schedule. Having one allows you to easily see how much margin you have and plan things out strategically so you don't spread yourself too thin and feel burnt out or overwhelmed. Also, having your weekly outline makes your weekly reset meetings so much easier because you're not starting from scratch each week.

I recommend creating your weekly outline once and then auditing it every 90 days to make sure it still supports your season. If you have different types of weeks, create multiple weekly outlines. For example, I have a week A and a week B in my business. Week A is my call week with client calls, and week B is my non-call week. So, my weekly outlines for each of those weeks look completely different, and that's why I have two different weekly outlines.

We'll go through some steps together to identify your revenue-generating activities, energy-blocking, and take into account how you work best. We'll also look at the systems and processes. Then, we'll use my flow formula to create your weekly outline. Once we've mapped it out, we'll put it in your Google Calendar or whichever tool you use so you don't have to input it every week.

part 3) map

That brings us to the third part of the framework, which is map.

Now that we've established your vision, schedule, and processes, what actions do we need to take to achieve a fully booked business on repeat? This is where your marketing and sales strategy comes into play.

The intent here is to create a laser-sharp focus for your sales and marketing efforts, laying the foundation for all your future messaging, plans, and content.

Together, we'll implement my six-step marketing formula, which I fondly call the six-p marketing formula. Let me walk you through it quickly:

  1. People: Ensure you're always targeting your best-fit clients. This involves a shift from engaging with any clients to focusing on those who align perfectly with your offerings and values.

  2. Product: We'll audit your product, program, or service, examining its promise, the problem it solves, and the results it delivers. We want to ensure your offerings are perfectly aligned with our earlier vision and scheduling discussions.

  3. Process: This relates to the steps involved in delivering your offers. We'll focus on customer experience, ensuring it's seamless and remarkable.

  4. Position: We'll dive into messaging, pricing, expertise, branding, and more. We'll tackle your pricing strategy, looking at how your offers are positioned against each other.

  5. Pricing: We'll look at your overall pricing strategy and how your offers are positioned.

  6. Promotion: This involves how you market to your audience, guiding them through the attract, engage, and nurture process to prepare them for your offers.

By the end of this part, which we'll cover in week three, you'll have your marketing and sales system mapped out. We're essentially creating a hub for you, removing all guesswork so you'll know exactly what steps to take to hit your goals.

part 4) method

This brings us to part four of the focus operating system: method. This is the final piece of the puzzle that we'll implement together at the end of this initial phase in the focus experience. Without these foundational elements in place, you could be heading in the wrong direction so it’s important to get them nailed.

I could easily lay out the three parts of the focus method—your vision, schedule, and marketing strategy—and send you off. But where's the accountability? Where's the discipline? How will you keep track of your progress to ensure you're moving forward efficiently and effectively? That's where I step in, helping you make your vision a reality with my triple threat method: quarterly, monthly, and weekly planning.

Over the years, working closely with my private clients, I've witnessed remarkable growth—increased income, reduced work hours, and successful program launches—all attributable to consistent implementation of this triple threat method. With your vision, schedule, and marketing strategy in mind, you'll be laser-focused, ensuring you're on track to achieve your goals.

So, up to this point, we've covered the first four parts of the framework. We have two remaining, which we'll tackle between our calls: keeping a pulse on your business and executing the plan.

part 5) meet

So, that brings us to the next step, the fifth part of this focus method, which is meet.

This is one of my favourite sections because, once again, my manager hat comes on. In this section, I'll create a scorecard for your business to keep the pulse of your business. We want to work with your energy to help you get more done. I'll also assist you in managing your open loops. The better you are at solving problems and closing open loops, the more successful you'll be. We want that fully booked business, right? We want to work with your energy to make that happen and to help you get more done. The more open loops you have, the more issues you need to solve, and the longer it'll take to achieve that fully booked business. It'll get there much quicker when you're regularly solving your issues.

There are usually only a handful of core issues that I see with businesses, and it's usually the same ones that we address together. Addressing them allows us to have open, honest, and healthy communication, building trust and enabling us to progress faster. The more we work together, the better you'll become at solving them.

part 6) moving

And finally, we arrive at the last part of the focus framework, which is all about moving.

This phase brings everything together. Here, I'll guide you through my course correction method. I'll actively show you how to adjust when things deviate from the plan, because, let's face it, things won't always go as planned during the three months of the Focus Experience or even if you join the Embodied Boss Collective for 12-plus months. You'll have to adapt, tweak, and change things, and that's perfectly okay. That's the first piece of this puzzle.

The second piece is all about who we're becoming in the process. This is about becoming someone who does the work day in and day out. By this point, you have got so much mastery with this system. And the reason why this is so powerful is because each of these pieces you can work on individually, yes. However, each individual tool is not as important as the whole. We need to understand a master and implement each of these pieces in order to get to this fully booked business on repeat, and the degree to which you can strengthen them,

The initial implementation of this system is what will get you to a fully booked business, with clients consistently coming into your programs month after month, booking yourself out three to six months in advance. The key to keeping it on repeat is to continue implementing this system and strengthening each component. In our kickoff call, I'll provide you with an audit to complete. You'll rank different statements from one to five. Then, every 90 days, you'll fill out the same audit. Your scores will be significantly higher, which is incredibly powerful.

thank you! Let’s recap

So those are my proven strategies that I wanted to share with you for how you can create a fully booked business on repeat.

I've been so excited to talk more about this with you because as I've said I've realised that what I do is so much bigger than just talking about planning. I always wanted to help you take control of your business, for it to be more profitable, and for you to fall in love with your business again. I've seen that this framework is what helps that happen.

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about the blogger

Hi! I’m Holly Bray

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).