243: The REAL uncomfortable truths of scaling to a 6 figure business
Catch up on some related episodes:
The #1 strategy to ensure you're getting paid each & every month
The one thing holding you back from creating consistent income (Path to Predictable Income Series)
Today’s talking points:
Is scaling your business on your goal list for 2024? Well, I’ve got some uncomfortable but supportive truths for you to make this dream a reality.
If you are looking to scale your business to consistent £5k income months this year, this is for you.
If you dream big and know that you are meant to do big things, you've got this amazing vision - this episode is going to share some real uncomfortable truths (that aren’t always shared on Instagram), of the things that you are going to need to do and what it's really going to take to grow and scale a business of that magnitude.
What I DO want you to know is that it’s 100% possible. And that's what's so exciting about being an entrepreneur to build a business at this scale.
But a lot of people do us a disservice by making it seem so easy, and we often feel like we're doing something wrong or we're missing a secret piece of information, or just simply are not prepared for what it truly takes to scale a business.
So this episode is the real and raw truth (11 truths to be specific) about scaling to consistent income months in my business based on everything that I have done over the past 4 years, as well as helping countless students and clients scale their businesses to consistent income months ranging from 3k to 5k and beyond.
Let’s dive in.
hard truth 1 - it takes hard work
The first hard truth is that it’s going to take a lot of work. To truly grow a business with consistent cash flow, let's face it, it's a hustle. This is the unfiltered reality you're signing up for. Scaling demands a level of dedication that can consume you. No one stumbles into success here. One key, and I can't stress this enough, is to detach from emotions. Regardless of mentors or prep, entrepreneurship is an eternal rollercoaster. Treat it like a job, every day, no matter how you feel. This mindset was pivotal for my business and for clients who scaled up.
I've heard stories: signing up for programs, and going through the motions, yet true progress happened when they embraced the business vision seriously. Yes, it's thrilling to do what we love and flaunt it on social media, but let's not overlook the grind. It's not about working non-stop for a steady income – that's a myth. This is about the hard truth: it's work, and you better be ready.
The initial one or two years? It's a mix of trial, error, and figuring things out. Building, refining systems, setting up your workspace – it's all part of the game. Impatience kicks in, sure, but if it takes three years to nail those systems and then rake in a steady income for life, that's a worthy investment. Put those blinders on, focus, and commit to the growth phase.
hard truth 2 - you need self discipline
This leads to the second hard truth. It's all about self-discipline. It's a critical trait for entrepreneurs. While anyone can develop it, here's the kicker: among those who truly scale their businesses to that consistent income level, self-discipline stands out. Being the boss means making tough calls, waking up at 7 am instead of 9 am, and picking up the slack when others drop the ball. It takes discipline to meet deadlines when no one's breathing down your neck. It's demanding—I've pulled 12-hour days, weekends, and late nights. What kept me going was the clear hierarchy in my mind. Family first, then my business. When I'm working, it's all-in, no questions asked. Rain or shine, I show up, focus, and push forward, regardless of how I feel.
Sure, it's easier for some than others, I get that. But it's an important reality I can't gloss over. I've had this tough talk with numerous clients because it's part and parcel of the growth journey.
hard truth 3 - it’s in the mindset
Let's dive into hard truth number three— mindset. After guiding countless clients and reflecting on my own journey, I can confidently stress: if your mindset isn't aligned, your fears and beliefs will infiltrate every action.
Throughout this journey, your fears and beliefs get tested in two distinct phases. At any stage, there's a battle of self-belief, a personal development journey to truly embrace your capabilities. But reaching higher levels, like scaling to consistent 5 to 10K months, demands a whole new mindset. It all hinges on your core beliefs. Without the right mindset, actions falter, work feels hard, and resistance is constant.
Prioritise your mindset relentlessly. Your mindset not only drives self-discipline but also propels you to show up when you'd rather not. It aligns your priorities and fosters the belief in your abilities. It's the foundation for all of these other execution pieces and action steps that we talk about.
hard truth 4 - data is essential
The fourth truth behind scaling a business of this magnitude is that business is data.
A lot of entrepreneurs know this, they get taught to track their leads and analyse marketing strategies, yet many fail to consistently prioritise it. It's not as glamorous as Instagram stories or posts, but it's crucial.
Data isn't the sole game-changer, but it's irreplaceable and so essential. Scaling without it means relying on guesswork, which might work in the initial stages, but to scale effectively, you need data. It's the thing that guides your time, energy, and team. It helps refine efforts and energy for the biggest impact.
The data is going to tell you what to do, it's also going to help you expand because your business shifts from being very singular, both in the fact that you are running it and having only one marketing channel, to having your hands on a lot of things to when you've got a business bringing in 5k - 10k a month with some team members or contractors.
I mean, this is a real company. no one is running a business like that on their own. Data and systems enable others to contribute meaningfully and make informed decisions. With expansion comes the need for focus—directing energy where it matters most. Data-driven insights help avoid spreading thin, ensuring your team's efficiency aligns with your growth. We can make those educated decisions with data.
hard truth 5 - it’s time to shine
Truth number five hits hard—it's all about shining. I'm using "shine" instead of "stand out" deliberately. We all want to stand out, yet simultaneously, none of us really want to. We crave fitting in, following the known paths, and fearing judgment. But to truly grow a business to this level, you've got to shine—brag about yourself, draw attention with unique perspectives, and consistently radiate your beliefs.
Think of the sun shining—it doesn't just stand out; it consistently radiates, touching everything around it. That's the essence: not just a one-time spotlight moment, but a consistent brand presence that infuses itself into every interaction. Fear of judgment, conditioned by corporate or school norms, holds us back from unabashedly showing up, but that's precisely what's needed to scale.
You've got to be unapologetic, put those blinders on, and radiate consistently. It's this mix of unwavering consistency and unshakable belief that compounds over time. To stand out, you must be okay with not resonating with everyone, be known for something specific, and sometimes, it means focusing on one thing instead of all your passions at once.
Being known for something in particular, sometimes mean picking sometimes means picking one thing, and not doing all of our passions at once, or all of the things that we want to do here brings a mindset of really working on that and being unshakable. So that any of these things that come your way, you are able to continue moving forward, and you have to be very intentional to create that environment for yourself.
hard truth 6 - stepping into the CEO role
Now, let's tackle hard truth number six—I don't think enough people really talk about is how you have to think very differently at different stages of business.
The hardest part of scaling is shifting from business owner to boss, to CEO. Initially, we start as business owners, sometimes in a freelance mode, barely believing we can consistently make money online.
The real shift happens when we embrace the role of a CEO. It's more than just tossing around the term; it's about genuinely acting and running a team and business larger than ourselves. Stepping into this CEO role demands a significant shift in mindset and structural changes within your business. Leading, managing a team, making impactful financial decisions—all these skills become crucial as you grow, yet few of us are adequately prepared.
Entrepreneurship is often about diving in, figuring things out, and moving forward at every turn. But here's the thing: not enough emphasis is placed on learning how to be a true leader, how to manage a team effectively at this level. As you scale to consistent income, intentionally seeking mentorship becomes crucial to prepare for this shift.
So you enter this growth phase, as you scale to steady, consistent income and cash flow yeally need to be intentional about getting a mentor to help you prepare for that shift.
hard truth 7 - get clear on what you’re known for
Truth number seven is you don't need a complete office suite or a myriad of revenue streams and passive income straight away.
Now, should you be aiming for that I'm working on creating all of those different assets? Yes, 100%. Because that is how it's going to be really sustainable for you, we want to focus on diversifying our income, we want to focus on the different ways we can bring in sales, that's absolutely super important.
But scaling consistently to 5 to 10k months is more about being known for something—a signature offer or two—than having a complex business structure or multiple passive income channels.
The impactful approach isn't immediately rushing into passive income and funnels upon entering the online space. Instead, it's focusing on establishing your reputation in a specific niche. That's what creates a lasting impact with less effort. For me, a small portion of my income is from passive sources. While I'm working on expanding funnels this year, it has never been the primary driver of my revenue.
To scale consistently, over 60% of my revenue stems from one key offer. Focusing on this singular offering and becoming known for it, has allowed me to amplify its impact without spreading myself thin. It's about mastery—mastering one or a few key aspects, creating signature offers, refining them, and amplifying their impact.
While building a diverse income portfolio is crucial, the focus on becoming known for something and refining signature offers creates long-term sustainable growth. It's a path that relies on mastery and selective focus, often underrated when discussing sustained growth at this level in business.
Hard Truth 8 - stepping out of our comfort zone
Let's talk hard truth number eight. We all hear the advice about stepping out of our comfort zones in entrepreneurship. It's a known discomfort we need to embrace. But the thing is that it's not just about stepping out occasionally; it's about living outside that zone consistently. To scale to a level of consistent income, living beyond your comfort zone is non-negotiable.
Merely stepping out occasionally won't cut it for making the monumental decisions required at this level. You've got to accept living outside that comfort zone, consistently. I find myself thinking, 'Okay, settled in,' only to realise another week brings a new challenge demanding that uncomfortable space. While this concept might seem abstract, it's so important when scaling a business to this magnitude.
It's about doing things even when you don't want to or when fear looms large. It's also about detaching emotions from things we feel we're not good at. Often, these discomforts stem from our aversion to feeling incompetent. Scaling means doing many things you're not initially adept or good at, but that's part of growth.
Embrace discomfort, seek out challenges that push boundaries, and realise that getting better sometimes means sitting in that uncomfortable 'not good enough' space. It's a tough pill, but crucial for growth. Moreover, as you scale and lead a team, it's about fostering an environment where everyone embodies this approach, not just you.
hard truth 9 - money matters, but it’s not everything
Let's dive into hard truth number nine, especially crucial in the online space—money. Money matters.
Scaling is partially about achieving income goals, but it's more than just financial benchmarks. A 10k monthly income might mark a six-figure business milestone, representing a consistent stage for many businesses. It signifies certain business aspects—team members, multiple offers, and an omnipresent presence—that are crucial.
Yet, the uncomfortable reality is not to solely chase after money. When I hit my first 10k month, it wasn't the life-changing moment I'd anticipated. The truth is that hitting these financial marks doesn't fundamentally change you. It's exciting for the business, but it doesn't transform your daily experience.
What truly matters is the business's health, your team's dynamics, the efficacy of your systems, and the impact of your programs. Money is a byproduct of these elements. Plus money lacks significance without considering profitability, balanced expenses, and time management.
While hard work and grind are important, it's not solely about chasing money. It's about having the freedom to take Fridays off, having a supportive team, and being passionate about your programs. Scaling might involve a 'hustle mode,' but it's crucial to recenter for a more balanced approach. Many struggle with this shift due to the overwhelming importance we often attach to money.
hard truth 10 - radical responsibility
Let's tackle truth number 10: radical responsibility. It's a topic close to my heart because it's often overlooked in the entrepreneurial space. Yet, when scaling to this level, radical responsibility is non-negotiable. It's about taking 100% ownership of every circumstance you face, every action you take, and every choice made within your business.
The beauty of radical responsibility is that it’s empowering. It's not about assigning blame, it's about acknowledging control. While we can't control everything, we always have a choice in how we respond. It's a mindset shift—a recognition that we're accountable for our actions, their effects, and the decisions that we make.
Embracing this mindset shift unlocks so much power and satisfaction within your business journey. You’re able to understand that you're responsible for your actions and reactions. The sooner you wholeheartedly embrace this truth, the more empowered and satisfied you'll feel throughout your business and this growth journey that you go on.
hard truth 11 - the long-term vision
Hard truth number 11: Long-term Vision.
My clients will know that I talk a lot about long-term vision because this is something that has fueled me from day one. I believe this has helped me as well as so many of my clients get to this level.
We often discuss the importance of 'acting as if,' embodying the version of yourself that already possesses your desired success. It's foundational to envision yourself as a business owner earning a certain income before achieving it. However, equally important is to act as if your business is here for the long haul. Our actions and decisions, especially in scaling to consistent income levels, must align with this long-term perspective.
This requires patience and an unwavering belief in the business's long-term success, even when the path ahead seems obscure or vastly different from current expectations. It's a blend of blind faith and long-term vision.
What I truly believe in is 'calm confidence.' It's a phrase that resonates deeply with me and one I'll emphasise more this year. It's about exuding confidence in our actions, planning, and investments for rapid business growth, navigating the inevitable ups and downs with confidence and ease. Almost with blind faith.
Once we've embraced this vision, it's about consistently pushing beyond comfort zones, maintaining self-discipline, and showing up daily to bridge the gap between our current reality and that envisioned future.
you’ve got this, boss
Now, with all of this said, while this is a truth episode, there are a lot of hard truths in here, you know, we did 11 of them, but I also want to make the point that scaling your business is exhilarating; I specifically chose that word because I couldn't think of a better word.
Apart from my children, it is the most proud I've ever been of myself, and I know that my clients say that as well. It is the most fun and creative you get to be and it's made all of my dreams and lifestyle already come true. I know that I can absolutely echo that phrasing and that takeaway for every single one of my clients and peers, and friends in this space who have also scaled to this level.
That's why I'm passionate about helping people to figure out their path to steady income. It's not just about starting a business and getting go, but learning how to make this sustainable; to build a long-term business with the right systems and mindset to go with it.
The key takeaway from these truths here is that we really need to be smart. We need to be intentional about what we're doing and embody that dream business. It is why I'm so passionate to be able to guide entrepreneurs on this journey, to be that sounding board for the visionaries of this world and really help them put it into motion so that they can take action, and figure it out along the way.
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In case you missed it, here is the last episode of the podcast (and the first episode of 2024!) - 3 areas to help you get your ish together in 2024
about the blogger
Hi! I’m Holly Bray
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).