Positive Aspirations to Kick Start Your Day

As you know, I’m huge believer in promoting positivity in all aspects of my life. One way I do that is through affirmations. I’ve even started adding them into my daily routine. Not only do they help you have a strong, motivated outlook, they also serve as reminders on what you want to achieve and give you the belief that you can get to where you want to be.

I know some people think motivational messages are cheesy. They avoid those quotes on Pinterest like the plague. But when you think about how toxic our negative thoughts can be, you might start to think twice about affirmations.

We can change our entire mood from good to bad by one simple thought. “This is rubbish.” “I’ll never get a job.” I’ll never make that much money.” “I’m not good enough/pretty enough/clever enough to do that.”

We use negativity on a daily basis - so changing it to positivity should be simple enough, right? You’d think so. And we try many different things to turn our frowns upside down. But I believe positive affirmations are the way to go.

The only problem is that they only work when we believe in them. We have to believe in the power and truth of them in order for them to have a positive effect on us. You can say “I will achieve this” hundreds of times over. But if you don’t choose to believe it, then nothing will change.

We are in control of our own thoughts and no one can change them for us. There’s also no one else who can remove the negative thoughts from our minds. It’s up to us to decide how we think and act. 

Like Buddha said: you become what you believe. Believe you can’t do something and you won’t. Believe you can do something and you will. The more you strengthen this connection, the more positivity you’ll have in the different situations throughout your life.

So if you want to open yourself up to possibility, define your focus, choose to do things with good energy and begin to believe that your life is a positive one, these affirmations are for you. Use them in however way you want to and whenever you need them most. Here are some of my favourites.

I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness.

I am in the process of making positive changes in all areas of my life.

Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the step.

Positivity is a choice.

I am prepared to succeed.

I can do anything.

I celebrate my individuality.

I am stronger than this challenge, and this challenge is making me even stronger.

I am a beautiful soul and I shine my light for all to see.

I have all that I need to make this a great day of my life.

I am feeling healthy and strong today.

I am filled with gratitude for another day on this earth.

I breathe in confidence and breathe out all fear.

What others think of me is their choice, what I think of myself is my choice.

My courage is stronger than my fear.

I aspire to be a giver. A giver of love. a giver of good vibes and a giver of strength.

Something wonderful will happen today.

Be patient. Everything is coming together.

I have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health.

I believe in myself and my abilities.


I am exactly where I need to be right now.

I am my own superhero.

I love every cell of my body.

I am so proud of me.

I speak and think positively.

I forgive myself and set myself free.

I possess the ability to lead and inspire.

I feel glorious, dynamic energy. I am active and alive.

I set my worries aside and I allow my body to do its job.

If I see it in my mind, I’m going to hold it in my hand.

I will persist until I succeed.

My self-esteem is high because I honour who I am.

All that I seek is already within me.

Dear destiny, I am ready now.


Do you use affirmations? Which is your favourite in this list?

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