April Goals: New Careers, Holidays & Time
Welcome to my third set of monthly goals for the year and welcome to Spring! It feels so good to be in a new season. Today sees Tom and I make our way back from a gorgeous holiday in the Cotswolds. It gave us time to reflect on how the start of the year has been and reevaluate our goals.
Good thing:
I made a positive change. The job I was at in Blackburn wasn’t fulfilling me in any way. So I am now at a job in a digital marketing agency in Lancaster. A new place and a step up the career ladder, which I’m thankful for. I’m feeling really positive with everything at the moment. I’m leaving doors open and taking every chance that comes my way.
Bad thing:
It’s been a stressful time for the family this month. There’s been me with my new job, my brother is entering his final year exams, my mum and dad have hectic schedules at work, and the grandparents haven’t been so well lately. But, we pull together and stay positive like we always do.
Good thing:
Over the past couple of years, I’ve really grown into who I am as a person. I know – pretty deep, right? But you get to a point where you know yourself, and more than that, you accept yourself. I’m thankful that my loved ones accept me for who I am too.
March Goals Review
1. Further my career [done] - I think I can say I achieved this with a change in job. But this is more of an ongoing goal for this year. There is so much I know I can do that I want to be given the chance to do. So many doors have opened that I didn’t think were possible. I’m really excited that there are more to come.
2. Build my minimal wardrobe [in progress] - Like the goal above, this is also ongoing. But this month has seen the start of it. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll have seen that I posted snaps of a new black and white striped skirt and my camel coat. These are two pieces I’m currently living in. I also finally added a decent parka to my wardrobe, which was needed. I have a list full of items I want to buy. My plan is to replace what I already have. I’m currently at the stage where I feel I’ve grown out of a lot of my clothes.
3. Make another DIY project with flowers [not done] - This has only been marked [not done] because I’m planning on making one for an occasion that hasn’t arrived yet. I can’t give any more away in case my mum reads this post…
4. Keep up my five minute journal [sort of done] - Have I been keeping it up? Yep. Have I been doing it every day? Possibly not. I do enjoy it. And I always remember to do it in the evenings. It’s morning that are the problem!
April Goals
1. Push myself in my new job - Don’t get me wrong – I push myself in every job I start. But this one involves the most pushing. I really want to prove myself and have the opportunity to grow at this company. And I think I will. I’ve got a really good feeling about what I could achieve there.
2. Book a holiday - Well we went to the Cotswolds, but now we’re moving onto a big holiday. Our first big holiday. I think it’s because we’re unsure of where we want to go that we haven't booked one yet. Tom wants to go to faraway places, whereas I’m quite content staying close to home. So this month we’re going to dedicate time one weekend to looking for places and finally booking somewhere.
3. Spend less - I contradict myself here. I say I want to book holidays and build my wardrobe – yet I want to spend less. You see, I’ve been wanting to purchase a Mac Book for a while now. But my lovely little bank balance just doesn’t want to seem to let me! So I need to let that build before I make the purchase. And I do that by spending less.
4. Make the most of time off - I’ve got a confession to make – for five weeks in a row, there's not been a full week spent at work. But I can explain. The week I left my old job, I had three days off. The week after that, I was on holiday, and the same for the third week. Then in weeks four and five we’ve got two bank holiday’s because of Easter! Not that I’m complaining. But I really don’t want these days to be wasted. I want to make the most of them, which is going to be spent with my family and working on my side hustle.
I’d love to know, what goals are you making for April?
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