Posts tagged periscope
How to Use Periscope to Help Grow Your Blog

The sheer idea of Periscope terrifies me. It almost literally makes me break out in a cold sweat. I barely show my face on my blog let alone broadcast live to the world. So why did I gravitate to this task when Holly requested guest posts for the Blogging Breakthrough Challenge?

I think trying things that scare you make you stronger.

It’s ridiculously easy to set up Periscope. It takes about 30 seconds of your time and isn't painful to do. As long as you have a Twitter account it’s easy. My fiancé joined Periscope before me, which is a first for us since he’s not a big fan of technology. But he has quickly become obsessed with it as its something that gives you a peek into other people’s lives from around the world. I've watched a woman walking a ferret in Sweden, a man broken down on the highway in the USA and teenagers driving around Dubai.

Your broadcasts can be as long or as short as you want. People can start watching at any time and may ask you questions that will appear in speech bubbles on the bottom left corner of the screen. If they like the broadcast then you will see hearts on the bottom right of the screen. They can also leave the broadcast whenever they please.

Periscope is an interesting platform that can be beneficial if you have a blog or business.

It’s just another way of communicating with your followers but live and in real time. I think it’s ideal if you have a YouTube channel and are looking for the next challenge.

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