You know you can set yourself goals at any time of the year, don't you?

Spring is officially in the air here in the UK. The sun is out, spring flowers are appearing, and it really brings the feeling of a fresh start.

It’s such a magical time here and also the perfect opportunity to review your goals to make sure you still working towards them.

I see so many people set goals and never get around to actually taking action on them. And I’m sorry to use a cheesy quote but you know how the saying goes - a dream without a plan is just a wish.

Achieving huge goals can seem really intimidating.

I mean, think of the plot of all of the big blockbuster movies. Usually a big problem happens and then the characters have to figure out how to work the problem.

But that’s the thing. Instead of focusing on the problem as a whole and the big tasks at hand, they focus in on one thing at a time. Just one thing.

If you have a big dream or a wish, then you need goals and plan in order to get there.

These past couple of years in particular, I’ve learnt what works for me and what doesn’t. I’ve tried lots of different things to get me motivated and to take action. So today, I want to share 7 tips that have worked for me to help me work towards my goals.


Back to what we said earlier - characters in the big blockbuster movies don’t focus on solving the main hurdle.

They go through each step until they finally come out the other side and solve their problem. It’s these small goals that keep you motivated and this way, you’re actually being more productive too.

It’s a simple analogy really. It’s like one of my big goals - launch my first product or course. If I set that as my goal it seems too huge and unachievable, which means I’ll become unmotivated quickly and fall back into an old mindset.

So if you have that big big goal, whatever it is, then ask yourself this question: what step can you take to get there? How should you act? What skills do you need? For instance, mine could be split into:

  • Surveying my audience
  • Building my community
  • Creating a plan and so on.

Once you answer the question of what small step you can take today, you'll find your goal becomes much more of a reality rather than a pipe dream.

Set small, achievable goals that lead to the bigger ones.


You want to set yourself SMART goals:

  • Specific
  • Measureable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Timely

This means your goals are concrete and a well-defined measure of your progress.

So let’s say you’ve set yourself a goal that you want to work your way up at work to become a Manager. That’s great. You’ve got a goal. But have you got any idea what kind of manager you want to be?

If you decide what type of manager you want to be and when you want to become it, you’ll then know what you need to do in order to get there.

It’s like if your life long dream is to do a road trip around America. Figure out what you can do today to get there. Research how much money you’ll need, the different places you’ll stay and so on.


Once you’ve done steps one and two, you now need to tell someone about your goals in order to keep you accountable.

If you share your goals with someone you trust, who looks out for you and who is invested in you, it’ll help you keep on track.

They’ll also be able to support you through the difficult times because let’s be honest - you’ll come across them.

But they’ll be able to remind you why you started in the first place which is the most important thing of all.


This is what I love about my Powersheets Goal Setting Planner, because for each goal you set yourself, it tells you not just to set yourself random tasks, but to set yourself starting steps.

So ask yourself, what are some natural starting step for your goals? There’s no excuse here, you just need to think about it.

Do those steps, then think of your next step, and the next.


Stay determined and stay persistent.

Sometimes it can be really frustrating when you’re working towards your goals. But you need to learn to be encouraging towards yourself.

Whatever it is that you’re working towards, whether it’s really small or a big change, be prepared that there will be times when you’ll fail...but please don’t give up.

Okay, so you didn’t make it this time. But you gave it your best shot and you’ll try again tomorrow.

If you focus on the good choices you’ve made, you’ll be less likely to recognise your failures. And every time you take a step forward you can reward yourself.


There’s no way you’re going to know if you’re on your way to reaching your goals unless you track your progress.

This is one of the best things you can do. Each evening, take a few minutes to write about what went well that day, what you achieved and how you can do better tomorrow.

This is such an unbelievably valuable process. It keeps me grounded, motivated and helps me to be honest with myself. I do this every single night just before I go to sleep and you should do it too.


Whether you reach your big goal or you just complete a small step forward, savour it. Take the time to enJoy it and thank those who helped you.

Think about what you learnt along the way and what you enjoyed. Now what are you going to move onto next?

Review your goals throughout the year but also don’t be afraid to change them. My yearly goals have been slighted altered and it’s making me feel so much more motivated to achieve them.

Keep people involved and enjoy the journey you’re on because, it’s a good one my friend.

Which of these tips will you use to turn your goals into a reality?

Remember to keep track of your goals so you can get one step closer to a breakthrough.