Spoiler marketing is going to change in 2019.

What has been working for the past few years isn’t working anymore. And unless you read this blog post, you’re not going to do as well with your digital marketing as you’d like.

In this post, I’m going to share with you how digital marketing is changing in 2019 and what you need to do to thrive and succeed.

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The first thing you need to know is that digital marketing is going to change to an omnichannel approach.

You used to be able to build a brand or a business with just one channel. For instance, Facebook grew by just telling everyone, “hey, invite your friends.” They would then take that address book and invite all your friends automatically, even without your permission.

That’s changed now. Those tactics don’t work as well as they used to. I’m not saying they don’t work at all, they just don’t work as well as they did before.

Marketing has moved to an omnichannel approach. Now you have to use tactics like:

The list is never-ending.

The more channels you use the better off you’re going to be. Most of these channels are crowded, there are so many bloggers, brands and businesses using these channels. If you don’t utilise all of them, you won’t do as well in 2019.


This is the second thing you need to know and most of you will not like this. Search is moving to voice search.

By 2020, Comscore estimates that half of the searches on Google will be through voice search.

Right now, two out of every five adults are using voice search. Yes, that means kids aren’t using it as much but still. By 2020, they’re saying that half of all searches, not just from adults, but half of all searches are going to be voice search.

So if you want to do well in 2019, you need to be leveraging voice search and the way you do this is as follows:

  • Make sure your website is HTTPS, because most sites at the top are HTTPS these days.

  • Your website needs to load fast. If it doesn’t load fast, you’re not going to do as well with voice search.

  • When people are typing in questions they’re typically typing in long-tail phrases. So your questions and your answers to these questions need to be short and to the point. If your answer is a paragraph long, you’re not going to do as well as if your answer was a sentence long.


The third tip I have for you is conversion optimisation. Advertising is getting more and more expensive over time. That’s not going to change. The only way you’re going to be able to compete and stay ahead is through conversion optimisation.

The more you optimise your landing pages for conversions, the better off you’re going to be.

Make sure you’re using tools like Crazy Egg which allows you to do A/B testing and you can squeeze more conversions from the traffic you’re making.

Also make sure you’re using tools like Hello Bar which allows exit intent email collection. Again, this will help you get more results from the users and visitors that you do have.

If you don’t do this, as the years go on, you’re going to get drowned out by the competitors because they’re going to spend more money than you. So focus on conversion optimisation, even though it’s not sexy and most people don’t like talking about it in digital marketing.


The fourth tactic I have for you is to leverage funnels.

Marketing funnels are going to be more popular than ever in 2019.

Before, people just used to optimise their campaigns to say, “hey, I’m buying ads! How many sales am I getting?” Now you need to look at:

  • Up sells

  • Down sells

  • Cross sales

  • Customer lifetime value

  • Churn

This is whether you have a physical product, digital product or you’re doing lead generation.

You need to track everything from a website visitor all the way to conversion point, because that’s potential revenue. And if you can encourage them to keep buying, that increases the lifetime value of a customer.

That’s why funnels are really important. If you don’t know how to create a funnel, check out tools like ClickFunnels.


Content marketing just won’t work as well. Think about it - each time you do a search, most of the results at the top are content marketing.

Blogging is so popular and so played out that everyone is regurgitating the same information over and over again. Unless you’re creating new and amazing information that people haven’t heard before, you’re not going to do well.

Content marketing just won’t work as well to easily get links or social shares unless you’re creating amazing content that’s new and people haven’t seen before.


I have a YouTube channel. In 2019, I’m planning on creating two to three videos a week.

Video content is the future. People want to engage through video. And guess what?

  • Facebook gives you more views if you use video

  • Youtube gives you loads of views

  • And LinkedIn does too.

You need to be leveraging video. You can’t take it for granted.


This is the last one for you and it shouldn’t come as a surprise. Podcasting is taking over.

Did you know that 45% of the people who listen to podcasts have a household income above $75k? That’s a lot of money!

That means if people are listening to your podcast, they’re going to be better buyers than most marketing channels out there. A podcast is definitely something to think about for your digital marketing strategy.

Everyone is using their phones these days. Everyone is commuting to work. Podcasting is a really easy way for people to listen to your content on the go.

It’s such a hectic world out there and having a podcast means people can listen to you while they’re dealing with their hectic lives.

So there you have it. Leverage these strategies and you’ll do much better at digital marketing in 2019.

What digital marketing technique surprised you from this list?

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