Posts tagged love
Tom & Me: 5 Loves, Laughs & Surprises

Since it's the month of love, and Valentine's Day always inspires a bit more love and appreciation, I thought this year, Tom and I could do a joint post. Last year, I shared the story of how we met. This year, I thought we could share some of the things we've learnt about each other. We've been together for two and a half years, which may not seem like a long time to some - but that means we're always learning new things about each other. So to celebrate this year, here are five laughs, loves and surprises Tom and I have for each other.

Holly on Tom


One of the things I love most about Tom is how much he makes me laugh. If I'm ever feeling down or even when I'm already happy, I can guarantee he'll always be able to do something to get me chuckling. I also love how much he appreciates me. When I moan about having a bad hair day he'll tell me to stop being silly and he'll always tells me when he likes what I'm wearing. 

But most of all, it's how he wants to do things together. He sees us as a unit and as a whole. When he talks about doing things, it's always in the sense of me and him, not us as individual people. That really means a lot to me...

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Post Love #9

Here we go with another round of lovely blog posts from around the web. Enjoy.

  • Write On: July Blogging Prompts by Hello Neverland is great list of ways to get your creativeness flowing for blog posts. I'm going to save these and keep them to one side for when I want some new ideas, but they'd be great to follow if you wanted to try blogging every day for a month.
  • How gorgeous is Kate's place? A Workspace Tour is just a taster of the stylishness this blogger has when it comes to decorating her home. I know exactly where I'll be heading for inspiration in the future.
  • I am in love with this blogger's style and this outfit is just one of many that I had to add to my wish list. Mediamarmalade is full of outfit ideas for any occasion and you'll want to add every item to your wardrobe.
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