Posts tagged analytics
What Is Digital Marketing & Why Is It Important?

Have you come across the phrase 'digital marketing' recently?

Or how about online marketing? Chances are you have. And chances are it’s pretty unclear what this actually entails. I'll admit this is one of the places you see the phrase 'digital marketing' being mentioned a lot. But it's essentially what we're doing. Digital marketing encompasses everything we do on a daily basis.  

Simply, digital marketing means to use the web to grow your business.

You apply different online techniques to expand your business reach, and you market products or services through various digital channels.

Digital marketing moves at the speed of light. As soon as we've learnt one thing, something new appears that we have to get to grips with. When you're a beginner in the industry like I was, this can be really challenging. You can read all the advice in the world.

But what you focus on is ultimately down to your decision and what your instincts tell you.

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Building Brands & Traffic Training - A New Exclusive Series

Today, you're getting to see something big.  Huge in fact.

I want you guys to know about it. Yesterday, this was revealed to my VIP tribe of newsletter subscribers. They were the first ones to know before it was published on here and before I shared it on social media. After today? They'll be the only ones who know about it. You see, I'm starting a brand new series called Building Brands & Traffic Training.

But after today, it's only going to be available to my newsletter tribe. It won't be published on here and it won't be talked about anywhere else. You have to sign up to get it.

So, are you in?

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