200: 8 powerful guiding principles to support you in being the boss of your life


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These are the 8 principles that guide me in my life and business. I hope you love them as much as I do!

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Today, we are celebrating 200 episodes of the podcast!

I always like to do something special to mark these milestones so I have something very empowering and motivating for you today, that I really hope is going to meet you right where you’re at. 

I am going to share 8 guiding principles that have kept me grounded, focused & moving forward on my business journey so far.

Out of all the mindset work out there, these have allowed me to better myself and have been the most powerful.

We dive into: 

  • A conversation around identity and why this is always the first step

  • Why you need to take non-ordinary, extraordinary action if you want to get non-ordinary, extraordinary results

  • The importance of always making moves and taking action

  • How to see certain situations in your life as feedback & actively reject what you don’t want

  • The power of the compound effect

  • Why you need to act from a place of vision, not circumstance

  • The difference between working to maintain versus to attain

  • One of the most powerful mindset techniques to support you

  • How to feel elements of your future desired feelings now

Thank you SO much for your support on hitting 200 episodes!


First, let’s talk about identity

Let's talk about identity before we dive into these eight principles. Identity is a critical piece of the puzzle, and it'll make all the difference. Your identity is who you claim to be, it's made up of your beliefs, your values, how you see yourself what you believe about yourself. It shapes your life – no doubt about it.

For instance, successful folks confidently claim they're decisive, and they truly embody it. They trust themselves, make choices without fear, and it pays off. On the flip side, if you constantly identify as a procrastinator, well, you'll find yourself living up to that label.

So, who are you claiming to be? What stories are you telling yourself? Pay attention to your self-talk and beliefs about yourself. Are you saying things like, "I'm uninspired," "I lack creativity," or "I can't figure out a plan"? Well, if you keep affirming those identities, they'll become a part of you, and that's not what we want!

Instead, let's craft an identity that aligns with who we aspire to be and what we want to achieve. It's like putting together a puzzle – intentionally and thoughtfully. By shaping your identity, you'll start showing up differently in your daily life, and that's pretty powerful!

Now, you might be thinking, "Hold on, where are the strategies and plans?" Don't worry, we'll get there. First, we need to focus on who we're becoming – that's the foundation. Once we've defined our identity, we can take action to achieve our goals.

The key is to choose the identity traits that serve us best and discard the ones that hold us back. But remember, claiming an identity is just the beginning – we have to back it up with actions. So, if you say you're decisive, make those decisions count!

Principle 1 - take extraordinary action

Number one, to get non-ordinary results, you must think and take non-ordinary, extraordinary action.

Those negative narratives that keep haunting you? They're just mundane stories passed down by your upbringing, society, and socialisation. But let me tell you, ordinary thoughts won't get you extraordinary results.

So it's crucial to reject them when they arise and instead choose to embrace better thoughts and immerse yourself in them. Pay close attention to your language when addressing what you're working on, struggling with, or the beliefs you aim to adopt. Your subconscious mind does not reject; it absorbs and internalises. So, ensure your language aligns with your desired beliefs. For example, if "I am wealthy," doesn't resonate, adjust it to "I am in the process of becoming wealthy." By doing so, you prevent your subconscious from resisting the new belief. Stack the language that is going to get your subconscious mind on board with where you are going, and who you are becoming - that is what’s going to help you take extraordinary action.

Some people find themselves trapped in a stagnant loop because we fall back into familiar patterns, actions, and beliefs that hold us back. This cycle can be frustrating, leaving us wondering why we can't break through to the next level. But as the saying goes, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." If you’re feeling you’re stuck in a loop, this is your sign to disrupt the pattern and embrace new approaches. This disruption will generate momentum, propelling you forward on your journey.

Principle 2 - Keep moving

Number two is making moves. Action breeds action and you have got to get into the identity of someone who just moves.

These individuals don't dwell on overthinking; they keep moving forward. Yes, not every action will yield amazing results, but the sheer volume of action creates inevitability. By taking consistent and decisive steps, they build momentum over time. Being the boss of your life doesn't mean overworking; it means making moves and taking action promptly.

It’s the power of the compound effect. Many assume that transformation requires big shifts or decisions but the key lies in consistency, the small micro-moments, decisions, and habits that accumulate and compound over time, driving the transformation. It's the small decisions in showing up for yourself to help transform your life and identity and stacking those habits, behaviours and thoughts and knowing that they are all adding work for you.

Think of these actions as planting seeds. Each time you show up, be it on a live stream, a social media post, a conversation, or any business-related activity, you're planting a seed. These seeds follow their own timelines, needing nurturing, but eventually, they add up to significant results. It might take time, like a pineapple's growth, or it could happen relatively quickly, akin to a raspberry. Every action contributes to the bigger picture.

An empowering mantra to repeat is, "It's inevitable, and it can't not work." By continuously taking action and nurturing those seeds, success becomes a matter of "when" and "what it will look like." Trust that your persistent efforts will yield results. This shift in mindset transforms your approach to business, marketing, and sales. It's no longer about one isolated event; it's about the cumulative impact of your consistent actions.

Principle 3 - it’s all feedback

Number three, reject the bits you don't want, and see it as feedback.

When you encounter something you don't like in life, resist accepting it as an inevitable reality. Instead, see it as feedback. Take the opportunity to change your approach, thoughts, and beliefs concerning that aspect of your life. By believing in something different, you can reshape your identity and start reporting positive changes back to yourself. When negative thoughts start creeping in, make the conscious choice to let them go. If you find yourself spiralling, ask yourself directly, "Can I let this go now?" Especially when feelings of inadequacy come up, challenge them and release their hold on you.

Think about two important aspects. First, embrace being a beginner and the beauty of simplicity. There's a misconception that progress necessitates complexity or comparison, but significant momentum can arise from starting as a beginner. Even if you have years of experience, return to basics and embrace the ever-evolving nature of life. Each day brings new opportunities for growth and learning.

The second aspect revolves around perspective, one of your highest values. Perspectives provide various ways of looking at situations, offering choices in how you interpret and understand them. When facing disruptions or challenges, seek to view them as enhancements rather than disruptions. Anchoring into appreciation in the present moment can massively improve the quality of your life. By noticing your thoughts, pausing, and choosing a different perspective, you empower yourself to navigate challenging moments effectively.

For instance, during a slow business launch, shift your perspective. Instead of dwelling on the lack of response, remember that someone out there is listening to your podcast and considering joining. Embrace the power of the pause and let breakthroughs happen in challenging moments. Build a habit of recognising, pausing, and choosing perspectives that serve your growth and happiness.

Principle 4 - compounding energy & efforts

Number four is all about the power of compounding all your good effort and energy. Even on days when things may not go smoothly or when you're feeling a bit low, all your past actions are compounding to create a massive impact. It's like an iceberg, where you only see the tip, but there's so much more below the surface. While you may not yet know the full extent of the impact, trust that everything is coming together!

When it feels like things are not progressing as expected, it's so important to meet yourself with compassion. Be flexible with your methods, approaches, and timelines, while remaining focused on your goals and desired outcomes. Avoid attaching negative meanings to setbacks or challenges, as this can create a harmful narrative against yourself. Instead, embrace a softer approach and lean on your support system. Basically, be kind to yourself!

Hold both positive and challenging experiences with compassion. Hard days will inevitably come, but you have a choice: either be hard on yourself or offer yourself the compassion to feel through those emotions without giving them undue meaning. Avoid falling into a negative thought spiral and acknowledge that the destination remains fixed, but the journey can take various paths.

Principle 5 - vision, not circumstance

Number five - act from a place of vision, not circumstance.

In every moment of each day, I consistently ask myself, "What would I do now if I were acting from a place of vision?". A common stumbling block that my clients often encounter: having a vision doesn't require knowing every detail of the plan. Having a vision and having a plan are entirely different things. Plus, a lack of detailed planning doesn't equate to being unprepared. Not knowing every single point before going live, for example, can actually be an advantage as it allows for a more natural and magnetic, where people truly hear and feel us.

When it comes to planning, it's about creating a blueprint while being open to going through the motions. Additionally, it's vital to recognise that things are already in motion and working in your favour. Seek proof that your vision is already happening. Focus on the ways it's working rather than getting bogged down in every single detail. By acknowledging what's working and what feels good, you'll experience a significant shift.

So find and compound the evidence, make a list of all the running evidence in your life that things are working, things are coming forward, things are coming to you stuck those moments because it makes you feel like you can handle anything!

Principle 6 - maintain, not attain

Number six, how can I maintain as opposed to attain?

Consider this: instead of relentlessly pursuing weight loss, a specific business goal, or a particular relationship, what if you approached it from a mindset of already having and maintaining it?

Let's take weight loss as an example. Instead of constantly striving to lose weight, envision yourself as someone who has already achieved their desired weight and is focused on maintaining it. Apply the same concept to your business goals. How would you show up if you were already living in the reality of having achieved those goals?

The key is to collapse the perceived distance between where you are now and where you want to be. Often, we put people who inspire us on pedestals, creating a sense of separation between them and ourselves. But it’s important to be mindful of this comparison and recognise that we are not far behind or lacking compared to those we admire. There is no significant distance between us and our role models.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the perceived gap, shift your perspective. Recognise your worthiness and deservingness of success. You deserve it all, boss! You belong at the table with those you admire.

Bridge the gap by exploring the "10x version" of yourself. Imagine who this version of you would be, the mission she leads, and what she is available and unavailable for. Picture the kind of spaces she occupies, how she takes up space in her life and business, and how she handles things.

Remember that the journey to becoming your 10x self doesn't require perfection or waiting for the perfect time. Embrace growth that defies logic, and be open to stepping into this new version of yourself. Break free from limiting thoughts and fears, and keep the energy moving forward. Let go of staying small to please others or fearing that your audience won't keep up with you. If something scares you, don't let it hold you back from taking leaps forward.

When it comes to financial growth, it's not just about focusing solely on money. Instead, approach it by first expanding your lifestyle, thoughts, and beliefs. Create small upgrades in your life that align with your vision, and the financial aspect will follow naturally.

Remember that 10x version of you, she believes opportunities that are meant for her will not pass her. She doesn't believe she's behind on a timeline. She knows everything is going to come to fruition for her, so be so rooted in that. That then becomes a part of your value system. Trust it!

Principle 7- be, do, have

Number seven, get into the energy of doing, being, and having.

Create, create and create some more. Embrace the concept of creation as a muscle that strengthens with use. The more you create, the more comfortable and skilled you become. Remember, it's not a linear progression of having something and then becoming the person who possesses it. Instead, it's about being the version of yourself that already has it, taking action to acquire it, and then reaping the rewards - be, do, have.

Momentum comes from motion. It all comes down to embodiment. Embody who you are, who you are becoming, and what you desire to achieve - be, do, have. For example, if you're wondering how to increase sales, it starts with embodying what you sell, believing in it, and living and breathing it. It's not just about a single post or email; it's about the person behind it. Your unique self and palpable energy need to shine through your social media presence. Show up authentically as your true self every day, fully embodying what you offer, and extend an invitation to others to join you in your work. Consistently take action - send out emails, do live streams, share photos, and offer your products or services. These consistent moves will compound over time.

Don't forget about innovation. It's an essential value to cultivate as you take action. Innovate fearlessly, follow your intuition, and showcase your mastery. Have the courage and neutrality to take that first step, even if your ideas seem unconventional or unique. Innovation involves breaking away from generic and copied structures, finding your own way, and putting yourself out there regardless of external validation.

Principle 8 - you have to feel it

Finally, number eight - You achieve your desires by feeling them now.

So how can we feel elements of how you want to be feeling now? What if you want to feel relaxed, where you haven't been taken time to relax? What if you want to feel grounded, but you haven't been taken any time to be in your body? You can't be feeling those feelings now. So that's where we start.

And a big theme that's been threaded throughout this has been collapsing the distance between where you are now and where you want to be, and who you are now and who you want to be. Time can really collapse when you focus on compounding action and who you are becoming.

Embodying your desires is vital to this process. It involves integrating your values, desires, and truth into a living, breathing experience. Making decisions, taking action, clearing the path, and aligning everything with your highest aspirations. Continuously walking across the bridge towards your next evolution and staying connected with that envisioned version of yourself. Each move, thought, decision, and belief compounds and contributes to your growth.

Lastly, it often comes down to asking, "When is it coming? When will it happen?" This type of thinking can distort our perception of time. Questioning the usefulness of such thoughts, beliefs, and states of mind is so essential. Embrace confidence and lean back, knowing that everything will work out for your greater good. Trust that each moment, even the challenging ones, is preparing and transforming you into the person you need to be in order to attain and cherish what you desire.

You are here for a reason, you cannot mess up your journey or your purpose as long as you nurture yourself, stay connected to your intuition, and maintain a clear signal within. Success is then inevitable.

it’s time to recap

Okay, let's recap these eight guiding principles:

  • Number one: To achieve extraordinary results, you must think and take non-ordinary, extraordinary actions.

  • Number two: Making Moves. Take action consistently, as action breeds more action. Embrace the identity of someone who takes decisive steps.

  • Number three: Reject the bits that you don't want and see them as feedback.

  • Number four: Your efforts and energy are compounding, leading to greater results.

  • Number five: Act from a place of vision, not circumstance.

  • Number six: Focus on maintaining your achievements rather than merely attaining them.

  • Number seven: Embrace the energy of being, doing, and having. Create and embody these elements in your life.

  • Number eight: Feel your desired feelings now. Embody the emotions and sensations you want to experience.

I really want you to start embodying these. Take these around with you, this is your new identity. You can create so much impact and that wavering only has a ripple effect on the people around you. You are so worthy, and you are so capable. But sometimes when we don't see those things, and we don't see that worthiness, and we don't see that capability, we've got to play around with rehearsing and when we rehearse, we start to get more comfortable. When we get more comfortable, we attract what we want, and the people who stick with it, are going to be rewarded.

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about the blogger

Hi! I’m Holly Bray

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).