21 Of the Best Bite-Sized Tips for Savvy Business Owners

21 of the Best Bite-Sized Tips for Savvy Business Owners

Recently, I got one of the most exciting opportunities of the year - writing a guest post for Heather Crabtree's blog. For those of you who don't know Heather, she's amazing. She's all about helping you grow a savvy business that "combines your smarts and your heart."

This is a brilliant resource for not just business owners, but bloggers too. It's full of actionable, real tips that you can start working on today. It's a must-visit on my list.

Naturally, when I applied to do the guest post, I didn't think I'd make it to the final group who actually got to write one! But when I did, I was thrilled to come up with my idea.

Now I don't sell any products, but I still think of myself as a business owner. I'm the business owner of my brand, A Branch of Holly. So based on my experiences, I wanted to share my two cents with Heather's community. Lately, I've found so many articles each focusing on things that take so much time when running a business.

But what about the tips that you can start working on right now? Tips that are going to make an impact right now? That's what I wanted to do with this post. So if you're looking for some tips that are smart and savvy then this is for you.

Click here to read about 21 Of the Best Bite-Sized Tips for Savvy Business Owners


For more helpful tips, join in the conversation on Twitter - @abranchofholly


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What are some of the best tips that you rely on? Which one in this list is your favourite? Let me know in the comments! :)