Yesterday marked my three year anniversary of being a blogger.

The past year has gone by SO quickly, right? I can't believe everything that's happened in the past twelve months, so much so that I've sort of flown past it. So today, I wanted to reflect and think about my growth so far.

I thought it would be interesting for my readers to see how I'm doing with my blog, online presence and freelance business. How much have I grown? Will freelancing ever become my full-time job? What's worked and what hasn't?

We’re about to dig in!


For those of you who don't know, the ABOH site started off as a lifestyle blog on Blogger. But last August, I migrated across to Squarespace (#bestdecisionever), and now this blog has turned into one that purely helps people build a fulfilling online presence and get a breakthrough with their blog, through tried and tested strategies that really work.

Then in February of this year, I released my first ever lead magnet - the 28-day Blogging Breakthrough challenge eBook. There'll be more on that later ;)

I've never shared my analytics on here before, but I wanted to show you a snapshot of what's happened over the past few months. Here's a screenshot from my Google Analytics comparing May (the orange line) with August (the blue line).

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Holly SuttonComment

A Branch of Holly turns 3 on September 5th - can you believe it? 

So since a lot has changed since I first hit publish in 2013, I thought I'd share with you the posts that you've loved the most over the past year.

At the end of the year, you can expect a review on what to expect from ABOH in 2017 and I've got some exciting things to share with you over the next few months - one of which I'm revealing in today's #BloggingBreakthrough magazine!

Blogging, social media, career, productivity and motivation have all taken centre stage so far this year with a main focus on sharing my experience and strategies to help others. And since I achieved one of my end-of-year goals in July, it's safe to say that this has been a positive decision.

So with thanks to you, my wonderful readers, here are the 20 posts that you've read and loved the most over the past year, in no particular order. Enjoy!

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Holly SuttonComment

Self-care isn’t selfish or idealist. It isn’t about comparing yourself to others or showing off. It’s more about belief, acceptance, and accountability for who you are. 

Think about the love you have for your other half, your parents, your child or even a friend. That love is unconditional. It’s like no other. You can feel it.

Then let me ask you this - do you love yourself unconditionally? 

It’s a deep question, I know. But as much as we like the idea of self-love, we can’t seem to practice it in our own lives. Sure, we’re great at being a shoulder to cry on when a friend needs lifting up, encouraging our other half when they’re going through a really tough time and celebrating big milestones with our loved ones. 

But what about your achievements or problems or good times? Don’t they deserve celebrating too?

Self-love is a fundamental factor in building a fulfilling, happy and successful life.

Think about what would change in your life if you started to appreciate yourself a little bit more. Would you carry on feeling guilty about not finishing your to-do list? No. Would you feel bad about messing something up? No. Would you be scared of failure? No.

But the big brick wall that’s up ahead of us at this point has a big sign written on it that says “you’re not good enough.” I want to be better at this. I want to do better at that. We might not think it all the time, but it always seems to be there in the back of our minds.

So when you get to that wall, why not remove ‘not’ and change the phrase to “you’re good enough”.

You. Are. Good. Enough.

Would that be too difficult for you to say?

Would you be able to accept everything about yourself and your life as it is, without feeling the need to change anything?

This is a fairly contradictory thing to say, especially since one thing I live my life is that there’s always room for improvement. And surely there’s nothing wrong with that, right?

Obviously it’s motivating. There’s room to learn more, so you want to learn more and be better. But what happens when you get to another obstacle? What happens when you get to that space between success and failure where you feel like giving up?

If you tell yourself you can’t do something, the likelihood is you won’t do it. You yourself are a barrier. You’re the obstacle you need to get past. It’s like if you don’t like something about your body - your nose, your teeth or the way your feet are shaped. You feel bad about those things so you don’t do anything about them and continue to dislike yourself.

Instead, why not accept those flaws? Why not accept your weird feed, your funny nose or your crooked teeth? What if you loved everything about yourself, including your imperfections? And the characteristics that make you who you are?

Self-love means you’re more likely to be loving towards yourself in various ways - ways that you probably feel guilty for doing right now. You’ll be more likely to give yourself a break, take a long walk in the sunshine, make yourself some delicious healthy meals, tell yourself that you’re good enough.

Change is inevitable. But what you have to decide is whether you’re ready to accept the change in a loving way - so are you?

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Holly SuttonComment

Let’s create a scenario, shall we?

I’m sat with you in your favourite coffee shop and we’re enjoying our favourite drink of choice (tea for me!) You’re telling me how you’re feeling frustrated with your blog, and I ask if you can pinpoint the thing that you’re struggling with the most.

What would your answer be?

Think about it. Right now.

What to focus on?

How to stand out?

Or what about time?

Ah, time. Yes. A problem that ALL bloggers struggle with.

Whether you’re new to the blogging game, your enjoy blogging as a hobby, you blog alongside your full-time job or you want to turn your blog into your main money-making gig, finding the time to fit everything in is a constant challenge.

Juggling a very busy life myself, I’m always struggling with how to be productive on a limited timescale. With even more on my plate now than ever, I’ve had to find some ways to conquer this challenge and I think I’m onto a winner.

So from my experiences, what follows is a collection of some ideas and strategies I’ve tried that have helped me accomplish a lot more in less time. I really hope you can take something away from this. Let’s go!

Just before we begin, I’ve created a checklist of tools I use everyday that seriously help increase my productivity. Click the button below and it’s yours for free!

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Holly SuttonComment

Krista is a WordPress developer and blog strategist who helps female creatives elevate their business, increase conversions, and boost engagement through crafting strategic blogs. She uses personalised, goal-driven strategies to set her clients apart from the competition and highlight their unique offerings.

I'm a huge fan of Krista so was thrilled when she wanted to take part in the career series. Hope you enjoy the interview!


Definitely not. I didn’t even know what software or web development was until I was a sophomore in college. My husband was a computer science major and started coming home from class all excited about the things he’d learned. In return, he’d get completely blank stares.

In order to get a better understanding of what he did, I took an introductory class on computer programming. I was in love from day one and ended up getting two degrees in the field.

After a couple years working in software development I transferred to web development. Once I discovered the online space shortly after that, I knew that’s where I wanted to end up.


Honestly, the very first time code was explained to me, I was in love. I’ve always enjoyed math and logical thinking and being able to combine that with making something beautiful and functional is perfection to me.


I was an extremely dedicated student. I didn’t say much and I wasn’t a teacher’s pet, but I enjoyed learning and (usually) loved doing homework assignments - yep, total nerd. My favourite subjects were math and band. In my senior year in college I had one quarter where my classes were Calculus 1, Calculus 2, Advanced Placement Statistics, and band. Yikes.


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Holly SuttonComment

Are you struggling to grow your Instagram community right now?

I feel you.


Instagram is a really exciting and frustrating platform to get to know a bit better. This popular photo-sharing app (that now has even more monthly users than Twitter), is simple, fun and growing every single day.

But whilst it's a really exciting tool to use to market your blog or business, there have also been new features introduced lately that a lot of people aren't a fan of. The new business profiles and analytics? Tick. The fact that posts are now in a new algorithm-style feed instead of chronological? Not so cool.

But even though these new changes have come into effect, I still love Instagram and if you're reading this right now, I'm guessing you are too. Lately though, I've found myself stuck on the same number for ages, and I've not seen the results I wanted. So I implemented a strategy - a simple strategy that I've been using to try and grow my Instagram community.

So whether you're a blogger running your own race, a social media freelancer or you manage social media on behalf of a company, read on to find out the best tactics I've using for A Branch of Holly that could help you build the Instagram community you want and deserve.


Before we dive in, I thought it'd be great for us to get up to speed with why Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms out there. Here are some of the latest facts I've picked up:


Let's start off with the most exciting one...


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Holly SuttonComment

If I told you there were over 120 different social networks, what would you say? Or that email marketing is one of the best (and easiest) ways to get directly in front of your target audience? Or that you need to be using video, because it’s six times more effective than anything else?

I know what you’re thinking.

But Holly, I don’t have time to start making videos!

I don’t have a clue which social platforms I should be focusing on.

Where would I even start with managing and email list for my website?

You’re in luck, friend.

Something I love to do is help other people. Over the past few days, I’ve helped my brother apply for a job, my auntie unsubscribe from email notifications and today, I want to help you.

Recently, I got the chance to attend a seminar all about digital marketing, hosted by a business that the company I work for have strong connections with. I picked up some fantastic blogging, social media and website tips that I’m sharing with you all here in this blog post. So sit back and take note - this is how to get results with your marketing efforts for the rest of 2016.


It’s nothing new that we’re living in the online world. If anything, it’s just getting bigger and bigger everyday. Jobs are being created, websites are being introduced and lots of business promote and sell purely on the web.

You don’t want to be digitally directionless.

Without knowledge of the digital world, you can never be truly successful. You need to know how to use online platforms to be suit your brand so you can get in front of your target audience and build a readership or customer base.

You know how online influencers talk about consistency? Yeah - I bet you’ve read that somewhere in a blog post before. It’s so important, not just in how often you post content to your blog, but in all the platforms that you’re active one. You’ve got to be integrated with everything. Your website, your social channels, making sure your website is responsive - you want people to find one of your channels online and know they’ve found the right person.

Thinking in terms of digital marketing as a whole also makes it a lot easier for you to set strategic goals. Once everything is integrated, your goals can then reflect this. Want to increase your blog traffic? That’s a very vague goal? Want to increase your blog traffic through Pinterest? That’s a lot more achievable. 

So that’s the why - let’s get onto the how. Starting with your little hub.


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Holly SuttonComment

This is a guest post written by Ksenia from The Life Degree.

Perhaps you’re reading this after a nice start to the day...

Sun shining, coffee in hand, to-do list successfully broken into. Or perhaps not, because let’s face it, adult life can be hard. For many, health, financial security and domestic stability are serious struggles.

But if, like me, you are fortunate to be securely employed and healthy, an altogether different problem can arise: the fear of falling behind.

Not having the jobs we want, the possessions we see others buying, the quality relationships we crave and the experiences which we think will let us live life to the full.

In some form, the fear of not fulfilling our potential is immense. Trips we haven’t been on, jobs we haven’t landed, jeans we don’t fit into or friends we don’t see anymore.

Simultaneously, we carry both the weight of exhaustion and underachievement, wondering “why me?” or “what’s the point?". Waiting for the feeling to pass, we remedy it all with ready meals and box sets or head out for nights of drinks. When the feeling recedes, we can carry on as if it never happened - until the next cycle.

Yet truth be told, what we have in our lives is infinitely so much more than so many others ever get.

Despite 24/7 news feeds, we forget as quickly as we’re reminded. Did you know that globally, half the population lives on less than £2 a day? Earning £20,000 a year puts you in the top 5% of richest people in the world! Here in the UK, food banks gave out over a million rations of emergency three day supplies last year. And if you think about it, you could probably count a number of people facing greater hardships to you in nearby streets - perhaps fighting illness, loneliness or the cold.

Recently, during a bout of feeling unmotivated, I happened to run past a school. It was lunchtime; children were running and playing - energetic, carefree. It struck me: we were all little once, with so few worries and so many options. When did we build all the barriers we see surrounding us?

When did we start thinking so much more than doing?

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Holly SuttonComment

This is a guest post written by Simon Alexander.

What makes a good and successful Youtube channel?  Don’t ask me - that's not really why I’m doing it to be honest. Well, it wasn’t when I started.  Almost a full 5 months in, let me Share My Year with you.

On January 1st 2016, I decided to launch a Youtube channel - a kind of spur of the moment/New Years resolution. To be fair, it was probably late in 2015 when I decided, but it was this year when I finally plucked put the courage to start chatting to a camera.

Last year was one hell of a busy year for me with lots of exciting things that I will fondly remember. Sadly, very little of it is logged for future consumption by anything other than just a simple photo, and I thought that maybe Youtube might be a good way to change this.  

I had two goals initially - to log my activities of 2016 so that I could reminisce in my golden years, and also to improve my understanding of film-making and learn the intricacies of promoting on YouTube.

I’m one of those people who likes to learn and always asks questions. I also work in digital marking and all things digital and social interest me, so this was a perfect match. So this was a great excuse to watch hours of footage on Youtube!  I quickly found a number of channels that I really enjoyed and I subscribed for inspiration and entertainment.  I enjoy watching Casey Neistat’s daily vlog, it’s a bit like tuning in to your favourite TV show.

On that Friday afternoon in January, I set up my old digital camera on a pile of books and spoke continuously for 2 minutes and 46 seconds.  No edits.  No special effects.  Now clearly this wasn’t the best video in the history of Youtube, but it provides an excellent yard stick for me now as to how much I have learned so far.  

That video to date has had 86 views. 

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Holly SuttonComment

You have more control than you think!

Do you have a day job that annoys you and gets in the way of your side hustle? The next time you have a mean case of the Sunday-night grumpies or daydream about how you will tell your boss you quit, you should remind yourself that you can make the most of your situation.

No, this doesn’t mean to tolerate a bad job while letting your dreams pass you by. Instead, I’m talking about figuring out how you can align your day job with your hopes, dreams and goals so that your job propels you forward instead of holding you back. 


Figuring Out Your Professional Goals: Where Do You Want to Go? 

To make the most of where you are, you need to figure out where you want to go. List out your professional goals. They can be huge, seemingly small, or anything in between. Some of you may already know what you want to do. You’ll want to list out your goals and think about the different steps that it will take you to get there.

For example, let’s say your goal is to run a social media management company. You might break that down to include learning more about different social media platforms, search engine optimisation, graphics, and developing social media strategies.

Or, instead of knowing with certainty what your goals are, you may be dancing at the edges or not really know what you want. It’s alright if you don’t have huge, overarching goals or even a specific next job in mind. Just start brainstorming. 

Your list of professional goals could include:

1) Become a Photoshop pro
2) Start a marketing consulting business
3) Give a TED talk
4) Receive a bonus this year at work
5) Find a mentor
6) Get more responsibility working with clients at work
7) Develop an epic freebie for your blog
8) Volunteer with a nonprofit.

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Holly SuttonComment

This is a guest post written by Rhianne from Little Novelist.

One thing we always need is a little help from other people.

When I first started blogging I didn’t know what I was doing or what it would amount to, but I knew it was something I loved to do. Blogging is a tough gig and whether you do it for passion or profit, there are always those times where it gets too much and we feel the burnout. 

I have gone and gotten some advice from some superstar people and accumulated it into one place for you all. Everyone needs a little encouragement and whether you’re just starting out or you want to up your blogging just that little bit more, these bits of advice might just be the things to help you. 

Let’s start with some basics! I went onto Facebook and asked what advice have you been given or would give to other bloggers who asked for advice. These were the best of the bunch...

Remember you do not need to blog everyday. Find a schedule that works for you. 

Niche down, of course you might be the lover of many things, just make sure you’re the master of one before you attempt another. 

Be Passionate. If you don’t truly love your work then it’ll show and the readers won’t come back time and time again to read it. 

If it’s not something you would say out loud do not write and publish it. 

Consistency is so important. People need to know when you’ll be posting so they’ll want to come back to your website. Even planning your posts in advance can help with this. 

Find a schedule that works for you. Too much can lead to burnout and too little can lead to boredum. Make sure there is the right in between

Brett Michael Orr: blog and Twitter @brettmichaelorr

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Holly SuttonComment

This is a guest post written by Amy from Amy Howard Social.

Don't we all want more Pinterest followers? Of course we do!

Believe it or not, there is a magical method to creating Pinterest boards that are optimised for gaining followers. The secret is, STOP pinning for yourself and START pinning content that your TARGET MARKET will love!

You need to be very strategic in what pins you pin and what boards you create. Today I am going to share my Top 10 Must Have Pinterest Boards for Gaining New Followers.

#1 | {Brand Boards} are a no-brainer, an absolute must, and totally necessary for your Pinterest account. Always place these boards as the first boards that you have.

Also, you should always pin YOUR BRAND PINS onto as many of your personal boards as possible. And for the love of sweet tea, please pin your brand pins onto group boards that you are a part of. Your brand is your baby, show it off first!

#2 | {Food & Drink} is the most popular category for both men and women on Pinterest.

Now, I am not talking about pinning your sweet mama's recipe of potato salad that everyone already knows how to make. Pin food and drink images that are appealing to look at, that you may never even make. Pinners are attracted to pretty images and will repin pretty food and drink images. Personally, I combined food + drinks together onto one board.

#3 |  {Home Décor} boards should be full of inspirational interiors.

Again, pinners want to see gorgeous images and will be attracted to pins that allow them to escape reality. Let's stay away from the pins that actually look like our homes, instead pin images that your target market wants their home to look like. Trust me, home décor images get A LOT of repins. You can take a peek at how I separated my home décor boards by interiors here.

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Holly SuttonComment

This is guest post written by Tash from The Bottom Step.

Firstly, it’s an absolute honour to have the opportunity to guest post for Holly!

This is one of the first blogs I found and loved. I think she has a real talent for posting great content and ensuring her readers are part of the conversation. So thank you again, Holly!

I’m Tash and I started blogging earlier this year. Whilst I haven't been at it for long, I do think there are some key lessons I have learnt on my journey so far.

I initially started writing as a way to hold myself accountable for tasks and goals I set myself, as I often found that I would set them and rarely achieve them fully. However, within the first few weeks of having my blog I found that I was becoming 100% more productive in all aspects of my life.

As I began to share these stories I started receiving great feedback from friends and family, and soon realised I was organically building engagement. This then gave me the motivation and the inspiration to build my little corner of the internet into something greater, but the question is ... How?

I wanted to focus today specifically on engagement and how to use this to grow your social media presence and in turn your blog audience.

#1 | Be Consistent

You may have already seen this title in 100 other blogs - talking about being consistent with your amazing content and your readership will grow. However, what many of them neglect to talk about is being consistent on social media in general.

Before blogging I had never really been a big fan of Twitter; however within a few days, I soon realised its benefit and the wealth of knowledge it offers.

But it’s so hard to be on it all the time and remembering to post 3/5 times per day on a regular basis - enter Buffer!

Buffer has become my new best friend. If you haven't heard of it, it’s a scheduling tool designed specifically for use with Twitter. It allows you to pre-write 10-100’s of Tweets in advance and schedule them to go live at set times.

This completely transformed my social media reach, gaining me engaged and loyal Twitter followers EVERYDAY! Now I don't have 1000’s, but the ones I have stay! They aren't ghost followers, they are people who are following me, because I post content that is relevant to them CONSISTENTLY!

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Holly SuttonComment

This is a guest post written by Cydney from The Good Life.

I've got a lot to thank for blogging.

Although it's been a turbulent journey, since the new year - when I started to really take pride in my content, got inspired and have so far managed to stick to it - I've already had so many opportunities open up for me. 

It helps that I've surrounded myself with like-minded bloggers and have also gained the confidence from running a couple of small time businesses.

But both the online and offline skills that I've gained through managing a blog has landed me a Creative Assistant role at a local company. So I'm living proof that your blog can lend a hand in getting you your dream job.

I have to pinch myself sometimes at how lucky I am to have landed this role. The company saw potential in me and didn't want to pigeonhole me as I have creative skills. I feel like such an entrepreneur as I literally handed them my ideal job description, and they hired me based on that. We agreed a real salary and contract, and I have now been there for just over two months.

This is a huge deal for me as I'm a young parent, have no qualifications nor a creative degree, and left college with barely a letter accredited to my name. I've just worked hard on personal development, networked and sought new challenges. I value my skills and my worth, and took pride in my hobby, treating my blog like a business and portfolio of my talent.

So, considering my journey and my success, I want to share the truly valuable skills that will make your CV shine and hopefully get you a step closer to where you actually want to be.

#1 | Online Marketing

So I'm guessing if you have a blog, you've probably got a Twitter profile, Bloglovin' page, Instagram account and maybe a Facebook page to go with it. If you're like me, you've probably got well over 500 pins on Pinterest too and actively use Snapchat, so you're already doing better than half the companies out there!

You can write a post, and half the success of a blog is knowing how to promote yourself and engage on social media, and you're already doing that! You're attracting like-minded people and showing off your passions and lifestyle in an appealing way.

Well hi, this is what every company/brand needs to be doing, and you're already a PRO.

Any company in the 21st century should understand the importance and potential of social media, and because you can do this with your eyes half shut, you can bring a huge amount of value on this basis.

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Holly SuttonComment

This is a guest post written by Natalie from Strategist Cafe.

Creating and designing is the best part of work for me.

I love developing useful content to help my audience and clients grow their business. The more content I create and that my audience can use and apply, the more I build relationships, brand awareness, and my influence.

 My goal is to always mass produce content, so that I don’t spend all of my time thinking of what to create next. I will also avoid possibly over planning and not being productive. It’s what most of us want for our business - we want to have all of our content organised and automated so we can focus on our clients and spend time with our families.

To mass produce content, it’s important to create in batches, no matter how many topics you cover. Batch creating will help you stay organised and productive in your business. So here are three tips to help you batch create more effectively.

#1 | Create content in themes or series

Creating content in themes or series helps you stay organised with your business, because it gives you direction in what to create and share with your audience. There are many different areas of business that our audience needs help with understanding, implementing, creating, adjusting, etc. This makes more work for us as we must fulfil the needs of our audience.

It’s easier to take care of our duties through themes or series. These are specific topics that we need to produce to deliver to our audience based on their responses and engagement with our content.

I find that creating in themes or series helps with creativity and productivity. Just because we create amazing content doesn’t mean that we have to use it right away. I create monthly themes. It’s the easiest way to talk about several things under one category.

For example, one month I covered content creation. Each week, I broke down content creation and the steps it takes to create useful content for my audience. A different week explained what content is and why it’s important for a business. Another week, I talked about different types of content, mistakes that are made with content creation, and how to organise content. Before I presented my audience with anything, I created and developed all of the content for each topic under this one specific subject.

I’ll share another example with you:

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Holly SuttonComment

The success of Instagram and Pinterest prove that people can take action purely on visuals alone. So why do visuals play such a huge rule on social media? Let’s break it down.


Here’s 5 Reasons Why Visuals Are Vital on Social Media

#1 | Visuals Are More Attention Grabbing and Memorable Than Text Alone

This concept has been around since the beginning of advertising. And if you’re a visual learner this is nothing new to you. A visual representation tells a better story and can play to the viewers’ emotions.

For example, if you’re hungry and you see a picture of a sandwich on Facebook, you’ll continue to read the ad. On the other hand, if it had been a post without the visual of a sandwich, it wouldn’t have had much affect on you and it’s likely you wouldn’t have noticed it.

It’s also important to point out time moves faster these days. Well, not literally, but it’s evident that our world moves at a faster pace and we digest content faster than our own parents did a few decades ago. We have a shorter attention span and respond better to short and concise messages. Hence the popular 140 twitter character limit. It’s easier for us to remember a visual post that caught our quick eye.

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Holly SuttonComment

This is a guest post written by Els Pontin.

For me, this came out of absolute necessity. 


 Around twelve months ago - I decided that in addition to a job that took around sixty hours out of my week involving a daily commute of one hundred miles, I would re-train as a Professional Coach.

For this, I would fill my every evening and free days honing my coaching skills. I would also start a business, be the perfect girlfriend, and move house. Said house had a garden which needed to be transformed from a field into a habitable space. It needed fencing, a shed and plants. Not to mention a lawn. I would also take a position that would fly me over to California for a month to re-invigorate my training skills for work. There’s more, but I won’t bore you.

Complete gospel truth, that was my year last year. 


Result - for a Type A, over-achieving, driven perfectionist who is a total ‘yes’ to everything girl and can absolutely juggle a million things at once, I got there. I completed the training, aced the final exam, started the business, juggled the many tasks at home, pretty much kept my relationship on track, saw my family just enough to keep them from disowning me and plastered a smile on my face to keep up appearances. 

Actual result. Complete and utter overwhelm, exhaustion, guilt and anxiety times ten - with a daily wave of feeling that I wasn’t doing anything well, I can’t keep doing this and I am the only person in this relationship that is coming last, ALL of the time. 

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Holly SuttonComment

This is a guest post written by Sarah Thompson.

Remember when you were little?

Anything was possible.

Everything was so magical, the big wide world was there for discovery and adventure. Step back to those days and loose yourself in my dreamlike world of art for a while.

I have loved to draw for as long as I can remember. It has always been a time where I get lost in my own imagination, a place where time passes so nicely. From hours of copying pictures of horses from books when I was small, to studying art to degree level, there has rarely been a time when I have not been creating something.

After my degree in fine art sculpture, I decided to become a primary school teacher, and art came in useful daily. It seems all children are born artists, and they inspired me alongside me inspiring them (I hope!). After a move from London to Dorset (south England) and having two, of my three, children, I stopped work as a teacher. During all this time, I was still constantly making my own drawings and paintings in my spare time, having local exhibitions and sales of my work.

My sister in law told me of a company who was always looking for new designs for their cards, so I thought I would have a go at submitting some. Unfortunately my designs were not really what they were looking for, but I really liked them, and I thought, ‘Well, if they don’t want them, I’ll turn them into cards myself!’ . So I did! That was the beginning…

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Holly SuttonComment

This is a guest post written by Victoria from Butterfly Crafts.

Blogging can be challenging can’t it?

Having to come up with new and creative content on a regular basis to fit whatever posting schedule you keep is hard work, and anyone who says differently quite frankly is lying!

I really enjoy blogging and am quite happy with my twice weekly schedule as that gives me time to be creative but also juggle other requirements on my time [day job and housework I’m looking right at you].

But what happens when the creativity runs out and you sit down at your desk/sofa/cafe/bath to write and there is nothing there? What is a blogger to do when the ideas run out?

This has happened to me a couple of times now and so I thought I would share my seven top tips for when the ideas stop flowing and you want to run and hide.

#1 | Get a change of scenery

You know the saying ‘a change is as good as a rest’? Well that’s just as true when you have a creative block. Take yourself for a walk or a run, go out for the day, or go somewhere you wouldn’t normally go, as you may find new scenery can help spark the ideas.

If that’s not really possible try and switch up where you work or blog from – usually work at your desk? Try the sofa. Usually work at home? Try a coffee shop.

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Holly SuttonComment

There’s quite a trend in the industry at the moment when it comes to making money with our blogs. And one monetising method that is usually really popular is the idea of ads.

But are they a good idea? Sometimes. For me - they’re a bad idea and I’ve never ever used them on my site.

So to help clear things up for all types of bloggers, I wanted to talk about the pros and cons for using ads on your website and also whether this is always the right fit for you. Let’s go.

How do people use ads?

I’m sure you’re familiar with what ads look like by the various different sites you visit, but I’ll quickly go through them just in case:

  • On their sidebar - This is probably the type of ad you see most often - an image in someone’s sidebar.
  • A blog network - Blogging networks have become even more popular recently. When you join one, you simply place an advert on your blog, which will then promote other blogs in the same network.
  • Sponsorships - This is like what you see on magazine websites - someone pays you a certain amount of money to advertise on a particular part of your blog.
  • EPC - This stands for earnings per click. Basically, it’s an ad you have on your blog and you earn money every time someone clicks it.

Don’t get me wrong - there are lots of other ways to use ads. But these are usually the most popular and the ones you’ll notice the most. Unfortunately, while a lot of bloggers are told using ads is a great way to start making money online, they aren’t told any of the potential negatives.

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Holly SuttonComment