Is video content a part of your marketing plan?

Want some tools to help you get more fuel out of each video you create?

In this post, you’ll discover how to repurpose one video into content that can be distributed on your blog, podcast and many social channels.

P.S. Want to create EPIC blog posts in way less time? Grab your free cheat sheet of the 30 best blogging tools below!


Have you heard the concept of “content shock”? This asserts that the amount of content being produced at any given time far exceeds the audience’s ability to consume it.

It’s SO important to produce high-quality content. But the reality is that 95% of your content won’t be consumed by a wide audience, no matter how hard you’ve worked on it.

I bet you’re familiar with the Pareto principle (also known as the 80/20 rule). It applies perfectly here. 

80% of your results will come from just 20% of your content. So 80% of your blog visitors will come from 20% of your blog posts, and so on.

So given this data, there’s a question lingering in our minds. How do you approach creating content that’s:

  • Valuable to your audience

  • Positions you as an expert in your field

  • And lets you reap the benefits of content and social media marketing?

The answer is content repurposing.

By reusing quality content you’ve created, you can populate several channels at the same time. All without spending time creating new content from scratch.

Before we get into the tips, let’s briefly go over the video content definition:

Video content marketing means creating and distributing valuable & consistent video content to your target audience. It has the aim of attracting, engaging, and converting qualified leads.

Video content marketing is a strategic marketing approach that puts the wants and needs of buyers first. We ultimately want to drive more profitable customer action.

As a video content creator, you have to consider how video can be integrated into every stage and channel of your marketing strategy. Including putting it alongside other forms of content like blog posts and podcasts. Your focus is creating video content that is:

  • Useful

  • Entertaining

  • Interesting

This will encourage them to engage with you further.

Let’s move onto how you can start repurposing your video content for multiple platforms.

#1 | Start With A Video

Video content creation is the most complex form of content to produce. But it’s also the type that can have the biggest impact on your business. It helps you create rapport with your audience and generate a solid reputation (provided the content is valuable to viewers).

The importance of video in marketing is tenfold. People engage with video more than any other form of content (written, audio, images, etc.). In fact, YouTube has an average session duration of 9 minutes and 28 seconds. That’s more than many other social networks.

Plus, video is easy to repurpose into content for your other channels. For instance, video content can work well for both YouTube and Facebook advertising. So you might reuse your organic videos and turn them into valuable Facebooks ads later on.

The best part is that you don’t have to be a professional filmmaker to create a video marketing strategy. All you need to get started is a smartphone. 

If you’re camera-shy, don’t worry. You can share your screen and create videos around a specific topic with slides and other forms of media. It doesn’t matter what type of videos you create, as long as you’re creating them.

Here’s the bottom line. Video content and production work can help you:

  • Get more sales

  • Position your brand as an authority 

  • Give value to your target audience

You’ve got a solid video in hand. Now here’s how to repurpose pieces of it to create written and audio content for your other platforms.

#2 | Use Rev To Transcribe Your Video

Rev is a service that will transcribe the audio in your video. The fee is $1 per minute to make a transcription. The turnaround time is 24 hours or less for videos that are 30 minutes and shorter.

To get started, sign up for a Rev account and then click the Services tab. From there, either upload your video files or enter the URL where you’ve posted or scheduled it.

Then you’ll see checkboxes for two additional services you can add to your order:

  • Timestamping will synch the audio with timestamps in the transcription.

  • Verbatim will include filler words (like um or uh) and nonverbal communication in your transcript.

After your make your selections, place your order.

#3 | Use Audacity To Rip Audio From Your Video

The next step is to rip audio from your video content.

To do this, download Audacity, which is free open-source software that’s simple to use. It’s available for both Mac and Windows.

To get started, you need your video file. If your video is already on YouTube, you can download it as an MP4. In YouTube Studio, navigate down to your video in Video Manager, click the Edit button and select “Download MP4”.

Once you have the video file, the next step is to extract the audio from it.

After you install Audacity, you also need to install the optional LAME MP3 encoder and FFmpeg library. To do this, navigate to Preferences, select Libraries on the left, and click the Download buttons next to both LAME MP3 Library and FFmpeg Library. Then follow the prompts to instal both libraries.

Once the libraries are installed, you need to import your video into Audacity. Choose File > Open and navigate to your video file.

Then choose File > Export > Export as MP3 to download the audio file to your computer.

Want to create EPIC blog posts in way less time? Grab your free cheat sheet of the 30 best blogging tools below!

#4 | Populate Your Social Channels With Content Repurposed From Your Video

You have all the elements that make up your pillar content (video, audio, and written content). Now you can use it to populate your blog and other networks. This is the foundation of your video content marketing strategy.

Your YouTube Channel

Upload your video to YouTube and use the transcription as the captions for the video.

In Creator Studio, navigate to your video and choose Subtitles/CC from the Edit drop-down menu.

Next, click the Add New Subtitles or CC button on the right and select your language (if necessary). Then click Transcribe and Auto-Sync, as shown below.

Now paste your transcript into the Video Transcript box. YouTube will replace the automatically generated subtitles with your transcript. This also impacts your YouTube rankings.

Your Blog

You can also use video content marketing and turn the transcript of a video into a fully-fledged blog post. Populating your post with the video content you’ve already created will also give you SEO benefits. Use internal linking within your posts for additional impact.

As an alternative, you can embed the video on your website to get some SEO value from having rich media embedded in your blog post, as shown in my example below. Summarise the main points of the video and paste the transcript below the embedded video.

Your Podcast Show

To repurpose the video’s audio, upload your MP3 files to a platform like Libsyn or Soundcloud to be used as a podcast.

Just upload the audio file, add a title, description and either publish it or schedule it ready to go.

Your Facebook page or Group

Upload your videos natively to your Facebook page and include the summary as part of the post. 


Take still shots from your videos and turn them into posts for Instagram. Use the summary in your captions to get more reach and send people back to your video.


Tweet your still shots, video and blog post, so you can populate your Twitter timeline with the same content. Twitter will also embed your video and audio platform posts in the tweets.


Turn your video content transcript into a PDF and upload it to SlideShare. This means you can get backlinks to your YouTube video and blog post.

Creating video content is an easy and highly effective way to start repurposing your content. It will allow you to walk away with lots of solid video content ideas and developed social media channels. It also doesn’t require any huge investments and can be managed in-house.

What do you think of this video marketing guide? Will you use some of these tactics to repurpose your video content? What tips can you offer? Please share your thoughts in the comments below!

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