Posts tagged social media schedule
How to Find Your Best Times to Post on Social Media

Have you ever wondered if people are actually seeing what you post on social media?

Your latest blog post, that question you wanted answering, your exciting announcement - it’s great to tweet about them. But what happens if no one is actually seeing your updates?

Social media is one of the best ways to get yourself out there in front of your audience. You can build relationships, share your content and truly make a name for yourself. In 2016, there are even Instagram stars - that just shows you how powerful social media can be.

But I believe that you can’t just use your social channels as and when you want to. I used to use them like this - posting what I wanted, when I wanted. Becoming a serious blogger make me completely change my view.

I believe that social media can’t be used without some sort of strategy - a strategy that involves timing.

Lots of things come into play when it comes to posting to Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. And one of the biggest questions that always comes into play is, “when should I post my latest update?”

That’s what Day 17 in the #BloggingBreakthrough challenge is here to tell you.

So let’s start with the basics - I know you’re all savvy. I know you’ve got common sense. I know you know that 4am isn’t going to be the best time to post a link to your latest blog post, because it’s likely that hardly anyone will read it.

Just as you know that lunchtime is a great time to tweet and Snapchat, because people are highly likely to be checking their social updates on their lunch break.

When I first started blogging, this is how I worked out my social schedule. I thought about the times that my audience were likely to be online, looked at some research, and picked my timings based on those things. Here are some facts that I found originally:

  • Weekend posts on Facebook get more engagement
  • During the week, it’s best to post to Facebook in the early afternoon
  • You’ll get the best engagement on Twitter in the afternoon
  • Instagram is always active
  • Pinterest is the best referrer of traffic
  • Never post a LinkedIn update during work hours

Looking at those facts for social media, it really narrows down the times when you want to post.

For instance, you definitely want to post something around lunchtime. Then there’s early morning and around 5pm as people are getting to and from work. And anytime in the evening.

But you can get even more specific than that.

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