Posts tagged jobs
Career 101: 5 Ways To Turn Your Internship Into A Job

In today’s world, employers are only looking for one thing – experience.

But where do you start? How do you get someone to take you on when you don’t have that much experience?

That’s where internships come in. 

Some people hear the word “intern” and think about coffee runs and tedious tasks. Yes, sometimes you might be asked to make a round of tea. But there stereotypes are exaggerated.

Internships are brilliant ways to improve the “Experience” part of your CV. They can build your professional and personal skills at the same time.

The subject of internships is vast. It could be a four week unpaid one at a magazine publication, like I did. Or a six month internship with a company, where you’re paid travel expenses. But usually, the pay will be low. So if you’re doing an internship it’s important to get the most out of it as possible. Best case scernario? You get a job out of it.

Research shows employers convert a third of their interns into full time employees. 

The value of internships is only going to continue to increase. The fact that you might be able to get a job out of it would be even better. But how do you do that?

Today I’m going to share some tips for how you can change your internship into a job.


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Career 101: What If I Don't Know What I Want To Do?

Picture the scene. You’re on the job hunt. You’re desperate to start work so you can start earning some money. You’ve got a degree in a certain field, but you’re not sure if you want a job based on that. Basically, you’ve got lots of great interests and a whole bunch of awesome skills but you’ve no idea what to do with them.

Welcome to the scenario for, probably, more than half of young people across the globe.

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How To Ace a Job Interview With These Killer Tips

You’ve found an ideal job and you’ve been asked to go for an interview – so what do you do next? What can you do to make sure you’re at your very best? What can you do to make yourself stand out?

According to this survey  the biggest mistake made at job interviews is the interviewee having little or no knowledge of the company they’re applying to work for. Two other high ones are failing to make eye contact and the way we dress and act.

To get to the point, there are actually a lot of factors during an interview that will help an employer to determine whether you’re right for the job. And sometimes, it can be very hard to know where to start.

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What's Always On Your 'To Do' List?

Everyone loves a list don't they? Whether you use sticky notes, pieces of paper or cute printables, we all love to note tasks down and try to complete them.

I read something earlier about 'to-do' lists that said:

Today's To Do List

Make to-do list

Cross things off to-do list

Celebrate completion of to-do list

If only it was that simple.

This then got me thinking about my own to-do list. Every night I write out my to-do list for the next day which usually consists of job hunting and then all things blogging, along with other errands and jobs thrown in between. 

At the moment, these two areas - job hunting and blogging - are so important that I'm devoting practically all my time to them every single day. But recently, I was thinking about other hobbies that I have and other fun tasks that I've still yet to complete on my to-do list. So as well as job hunting and blogging, I'm going to try and fit in one of my other favourite tasks every day, just so I'm that step closer to crossing it off my to-do list.

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