Posts tagged image style
How to Find Your Own Unique Image Style

This is one of the fun parts! Researching and determining what image styles will suit your blog should be enjoyable (especially if you’re a Pinterest freak like me) and not time consuming. I know it’s easy to get sucked in and start collecting a million ideas, then agonizing over what will actually work. So let’s break it down and get you some gorgeous images!



What Do You Love & What Does Your Audience Love?

This is probably something you think about often when considering your blog and who you’re trying to reach. And it plays a big role in finding imagery that works for you. 

First and foremost, anything you do has to strike a chord in your heart and then you can think about others. So when you’re looking at images make sure they light you up, feel inspiring, and resonate with who YOU are. 

Once you have that piece you can start incorporating how the images relate to your audience and what they love to see. Obviously some common sense should come into play here - if your blog is about chic interior design, posting selfies of you and your cat probably won’t win your audience over. Find that sweet overlap between what you love and what your audience loves and that will guide your images.

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