It’s here! Registration for our Free 5-Day Online Marketing Challenge is officially open for registration. We start on Monday 21st October and you can sign up here.

In this blog post, I’ll share exactly what we’re going to go over in the free challenge to help you attract more targeted ideal clients that you love working with month after month.

These simple lead generation marketing strategies are ones I’ve been using over the last few months to sell out my 1:1 private business coaching programme in one week. YES MY FRIEND - that’s not a joke, and these small, simple online marketing techniques are what helped me grow my online business.

Lead Generation Tips: How To Attract Ideal Clients Day 1

Day 1 is all about how to master your schedule and be productive with your business so you can really focus on how to make the most of your time.

If you didn’t get to read my blog post on how to use time blocking to get more done, read it here before the challenge so you can have a head start!

It’s SO important to be super clear on the actual tasks you need to work on in your business before you start doing “busy work”. And this is a big mistake so many product and service based business owners make. They ASSUME they know what those money making activities are or end up committing/wanting to do too many things, and then struggle to stay consistent. Consistency is the foundation of everything and it’s so important to track your time initially to truly find out WHERE you are spending your time, and most importantly, HOW you can make the most of it.

If you don’t do everything we cover in day 1 FIRST, you can’t move onto the next day - which is how to effectively communicate what it is you want to be known for. So be sure to show up fully on 21st October, and you’ll get that much closer to mastering your schedule, and how to use calendar blocking to get more done, reach more goals and make a bigger impact!

Lead Generation Tips: How To Attract Ideal Clients Day 2

How do I effectively communicate to people what it is I want to be known for? In Day 2, we’ll dive into the different strategies you can use to craft your own brand statement which truly is the foundation for everything else.

We’ll go over:

  • Identifying your brand story

  • Knowing your worth

  • Building trust from the beginning

I’ll teach you how to identify the different pillars of your brand story, the ones that are going to resonate and impact with your ideal client the most, and how these form the themes of what your weekly pillar content is going to be (which leads us nicely onto day number 3!)

Lead Generation Tips: How To Attract Ideal Clients Day 3

Day 3 is all about figuring out exactly WHO your ideal client should be and what their goals and struggles are so you can learn how to talk to them effectively.

It’s SO important to really be super clear on who you actually want to work with before you start posting about your products and services.  And this is a big mistake so many business owners make. They ASSUME they know what their ideal client wants and exactly who they are, since 90% of the time their ideal client is them before they transformed. And while that is 100% true, it’s still so important to do the market research to truly find out WHAT your ideal client wants and most importantly, how they SAY what they want.

So many business owners think it’s enough to simply post content here, there and everywhere and have people flood to their website or into their DMs. And while that happen at certain points in your business, MOST people (again, there are those rare unicorns), need to do the market research first to figure out three key things about their ideal client:

  •  What they want to achieve

  • Why they want to achieve it

  • What obstacles they’re facing along the way

Lead Generation Tips: How To Attract Ideal Clients Day 4

In Day 4, you’ll learn how to effectively communicate (in your content) what you learnt in Day 3 so that your DMs get flooded with messages and inquiries about your products and services.

My absolute favourite messages to get on Instagram go as follows:

“OMG! I’ve been following you for ages and I just have to say that I feel like you’re speaking directly TO me all the time.”

BOOM. Literally NOTHING makes me happier when it comes to online business. When I get those messages on the regular, I know I’m doing my job.

Because the truth of it is…you can have the prettiest Instagram feed, the best filters, a ton of followers and likes, but if you’re not truly connecting in a deeper way to your ideal clients through your captions and story, that fancy stuff WON’T CONVERT into paying clients.

Full Disclaimer: I don’t have a million followers or the best engagement rate on Instagram. But even so, I have filled my private coaching practice month after month, because my captions and stories speak directly to my ideal clients pain point and struggles. I spend time creating valuable content that will truly help female entrepreneurs build incredible businesses, and I take a lot of pride in that part of my business. I get DM’s daily thanking me for the content I put out there. So while I love pretty feeds, what CONVERTS people into paying clients is how you speak to them and how you relate to them, and Day 4 will be all about that.

Lead Generation Tips: How To Attract Ideal Clients Day 5

Day 5 is quite possibly the most important day of the challenge, because I’ll be going over the Top 3 CRUCIAL mistakes product and service based business owners make when trying to attract clients and how you can avoid them!

The 3 Main Mistakes I’ll Go Over In Depth: 

  1. Not having a strategy or launch plan

  2. Not TRULY speaking to their clients pain points & just speaking to “what they’re getting” vs “their result”

  3. Trying to do it all alone

I’ll also be pre-launching my Group Coaching Programme: The Busy To Boss Academy, which will start on 4th November. This will be like taking this 5 day challenge to a whole new level…think 5 day challenge ON CRACK (in a good way ;)) and I can’t wait to share what’s in store for those of you who decide to invest in yourself and your business for 2019 and 2020.  

Let’s just say…it’ll be YOUR YEAR for growing your business and creating a consistent marketing strategy with EASE (but still hard work!)

So there you have it! This 5 Day Challenge will be OFF THE CHAIN (yes…I went there)…#sorrynotsorry.

It’s time you stop stressing every month when you fall off the wagon with your content and wonder where your next client is going to come from! If you’re willing to learn how to build an impactful and sustainable product or service based business, one that can generate you consistent income every single month, register for the free challenge here. 

See you on 21st October <3

Tell me about you! Do you struggle with online marketing and lead generation to attract new clients? Which of these tips will you implement?