Since I got my new job last September, life has been really good.
It’s hard to believe it’s been almost seven months since that chapter in my life started!
During that time, I feel like I’ve had more revelations than I’ve had in my whole life. It taught me a lot and now, I feel like I’m a much better person because of it. I went through hard times, suffered and came out the other side.
I remember this time last year, starting another new job in which I wouldn't be happy and almost reaching rock bottom.
Given all the other bad jobs I’d had up until this point, plus feeling lost with my blog and letting my relationships suffer, I found myself stuck in a negative way of thinking. Every situation I was in, I thought negatively about it, and I couldn't find a way to change my perspective.
I knew it was all down to me. And part of me wanted to tell myself to get a grip, snap out of it and be happy. But the other, bigger part didn't know how. So the negativity continued.
I was stuck in that way for a good few months, having negative thought after negative thought.It was affecting everything. My blog, my relationships and the way I saw myself as a person. I wasn't happy with myself.
For a long time, I’ve always been a high achiever. I’m the type of person who has high expectations and wants a lot for myself. But to be perfectly honest, being in that negative place twelve months ago made me think I’d never get to where I wanted to be.
Dealing with my expectations has never been my strong point - I’ve always believed that if I act in a positive way towards others then they’ll do the same. It didn't take me long to figure out that sometimes this just isn't true. I’ve also always found it difficult to see the bigger picture. When I’m in a situation I usually have tunnel vision, and if that situation is a bad one, my negative thinking takes over. But I knew I needed to shift my mindset in order for me to grow and move forward.
So since that moment last July when I thought there was no way out, I forced myself to do a re-boot. I forced myself from that point on to start changing my mindset. Because really, it’s all about how you perceive things. It’s all about how you look at something. And even if a situation is negative, you can do the best you can to find the silver linings.
Today I wanted to share with you the four simple things that have made a huge difference in changing my mindset, giving me the confidence to believe in my path and trust that everything is going to be okay.
If you’ve been feeling stuck with negativity and not sure how to change it, I know these tips will give you what you need to allow your thoughts to change.
#1 | Be grateful and do good things
The feeling of negativity means there’s negative things in your life right now that you need to change - big or small. Your first step is to identify what those things are. But what’s even better is to shift your mindset away from what’s dragging you down, and focus on what’s pulling you up and making you smile. Those little moments of happiness are the most simple ways to snap out of your current mindset and make you feel lighter.
Do you keep a gratitude journal? Try it. At the end of every day, write down three things that you’re grateful for and one thing that has made you smile today.
#2 | Reconnect with your purpose
Often when you’re stuck in a state of negativity, it’s because you’ve lost sight of who you are. You've lost sight of what you’re doing and why you’re even doing it in the first place.
Today, I really encourage you to start reconnecting with your purpose and rediscover who you are. Revisit what you love and what fills you up, and then remind yourself why these things are so important to you. Why do they make them a part of you?
This simple thing will help change your mindset completely - because if you believe in yourself and know who you are, then you’ll be happy.
#3 | Be around positive people
Rather than filling your life with negativity through other people, focus instead on what’s positive in your life right now. Words and stories can really affect us and make us think negatively about situations in our own life that we otherwise wouldn't have thought about. It’s up to you and only you to not let these affect you.
Taking intentional steps to surround yourself with the right people will help you to change your mindset. It really doesn't matter how fast it changes, as long as it’s going in the right direction.
Every positive word you see or hear will take you closer to the positive life you want to lead. Curate people who only fill your life with happiness and you’ll take a step closer every single day.
#4 | Create a daily habit of doing something positive
Make a commitment to creating a habit out of doing something positive and you’ll soon see a complete change in your mindset.
Look at your life and figure out where you get happiness from. Take a minute at the end of each day to write down what’s created this happiness. Make it a priority.
Trust me, it’s amazing what you can do with a positive mindset. Why don’t you try it?