What if I told you that if you follow this step-by-step schedule, you’ll get at least 100% more traffic from your social channels?

Big claim, right?

I was equally a bit nervous but also very excited to hit publish on this post. But I really wanted to talk to you about the recent growth of ABOH, because I know exactly what you can do to see an increase in your own blog traffic.

Running a blog can sometimes be like a guessing game. I remember when I first started writing posts and sharing them out on social media, with no real strategy…and then waited nervously to see if anyone would read my content.

To give you a mini overview here, I first learnt properly about social media in early 2013 and launched my blog that September. Over time, I’ve worked in social media and in my second full-time job, I increased the company’s social following by over 300%. After working in the industry and learning as much as I could, I switched up my schedule in March of this year and started my new strategy in April. Since then, my social traffic has increased by exactly 128.57%.

The goals I set myself for the first half of this year for social were met way before June arrived. I didn’t think it would be possible, but I challenged myself to use social in a really strategic way. And it’s paid off. I’ve had this post planned for ages. Finally, today, I’m going to walk you step-by-step through the exact social media posting schedule that will help you boost your traffic by 100%. 


I've even got a checklist for you - it's the exact Twitter schedule I use to generate follows, shares, retweets and likes on a daily basis. Twitter is my biggest traffic referrer and with this, it can be yours too. Sound good?

Increase how often you post to social media

One of the most important parts of this increase in traffic was how much I actually shared to social media. Altogether, I now send out at least 16 tweets per day, three Instagram posts and I’m prepping a new Facebook strategy that’ll see me sharing three updates on there too. That doesn’t include the amount I use Snapchat or the tweets I just send out spontaneously. If you think about it, that’s a hell of lot of updates.

At first, I was nervous about sending out so many social posts and annoying people. Normally, I’d post between 5-10 updates per day on Twitter and one on Instagram, so I knew this was going to be a huge change. I also knew that actually, I was creating so much content on my blog, that surely getting it out there on social more often would get more people viewing it, right? 

It turns out people didn't get annoyed. I haven’t lost any followers - if anything, I’ve gained more at a faster rate than ever before. And instead of getting less engagement, my content is now being like and shared more than ever before.

It was kind of overwhelming to me at first, because I felt really bad about being so active in everyone’s feeds so often. Yet people seemed to like it…or at least, the people who always engage with me do 😉. I’ve had some amazing responses from people in terms of the variety of content I’ve posted, and I screenshot them all to remind myself of how well this schedule is working. 

The trick is that even though I’m posting social updates so often, I still make sure they’re valuable, personal and relatable. It’s very rare for me to share a piece of content or write a social update that I don’t believe in, which is why I believe my audience and engagement has grown.

Find your optimal posting times

Before I started posting content at at times when my audience was most active, I was averaging around 100K impressions on twitter. Take last month when I had a whole month of adapting my schedule every week to make sure I was posting at times as optimal as possible, and I was averaging around 225K impressions. It’s kind of crazy how quickly my impressions have increased, but I attribute that to tweeting more, sharing more of my content and interacting more with my audience. I honestly don’t promote my social accounts all that much (I should do it more really), but as my strategy has developed, they've seemed to grow pretty naturally by themselves. 

Undoubtedly, finding and utilising my optimal posting times has helped my content reach a hell of a lot more people, which in turn has increased my traffic.

You can follow this tutorial to discover your own optimal posting times in this post: How to Create Your Personal Social Media Posting Schedule in 5 Minutes.

I created a specific and varied content schedule

Let me tell you - scheduling 16 tweets per day on Twitter isn’t easy. If anything, it was exhausting, because at first, I found it so difficult to come up with ideas of what I’d actually tweet about. Before, I just used to share my blog posts and other people’s posts. I hardly sent out just a general tweet spontaneously or asked my audience questions. 

The first thing that helped was deciding to actually share social updates more often. That took a weight off my shoulders. I then filled in the first gaps with my own blog posts. So on the day a post goes live, I’d make a note in my schedule to share it three times a day (using different updates for each) - the actual total would be four, including the link that’s shared on Twitter automatically through Bloglovin’. Then I’d make a note to share a post from the previous day, one from two months ago and one from three months ago. That was six tweets out of 16 already gone.

I was worried about sharing so much of my own content - would people get fed up and think it was too self-promotional? Sure, some of the tweets didn’t get as much engagement as others. BUT despite my fears, overall, there was still more engagement than I’d predicted.

To me, that means there will always be people in your audience who are on Twitter at very different times of the day, which means the more you share your content, the more you’ve giving a larger amount of people the opportunity to see it. Plus, it isn’t really as self-promotional as you might think - that still gives me ten tweets to work with that aren’t sharing my own content.

Then it was time to fill in the rest of the schedule. 


Want the  exact order of the schedule to help you be a boss on Twitter?

Here are some of the other things you want to add into your posting schedule:

  • Your blog posts
  • Other peoples posts
  • Quote
  • Thoughtful Statement
  • Question
  • Morning message
  • A social platform
  • Something you want to promote

Let’s go through these in a little more detail.

Your posts

The party is your blog, right? Well your social messages are invitations to that party. If the invitation isn't intriguing, no one will come to the party. So if your social posts don’t arouse curiosity, no one will click on them.

Each message needs to be a call to action, whether you’re sharing your blog posts or something else. You need to make them see the value they’re going to get, get them to challenge a belief or make them feel they’re missing out on something amazing.

Here are some different ways you can do it:

Ask questions

According to CoSchedule, close-ended questions actually get more engagement on social media than open-ended ones. So you need to be sharing things like:

Want to be a pro at scheduling tweets? Use my secret method to find out how.

Are you using Snapchat in the best way for your blog? Click through to find out more.

The fact that your audience will only have the option to think “yes” or “no” means they only have to click once to find out the answer and make some improvements.

Give advice that makes people think

You see advice on social media everyday. These are the hashtags you need to use. This is how to promote a post. It’s all the same. It arouses your curiosity, but it doesn't really surprise you, right? Why not share something out of the blue instead? If you’re struggling to stand out in a sea of messages, this is the way to do it.

A post I wrote on this blog a while ago called, “You Need to Update the Way You Create Content” is a perfect example of this. It’s tough to hear that you need to change something, or that you’re behind the times. But being slightly controversial like this actually means more people will click on your social links.

Before you think this is too out there for you - it isn’t. Try it. I bet you’ll see big results.

Use quotes

Chances are, you’ve got a lot of amazing quotes ready to share on social that you don’t yet know about. Where are they? In the content that you write each and every day. 

Pull a quote from one of your posts, or from the research you did when you were creating your posts, and use that when you’re next promoting something. If you complement that with a call to action like “here’s how to do it”, that’s going to get people to click through to read your content.

Deliver a benefit

At the core of every blog post that you create is a problem that you are solving for your audience. Readers are selfish, we all are. We’re not going to read something, unless we know we’re going to get something out of it. We want to read something that’s going to better us in someway.

Take the title of this post. I could’ve written the headline as: How To Create a Brilliant Social Media Posting Schedule. But instead, I crafted it with two keywords in mind:


That will. This is offering my audience a benefit, value and an emotional reason for them to read my content. Like you’re doing right now 😉


Want to know the exact way to do this on Twitter?

Other people’s posts

Basically, you want to follow the exact same ideas as above. Don’t just share the headline. Share a meaningful update when you’re sharing the post and it’ll develop an even stronger connection between you and the person who wrote the post. 

You could even say how it’s helped you - that’s an even better claim.


These are straightforward. Quotes work brilliantly on all social media platforms. Here’s how you can make it different for each one:

  • On Twitter, share the quote as text and use #qotd
  • On Facebook, share the quote as a graphic and write a sentence backing up the quote. Or even better, ask your audience a question like, how does this quote make you feel?
  • On Instagram, share the quote as a graphic (customised with your brand fonts and colours) and write a short paragraph on why you’ve chosen this particular quote

Thoughtful Statement

AKA, a quote taken from one of your blog posts. I do one of these per day and they work really well. Nobody knows it’s taken straight from your content - but the beauty of this is that you’ve already create the quotes ready to use.

One of these I shared at the end of 2016 I put as my pinned tweet at the top of my profile - it got nearly 300 retweets and over 300 likes.


You want interaction? You’ve got to ask for it. Comments on blog posts, answers to your survey and on social media - it applies everywhere.

There’s a really easy way to do this:

  • Pick something recent that you’ve pinned on Pinterest
  • Use it as an image in your tweet and ask your audience a question about it

I do this everyday and I always get responses. 

Morning message

The simple power of a good morning message. You can either use it to share some motivation with your audience, wish them to have a good day, celebrate the weekend - anything goes.

A social platform

Have you ever tried sharing one of your other platforms on a social channel? Instagram on Twitter, Snapchat on Instagram, Twitter on Facebook. There are endless possibilities and it really works.

You don’t need to do it obviously. There are very subtle ways you can do it that are tailored to your personality and your audience.

Something you want to promote

If you use a free opt-in on your site, a way to get more people to download it (and sign up to your mailing list) is to promote it. Create a pin for it on Pinterest and pin it to all your boards and group boards. When you get chance to promote something in a Facebook group, do it in as many as you can. Tweet about it once a day. If you take part in an Instagram challenge, use the day you get to promote something as your chance.

Use the content ideas above for your different updates and take inspiration from other people. Let me tell you - all of these work. 

A Final Note

So there we have it, friends. I hope this post helps you in some way and opens you up to a new way of thinking with social media. It doesn't have to be a struggle. It doesn't have to be overwhelming. It can actually be really fun.

Even though creating and perfecting this schedule took a lot of time and work, I really enjoyed putting it together and it’s been so worthwhile seeing the results that have been generated. And if you follow it too? Well, I just about bet you’ll feel the same.


Got any questions or thoughts? Leave them below and I'll get right back to you!

Holly SuttonComment